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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. There's nothing Hazard can do technically that Hatem can't. His problem is physical conditioning and mental focus. And playing in a team of near statues.


    Hazard strikes a ball better, has more pace and far more vision/intelligence. To put it down to a few extra fitness sessions and a bit more mental application is ridiculous, even by your standards.


    Ooooh Ben Arfa strikes a ball ridiculously well. Not sure about that one.


    Hazard's dribbling is a lot more direct which makes him far more effective, and I'd agree his vision and intelligence are many levels higher than Ben Arfa. Those are the real clinchers.



  2. Italian defenders are pretty tough, well the better ones anyway.


    Not sure what was seen in him at a young age to think he was a defender.


    Especially as he's pretty technically gifted, and could likely have been developed in a number of other positions.

  3. This is the kind of game they would win, more due to Arsenal mucking up. They'll then get all exited, and then lose to a horrid team soon after.


    Having said that I really hope Arsenal pull it off tonight.

  4. I'm not saying he's on the same level as Ramires who is currently a much better player but that's how Sissoko should be used.


    Totally agree. I compared him to Ramires a few pages back. Similar kind of strengths and weaknesses.

  5. You think Pardew would consistently challenge for Europe with Everton if he was buying his own players? :lol:


    Actually, when you put it that way ...  :lol:


    I guess when I think about how the team looked when we had Carroll, Barton and Nolan under his stewardship, we did look a lot more convincing.


    I would class these, as more of his types, if you see what I mean.


    I don't know. I think if by some miracle we did manage to get rid of Pardew. It would be something of a letdown if we went with Moyes, mostly because our whole setup just doesn't appear to be conducive to allowing him to succeed.


    Even at Man U, I was so confident he would struggle, moreso because of the players at the club, and the type of players Man U fans expect to sign. That Mata signing is a classic example. He was already struggling with a similar type in Kagawa, but went out and got the exact same type. It felt a bit like he was signing someone he felt he should.

  6. Moyes is clearly better than Pardew, yes.


    However unless he's bringing in the exact type of players he wants, I'm not sure what the point would be.


    I could see him struggling to integrate the players Pardew has also struggled to integrate.


    Pardew I have to say, would probably not look to dissimilar from Moyes at Everton, if he brought in exactly who he wanted.

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