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Posts posted by KaKa


    The manager thing tends to come into play if there is competition for the players, with two clubs offering similar financial incentives.

    The player chooses whoever is willing to pay most. You had Kewell choosing L'pool over a prime Arsenal for an extra 10k.



    It's not the Manchester United way to fight for the complete player anyway (unless from a British club). Perfectly capable of signing an Ajax Suarez, a Yohan Cabaye, Spurs Modric. Who did Cabaye want to come and play with?


    It comes down to money and negotiations.


    I see what you're saying, but I think these things do play  a role for some players for sure.


    Cabaye was so underrated when we signed him it was untrue! Besides, I think he was all set to join Villa ahead of us because of Houllier, but then Houllier got ill and left.

  2. I wouldn't feel so bad about Sunderland in the league cup if we ever looked like bothering with a domestic competition under Pardew. It's my main problem with him.


    Especially tis season, when we are under no threat of relegation, and are kind of entrenched in our current position.


    Really should have gone for it this year, if ever.


    Ridiculous guy.

  3. The manager thing tends to come into play if there is competition for the players, with two clubs offering similar financial incentives.


    Also, one of the problems Man U has is that they don't currently have a bunch of other players that many would want to play with really.


    It's just Rooney and Van Persie really, and Rooney's contract is running down and he's refusing to sign.


    Not a good situation.

  4. Man City are winning the cup whatever.


    Don't trust them in the final either, after last year's debacle.


    Can't afford for Sunderland to make that final, as weird crap starts happening.


    Can't rely on Moyes tonight though, the dufus.

  5. Carrol, Diame and Morrison are the only players up to anything. I love Carrol roughing up the opposition. He's had some nice touches as well.


    Don't worry we'll get him back this summer. Feel so certain it will happen if West Ham go down.

  6. No chance whatsoever? It's January and they're 6 points behind.  There's no reason why they can't go on a good run when Van Persie and Rooney return. They've a lot of catching up to do, but it's not beyond them.


    I hear what you're saying, but for me they don't even pass the eye test.


    They've looked poor all season, and even going back to pre-season in fact!


    Even when Rooney and Van Persie were available they still didn't look that great.


    Morale is now super low and I just can't see them getting out of this funk.

  7. Montpellier President Louis Nicollin speaks to RTL on Cabella-Newcastle confusion

    Montpellier President Louis Nicollin has told our colleagues at RTL that nothing at all is done for Remy Cabella and that nothing will be done (this month).


    ‘I have no intention of paying enormous taxes this year, because the budget closes on the 30th June. I would prefer that he leaves on the 1st July, or later. Then, and only then, if there are good offers, that will allow us to have a great next season, especially if we are in Ligue 1.’


    ‘There is however no question about it happening now. I have heard everything in the last days. It is all baseless.’


    This suggests that Louis’ son Laurent Nicollin’s claims that an agreement had been made with Newcastle for the transfer of Remy Cabella for June to Midi Libre is indeed false. Montpellier manager Rolland Courbis also had his say just days before the false Newcastle-Montpellier agreement for Remy Cabella stories were announced yesterday.


    He had the following to say:


    ‘I think Newcastle are interested because they will definitely say yes to PSG for the money (Cabaye). But us, we are not stupid and to give Cabella for Cabaye to these English people, is rubbish!’


    ‘There is already one of us who is over there (Yanga-MBiwa) and I wish him all the best.  I think that Remy deserves something else other than Newcastle. Me, personally, I would not go over there. You have to p*ss yourself over in Newcastle… in London, okay I understand.’


    Get French Football News would like to apologise to any reader who was yesterday confused by our reporting of the situation. As you can imagine, the developments in the past 24 hours have been highly contradictory.




    Has he been watching Geordie Shore or something?  :lol:

  8. I think Man Utd are f***ed personally, in terms of the title race anyway. At least until the summer after next season. They need to get new players in asap, but as soon as they do they then need to think about replacing some of their ageing players. It's Man Utd, so they can't just pick up players for £5m here and there, they need top quality. Look at their squad compared to Man City and Chelsea to see exactly how much improvement they need. Both of those teams will be buying players while Man Utd buy too. Their main problem right now is funding this restructuring, especially after already spunking over £25m on Fellaini who isn't good enough imo.


    I never thought Moyes was a good fit for them when he was appointed, and I still don't think he is. They need someone who already knows how to build a title winning side rather than someone who needs to learn. They also need someone with a reputation that attracts big players because if quality is available then they're more likely to go to a Mourinho side etc than a David Moyes one, especially after he struggled this season. I still think they'll just about finish top 4 this season, but if they don't it'll be interesting to see how Moyes handles the pressure from the over privileged glory hunters.


    One thing they won't get from me is sympathy. These people* think they deserve success, that they have a right to just take it and how dare they go one season without winning something. They've laughed in everybody else's face for years too and when they lose a couple of games in a row they like to tell supporters of less successful clubs how bad they have it. In an ideal world they would float around mid table for years and the glory seekers would f*** off to another sport, but it's not going to happen.


    *Not all of their fans, obviously.


    Can't believe people are still saying this  :lol:


    No chance whatsoever.

  9. Will retire and be added to the coaching staff.


    We will then sign no strikers this month or in the summer.


    Due to an injury crisis, he will then have to come out of retirement to play games next season, a la Scholes.


    He will still fail to remain onside, score no goals, and constantly have his head in his hands.


    Pardew will claim he has been brilliant, as Ben Arfa is kept on the bench.


    The Sho will go on and on and on and on ...



  10. Henry is a good comparison. Henry wouldn't be at his best playing up front by himself. He should be playing from the left.


    Woah! Henry had far more to him. He could hold the ball up and link play fantastically well, in addition to drifting to the left.


    Remy isn't as strong at all. He's been disappointing in that lead role, for the most part.

  11. SSN. JFK saying no player to leave. Cabella only chased if we get an injury. Basle winger Salah interesting us. De Jong, Gladbach want £10m, we want a loan deal before permanent.


    Dude is still on crack apparently.

  12. Even how s*** he was last season is overstated given the position he was being played in, as a wide forward. I never saw him put in a poor performance in a central three.


    Let's stick Anita in the position that Jonas played all season and see how he gets on. It's not fair to call him worse than s**** when we've all known for years that even in the second tier, his attacking contribution was lacking in comparison to others, yet the manager was practically playing him up front all season.


    I adored Jonas as part of a central three.


    Just don't understand Pards man.

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