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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Saw Douglas say that Pardew is trying to get a "10" i hope that is true because we desperately need one IMO just as much as a striker i reckon.


    All the top clubs have one.... Liverpool has Coutinho, Everton has Barkley, Spurs and Man Utd have a few and the top 3 have loads.


    Desperately need a player of that ilk i'd say, instead of trying to shoehorn players into that role and it not working.


    That's if its true mind which is most likely isn't.  :lol:


    If you actually watch Coutinho play and how many times he messes up going forward, and how useless he is at the defensive side of the game, he'd join HBA on the bench at our club under Pardew and we'll continue our search for another no. 10 with 2 perfect ones rotting on our f***ing bench.




    TBF Coutinho should be rotting on the bench for what he has produced over the last couple of months. Had a great start and dare I say was the reason Liverpool went so well in the spring, but as soon as the winter hit he's been horrible.


    And yet they've continued to allow him to play through it until he figures it out, and gets more consistent, because they know he has the talent to be a key difference maker.


    We're stuck firmly in mid table now, and are not struggling to stay in the league like last year. Why not just let Ben Arfa play, and figure things out, as we are not under threat of going down.


    It's just awful.

  2. This thread should be so much more fun ...


    Predictions on goals and assists by season's end for example.


    I'm saying 4 goals and 5 assists, and becoming and another stick to flog the impotent Pardew with.


    Don't be silly. I think he'll be okay though, you'd think he was Amdy Faye from posts on here.


    I know, I know, wasn't being entirely serious.


    However, I could see him having a few moments, and it being used to further castigate Pardew, which to be fair, I would be all in favour of.

  3. Arsenal without Theo man ... Need that pace getting in behind.


    Should have started Podolski wide left.


    Not just pace but finishing and movement too.... he's by far the best goalscorer at the club, the only one who will genuine pace which puts defenders on the backfoot and looks to stretch teams.


    Maybe one day people will respect him instead of the tiresome "he should be a sprinter hur dur derp."


    Oh definitely, his movement and finishing are both great. I like Theo. He's quality.

  4. Immediately this guy came on, he was looking to make things happen.


    Exploded past a few defenders, and all of a sudden they looked more vulnerable.


    It is bloody outrageous this guy doesn't start games, and have far more time to make things happen.


    Fair enough, if he starts and he is having a mare, then take him off around the 70 min mark.


    This crap makes no sense whatsoever. If he ends up at another club in the prem, we will regret it terribly.

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