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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Please have mercy on us and just sack Pardew.


    Just? We don't want to end up with Brian McDermott on an 7 year deal. We need a manager with a modern continental approach. I also think now would be a good time for them to come in and acquire a bit of premier league knowledge under no pressure to the end of the season.


    For me personally, I'm ready for anyone but Pardew right now. Anyone.

  2. You only have to look at Adam Johnsons current form to see that a good manager can work wonders with a player.


    Our manager is a talentless t***. Draw your own conclusions.


    Such a terrific point.


    Look at what Adam Johnson has started doing under Poyet, after looking like a huge flop after that big move to Sunderland.


    I don't know why people can't appreciate that this guys struggles are really just further evidence of how bloody awful Alan Pardew is.

  3. Listen you have done many many many wrongs, which goes without saying.


    Please have mercy on us and just sack Pardew. Give us some relief from this unspeakable hell.

  4. The manager just needs to get a hold of him and tell him to take his time.


    The same way the manager just needs to get a hold of Ban Arfa and tell him to keep it a bit more simple, but still enjoy himself.


    These guys need some good man management and positive reinforcement.


    I guarantee the manager does neither, instead he harps on about tracking back and getting stuck in, and could give a fuck about anything else.



  5. Q: What position was he playing today?


    Started in behind Shola, then left and then right. Our genius of a manager with his usual panic driven chopping and changing.


    This boy has been devastating on the right. Why cant they just leave him there to do his thing for fuck's sake!!!

  6. I don't want to hear about the players we're missing. Our squad of players were all still better than Sunderland's.


    We are talking about a 0-3 loss at home to these scrubs, again!


    Pardew just makes me want to root against this team so he suffers, and eventually gets the sack for being so unbelievably hopeless.


    Cant even just enjoy the friggin football on the weekends.

  7. I will forgive every Ashley offense if he sacks this guy. Bring on Kinnear as manager.


    This man is an absolute disgrace. A spineless, no testicle having disgrace of a manager, and a man.



    What ?



    I will honestly take anyone over Pardew now. I swear.


    I cannot stomach the guy anymore, completely repulsed by everything he says and does at this point.



  8. Newcastle update from BBC's Ben Smith:


    "Newcastle's bid for Lyon midfielder Clement Grenier has stalled and there is no sign that the clubs are prepared to restart talks. At this stage, no other arrivals are expected at St James' Park before tonight's deadline."


    Thread closed until summer



    And there it is! Closed for business.


    We knew this 24 hours ago


    Maybe even a full transfer window ago.

  9. Holtby hasn't impressed me when I've seen him play like. Not that it matters as we wouldn't have been in for him regardless.


    They hardly ever played him off the front man, where he has to play imo.


    Kept shunting him out wide.


    Same with Eriksen ironically, who is playing out wide now too. He has more pace and is a better athlete in general, and so he can still be effective there.

  10. Newcastle update from BBC's Ben Smith:


    "Newcastle's bid for Lyon midfielder Clement Grenier has stalled and there is no sign that the clubs are prepared to restart talks. At this stage, no other arrivals are expected at St James' Park before tonight's deadline."


    Thread closed until summer



    And there it is! Closed for business.

  11. Okay if there is any upside to not getting a replacement for Cabaye it's that Pardew will have to play Ben Arfa more.


    I swear, if we sell this guy that really would be the biggest friggin disgrace.


    “I like his confidence and he has trained very well,” said the Toon chief.

    “But I would suggest I might be a better judge than he is.

    “He hasn’t had much game action and this is the Premier League.”



    You play Shola, i suggest you're absolute c*** of a judge Alan.


    "This is the premier league."


    What a stupid comment. Pompous git.

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