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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. They have little to no creativity tbf.


    They do need someone like Mata even if he means someone playing on the right, anything to make sure Young and Valencia are banished from the pitch would be a good move.


    They obviously need those things as well though.


    Little to no creativity, I agree. But does Moyes do creativity?


    He has Kagawa and Zaha who he hasn't managed to utilise well at all.


    At Everton I don't recall any creative types under him either.


    Not sure what he is going to do with Mata personally. Think he has been encouraged to get him. Not sure it will work.

  2. Awful the way the just set out to defend from the second half onwards, no matter how bad a team Fergie had out they would still have gone for the 2nd goal, this one is on Moyes.


    He doesn't have the spirit to manage the club. Terrible appointment.

  3. Knew they'd choke.


    Moyes reeks of negativity.


    That team didn't look full of confidence and gusto, and they haven't all season.


    Look at someone like Zaha, not saying he's the answer, but he's enthusiastic, energetic, excitable, takes risks, and just enjoys playing the fucking game.


    Moses hates the kid! Just a dour old goat.

  4. Cisse is the kind of player that needs good service, needs to be full of confidence and needs to be playing week in week out, in order for him to prosper. When one or all of those things don't happen he loses heart and confidence and will look like a donkey. He is a good player and on his day a supreme goalscorer. He needs games though, same with Ben Arfa. He has been in and out of the side and played out of position or sync quite a lot since the start of last season and that more than anything has effected his form in front of goal. He needs a clean break from us and we need to move him on anyway because he's not suited to the way this manager has us playing, the tactics and those he selects. What we need is a f***ing beast of a CF, not a goalscorer as such, but someone who can take care of a few central defenders, win headers, is mobile, quick and good at linking up play.


    Amen, hallelujah!

  5. Just like the Ozil deal, I don't think Mata is solving a problem for them but he'll be a superb signing.


    Wouldn't say that about Ozil at all.


    He's essentially a replacement for Fabregas, as far as picking out that killer pass goes.


    Their other attacking midfielders don't quite do it to that standard in the no.10 role.



  6. His hold up play was decent when he joined aye. Wasn't ever particularly good but it was decent. It's fallen to pieces and his general hold up play is legitimately terrible now. Has been so from the start of last season.


    It is atrocious at the minute. He's getting pushed off the ball, or it's bouncing off of him. Urgh, just a mess.



  7. Moyes is such a creep with that Januzaj. He's obsessed with him being some sort of super hero.


    The guy was playing really well out wide, where by the way, no one else has performed consistently well for them all season, so what does he do?


    He forces him in a central role, to make him more of a star or whatever ... so now they're back to getting nothing from the wings.


    In addition to this, the likes of Kagawa and Hernandez are now playing second fiddle to the cheeky Tom Daley wannabe. In reality one of those two should be central with Welbeck while Rooney and Van Persie are out.



  8. No idea where Mata fits into that Man U side.


                                    Phil Jones




    Valencia Mata Rooney Januzaj Welbeck Kagawa Young

                                    Van Persie



  9. When he first joined, I don't ever remember thinking his general play was appalling at all. He's clearly completely lost his confidence.


    A startling fall from grace, as he does nothing right at the minute.


    I blame Pardew.

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