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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. No way Spurs would sell Holtby for £5m.


    They only got him for £1.5 million, and are keen to get his wages off the books.


    I just read that he is on £67,000 a week, so scratch that.


    We won't even approach being on the verge for him.

  2. He's not in the highest bracket of player. Jesus wept.


    From the guy that paid £27 million for Fellaini  :lol:


    Based on that fee, they should have to stump up £30 million minimum for Cabaye.


    Cheeky git.

  3. Man at some point these guys have to have some perspective. £2.3 million a year. This is something most people wouldn't ever dream they could make growing up, never mind at 21 years old.


    Personally, I would accept that and be in the first team with Gerrard, Suarez and Sturridge, rather than training hard all week for nothing.


    I do get your point though, I'm sure my take on things is not a popular one.

  4. Surely it makes far more sense for the 21 year old to take the pay day than the 28 year old who has already had his pay day?


    Liverpool want him at 21. He will make his money either way for sure if he is playing regularly and performing well.


    My point was if he was 28 and having not made it to a more significant club, then maybe he'd feel it was a last chance to do so, and get that final big pay before retirement.

  5. You say Liverpool aren't relevant, but what does that really mean. Suarez is tearing it up for them and is getting massive recognition.


    Cabaye has elevated his reputation massively since coming to us. He was such a low key signing when he came to us it was unreal. That team was all about Gervinho and hazard. Now Cabaye is the main man in the French team. How relevant are we?


    Salah will go and join Demba Ba on the bench for a relevant team, but will become an irrelevant player.


    I'd much rather be a relevant player for a less relevant team anyday.

  6. Didn't mean for that to come across as having a go at SEMTEX if it did. Sorry  :lol:


    I just think these players are so idiotic, and don't really consider the long term ramifications of these moves.


    Look at Scott Sinclair. Was flying at Swansea then opted for Man City and didn't play for a whole season. Now the guy can't even feature regularly for West Brom. He's been set back massively.

  7. The Salah guy must be an absolute moron tbh. The players really do p*ss me off just as much.


    The guy is going to be a part time scrub on that team. Why settle for that.


    I know more money, I mean f*** me, you're going to be paid handsomely either way. Go somewhere to play you tit.


    This is Wilian to Tottenham all over again, as they screwed Spurs over royally, but at least Wilian plays now.


    He's going to the team who play in London, offer the biggest payday and the greatest potential for a medal. It would be hard for any young player to turn down. There should be restrictions in place to stop clubs acting like this, but I'm not about to blame the player.


    Liverpool are on the up, will definitely pay him well, and he is more likely to play regularly in the first team.


    This London shit is peculiar to me it really is. These jokers train a coupe of hours a day. Go into London after, or on your days off for goodness sake. So over the top.


    If that was your son you would honestly advice him to go to Chelsea and end up like Sturridge did, or Demba Ba is now?


    I will never understand it. The guy is a moron.


    And the medal thing?! What point is that if you played the odd 15 mins here and there. I'd throw the thing away.

  8. The Salah guy must be an absolute moron tbh. The players really do p*ss me off just as much.


    The guy is going to be a part time scrub on that team. Why settle for that.


    I know more money, I mean f*** me, you're going to be paid handsomely either way. Go somewhere to play you tit.


    This is Wilian to Tottenham all over again, as they screwed Spurs over royally, but at least Wilian plays now.

  9. I don't think it's Moyes that is the key to the lack of swagger though, it's just the simple absence of Fergie. Except for Mourinho/Guardiola coming in, it was inevitable.

    Ah yes I agree. Moyes is better than he's being given credit for


    Yeah, he's not terrible, but it's just an awful fit.


    Remember the robust Chelsea team Mourinho first had? Now that sort of team would suit Moyes much better.


    I think he's more akin to that sort of team and approach.


    He'll have to change the Man U team drastically to achieve that sort of team though.





  10. It's funny Moyes has actually been publicly telling these players they're crap all season, albeit indirectly. Could never see Ferguson doing that.


    It's no surprise they keep getting worse and worse.

  11. IMO the gloss of being Man Utd./Champions/Fergie's Boys has exposed the players. Some of them realising they are not as good as they thought and consequently playing even worse as a consequence.


    It's confidence. Confidence in scoring, defending, attacking. They've lost all of that Man Utd. swagger. Part of it is down to Moyes no doubt, he's not a bold manager. He doesn't give players that swagger and belief. But the s**** defending, poor finishing etc. isn't his fault.


    I rate Hernandez as a poacher. And from what i've seen from him with Mexico, while not talented at holding up and bringing others into play he has a lot of effort and at least tries. In this team he looks hopeless. Nervous. I'm sure that's the same with most of them.



    This is absolutely key. Ferguson made people believe they were far superior players, as they played for Man United afterall. It's just an approach and mindset really.


    Moyes has none of that kind of attitude, self belief or outright arrogance.


    It's why from the beginning I felt that he would tank. He's a negative, cautious sort.


    All those players who have overachieved for Man U over the years, are now actually underachieving!


    Terrible appointment.

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