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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Rumours re Chelsea offering us 25m plus Lukaku on loan for a year.


    Given that, were we to keep Benteke a year, and he did well, he'd be off next season anyway, if they were stupid enough to offer us that, I think I'd be tempted to take it.


    Can't believe this. Lukaku imo is the more talented player, and is three years younger!


    I think you lot should try and get a swap deal of some sort. They'll probably then be back for Lukaku next summer at £30 million.



  2. Why is DiCanio doing it blindfolded?  :lol:


    Man, I can't help but feel people are in for a rude awakening once the season kicks off.


    Be very careful not to underestimate the changes being made at Sunderland. Particularly because their being done in very good time, and all these guys will be settled in well ahead of time.


    I'm concerned.

  3. I would be disappointed if we lose Krul, Cabaye, and Cisse, and then fail to bring anyone in.


    That wouldn't strike me as a sensible thing to do. I hope we don't do that.


    If it isn't sensible we'll probably do it then.

  4. These guys are going to be good aren't they ... I can just feel it.


    I miss Martin O'Neil terribly. He would have blown their whole budget on Adam LeFondre by now.



  5. Oh and for the record, I'm calling it right now, considering Bony has signed for Swansea, I predict he will be this season's Benteke, as far as exploding onto the scene goes.


    We on the other hand have nothing to be excited about ... absolutely nothing. Well except Joe Kinnear. Yeah, he's awesome isn't he.


    How much have you seen of Bony, is he really that good? I've never seen the lad.


    I've seen a bit of him, not huge amounts, but my comments are more based on the way Swansea play, and the opportunities they create.


    Bony is a good athlete and is just no nonsense. He likes to have a shot (bit like Martins). Think he'll score a good amount.


    And it will annoy us all a great deal, even though we all know we were only ever in the loop.


    We suck.

  6. Meh, I suppose I can take Thiago going to Bayern better than going to ManU, Pep's there afterall, which is a strong reason for him.


    Of course, there'll be all the hair pulling about "Pep's betrayed us!!!" for weeks, but I don't care much about that. Bayern Munich's manager should look after Bayern Munich's interest, not Barça's.


    Redcafe is in meltdown, so at least I'm entertained.


    Gutted because he's exactly what we need and I can't see anyone else out there that is available to us, especially for that sort of money.


    Oh well. Hopefully Kroos doesn't get gametime and f***s off to us next year. ( I know. No chance. :( )


    Don't worry Moyes will bring Gibson back home for you.

  7. Oh and for the record, I'm calling it right now, considering Bony has signed for Swansea, I predict he will be this season's Benteke, as far as exploding onto the scene goes.


    We on the other hand have nothing to be excited about ... absolutely nothing. Well except Joe Kinnear. Yeah, he's awesome isn't he.

  8. Personally, I don't see Taylor as a particularly strong or dominant aerial defender.


    Wouldn't have him over Yanga-Mbeezy just because he's taller.


    I would have more faith in Yanga-Mbiwa eventually adjusting and finding a way to deal with the more physical forwards. Even if it means dropping off, and dealing with the flick ons or whatever.


    I think, based on the second half of last season, he's got the potential to be amongst the best players around.


    He's still rough around the edges, though. I've never seen a player get offside so often, for example, and sometimes his first touch is abysmal.


    I think this coming season is crucial for him, it really is. If he goes somewhere he's not going to get a run of starts, like Chelsea, I think there's every chance he'll go backwards, quickly. He also needs the team set up to play around him, which is what we did last year.


    He's a t***, really. He needed to stay, have a decent season and build on what he achieved last year, go to the world cup, do ok there, and he could basically move anywhere he wants. Instead, he's got involved in all this unseemliness instead.


    Benteke is in the perfect situation at Villa imo.


    Spearheading a young and upcoming team. No reason to leave just one season after breaking through.


    Slow down young man, slow down ...

  10. Apparently the only offers for Benteke are from Spurs and they have all been derisorily low. This from the mouth of the son of a member of the board.,


    Benteke's agent - who apparently is an absolute nightmare to deal with, even by football agent standards - has told him to out in the transfer request. Benteke is his only client, he's known him since he was a kid, he's basically his meal ticket.


    I think his agent has advised him badly. There's no way Spurs are going to pay our valuation of him, if they're the only option.


    Basically, he wants to be with his mates Lukaku, Hazard and De Bruyne in London.


    If his agent reckons Levy is going to offer enough to get him, he's not really advising his client very well.


    I am increasingly starting to think he'll be here this season after all. He can't play the c*** and go on strike or mope around all year as he wants to go to the World Cup and start games.


    Spurs man ... always over price their players, and then want to buy other people's for nothing. Scumbags of the highest altitude.


    They should fork out for a more proven striker and all if they are really looking to keep Bale and push on.


    Dirty cheapskates.

  11. Leroy Fer apparently in Norwich doing the medical today. Five year contract being talked about.


    He failed the Everton medical no? What could have changed in 6months?


    Really :lol:


    So is he never supposed to pass another medical then?


    6 months is a decent chunk of time. I'm sure he would have probably healed up by now.


    He was looking good for the under 21s when he came on. Sure he's fine.

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