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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. These wives for goodness sake ... want to have their cake  and eat it. They enjoy the comforts that him being a footballer brings, but then start crying off home. It's part of the package. I mean damn! Sign up for English classes at a local college, and get out there and meet some folk. Learn about a different culture. Enjoy it! So frustrating.

  2. Been talking to a friend of mine from France, and Aliadiere has apparently been really good this season, and has alternated between the left hand side and upfront. Has scored a number of goals and assists already.


    The guy is 29 though ... so this would be quite surprising. Probably a cheaper short term alternative if we can't get who we're after.


    Not sure though. That guy loves getting injured. He'd probably sprain something just getting off the plane.

  3. Heard a couple of weeks ago that there was a personal issue which could lead to a hasty departure, but absolutely nowt to do with the Pardew storm in a teacup or MacDonald's rubbish.


    Can only repeat that this has nothing whatsoever to do with football, it's a huge personal issue and he needs to get away.



  4. Pardew explained: “I would suggest we are being as aggressive in this window as anyone. We’ve done our homework.


    “You can’t force someone to agree a contract, you can only put your best case forward and your best offer forward and go from there.


    “If you put yourself in the ­position of the agent and you have a player that is desirable, and a really good club comes in and a lesser side comes in as well, you sometimes have the impression – because of the interest and the media coverage – that an even bigger one will come in for your player. So why sign early?


    “Even if terms have been agreed, they are waiting to see if a more attractive project becomes available.


    “Sometimes everybody just wants to sit and wait.”




    Hmmm ... looks like Pardew is trying to tell us something. Maybe this is the case with Remy?


    What do you guys think if it is? Does the club move on if he's essentially agreed to come, but is just waiting to see if other offers materialise fornow.


    Bit of an annoying situation really.

  5. This MLs striker thing looks a bit worrying.


    Or not, could be a good player. Never know.


    Big lad.


    Pardew wants a target man type, so wouldnt be surprised if that MLS striker link is legit.


    His latest comments about getting a striker that would help Cisse's game sounded like he wanted to partner him with someone. Also went on about wanting someone with power and pace.


    We were after De Jong and Carroll in the summer window moreso than any other striker it seemed.


    It looks like the idea of getting a striker /winger type like Remy and Aubameyang was more of the fall back option, which would then mean having Cabaye behind Cisse.


    Pardew wants to go 4-4-2 it looks like. He wants his lump of flesh up top.


    Seems an unlikely one. Isn't he out injured until at least March?






    Sounds about right then!

  6. Wouldn't harm having a proper targetman alongside Cisse for certain games, especially off the bench. However I hope the forward winger style player is our default setting and played for most part.


    Think a proper workhorse to play for Cisse would work very well. Dare I say it Carroll might be a good option for that role. Am I type casting to think Danny Graham is basically a cheap version of Carroll?


    Options, proper options to change games. f*** me I need a lie down.


    Me too. Really looking forward to the end of this month.

  7. :lol:

    This MLs striker thing looks a bit worrying.


    Or not, could be a good player. Never know.


    Big lad.


    Pardew wants a target man type, so wouldnt be surprised if that MLS striker link is legit.


    His latest comments about getting a striker that would help Cisse's game sounded like he wanted to partner him with someone. Also went on about wanting someone with power and pace.


    We were after De Jong and Carroll in the summer window moreso than any other striker it seemed.


    It looks like the idea of getting a striker /winger type like Remy and Aubameyang was more of the fall back option, which would then mean having Cabaye behind Cisse.


    Pardew wants to go 4-4-2 it looks like. He wants his lump of flesh up top.


    Yeah, you're probably right. That's why we went for the winger type forwards first.




    You cheeky git!


    The only other striker we've actually bid for recently (and it was last window) was De Jong, and he was no winger/striker.


    Was propbably looking to play Remy uptop with Cisse anyway.


    Pardew frightens me. Cisse is going to remain on the right forever. I can smell it!

  8. This MLs striker thing looks a bit worrying.


    Or not, could be a good player. Never know.


    Big lad.


    Pardew wants a target man type, so wouldnt be surprised if that MLS striker link is legit.


    His latest comments about getting a striker that would help Cisse's game sounded like he wanted to partner him with someone. Also went on about wanting someone with power and pace.


    We were after De Jong and Carroll in the summer window moreso than any other striker it seemed.


    It looks like the idea of getting a striker /winger type like Remy and Aubameyang was more of the fall back option, which would then mean having Cabaye behind Cisse.


    Pardew wants to go 4-4-2 it looks like. He wants his lump of flesh up top.

  9. Speaking to Pardew put him off apparently. :lol:




    How embarrassing, but so not surprising if true.


    Pardew probably hardly has any real idea who he is!


    God we need a new manager ...


    We've just bought arguably Frances best right back in his prime for somewhere around that amount.


    Ultimately this is a big part of young English players not getting enough opportunities in the prem.


    Can never afford the ones you like!


    £6 million! For Nathan Redmond?! Absurd.

  11. People have been frustrated by Sammy, but I still like him.


    He's a young winger, and though his decision making has been poorat times, I think he'll get better with that.


    I like the fact he isn't scared, and at least goes at the defenders all the time.


    I think as he gets a bit stronger, he'll be a much better player. Quite feeble at the moment.


    Don't think he'll be anywhere as annoying as Shola is.

  12. Alan Pardew has almost 0 say in our signings. If he wants a player and he's relatively cheap and young we'll go for him. That's Obertan and possibly Demba. the rest? HBA, Cabaye, Anita, Cisse, Marveaux et al. NO CHOICE.




    Wait? Is this a complaint?


    If he knew he could only work with players hand picked by himself, then he shouldn't have taken the job tbh.


    The one thing we are definitely getting right at the inute is the calibre of players we're recruiting. We could do with getting a few more in, and in a timely manner, but we have some damn good players.


    Pardew should bow out if he doesn't know what to do with them, and is instead pining for his Jason Puncheons, Danny Grahams and Adam Llalanas.


    No it's not a complaint. I do think we need a proper DoF though. Atm it's just Ashley & Lambias signing the players they can afford that are highly recommended by Carr it seems. I don't think they really consider the needs of the team when we sign players which has led to an unbalanced squad. A DoF woudl bring some continuity even if we change managers as the same type of players would be signed.


    I'm pretty sure they said, the manager let's them know what areas need strengthening then Carr and his team provide a list of players in that position, which they now discuss with the manager to determine the best options.


    They could be lying of course. I mean, who knows.


    The thing is though with the team we currently have, and have had at all points this season, eveen with the injuries, Pardew has consistentyl lined them up horribly.


    Therefore, even if players are signed randomly, he's still had enough to work with, but he plays wrong formations, or people in wrong positions.

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