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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Di Maria is absolutely terrible on the right. Not everyone has the ability to play both sides of the pitch. His right foot is unspeakably poor, and even worse he has no confidence in it. He has wasted acres of space on the right by cutting back onto his left innapropriately or just crossing badly with his left when he shouldn't be using it. Rubbish.

  2. Nolan doesn't look like he is in good enough shape, and certainly doesn't play like he is in good enoguh shape either.


    Really would be unfortunate if he gets a new contract, as his condition will only deteriorate with each passing day.


    Really shocked seeing those passing charts from Punk. Never been impressed with his general play, but those charts are alarming. He really doesn't do much at all in terms of being involved in build up play. Awful.

  3. Kakartoon.


    Whatever ... there are some seriously arrogant twats on here.


    Its okay to disparage certain players, but you say something quite legitimate about one of the favourites, and instead of arguing their own point people get personal. I won't have it. It's nonsense.




  4. Will be seriously dissapointed if Nolan is in the first team next season. Disgustingly conditioned athlete, who cannot contribute to any kind of general play, and he is supposed to be a central midfielder?! Just not good enough. The sad thing is if he actually committed himself to getting in decent shape he would likely be a pretty good player, but at the moment his contribution to play is inexcusable.


    A central midfield goal poacher?! Just doesn't make sense really. Tiote has saved him this season, and should exploire the legalities of laying claim to half of Nolan's salary. Does anyone remember how awful he was alongside Butt or Smith the season we went down? I will never, ever forget. That player is only one injury to Tiote away from making a return to the team. Looked completely off the pace against Stevenage for goodness sake.


    Hope Pardew is just massaging his ego a bit. I'm worried.


    Nolan never once played alongside Smith the season we went down, you utter mug.


    Way to completely miss the point.


    So Wullie, I noticed you have been quite absent from the Leon Best and Pardew threads, desperately waiting for them to screw up so you can finally get in there? Last I remember you were lambasting Pardew for not starting Ranger ahead of the worthless Best. How's that working out for you? Your the biggest mug on here you dunce. Waiting with baited breath for Ashley to do something wrong so your lifes purpose of moaning can be further fulfilled?


    Don't worry the forum awards will be coming around again soon, and you can vote me worst poster and get that warm glow of satisfaction that it provides to your pretty sad existence. Chump.





  5. You Nolan fans are just a bunch of fanboys in love with his silly chicken dance and cheeky chappy routine. The guy is a very poor central midfielder. Instead of claiming I'm clueless, how about telling me about the contributions to general play you all seem to see him make on the field that I don't. He is invisible out there the vast majority of the time. No one can dispute this.


    Does Nolan get up and down the pitch - no, does he win the ball back at least sometimes? - no, does he dictate play and spread the ball about a little bit? - no, he just lurks around the box to nick goals, but he's a freakin' midfielder! The guy is a fraud, and no serious club would have him for free. Despite this great tally of goals he hasn't been linked with anyone of note, while all our other midfielders have been, including the much maligned Jonas. Nolan is hopeless.

  6. Will be seriously dissapointed if Nolan is in the first team next season. Disgustingly conditioned athlete, who cannot contribute to any kind of general play, and he is supposed to be a central midfielder?! Just not good enough. The sad thing is if he actually committed himself to getting in decent shape he would likely be a pretty good player, but at the moment his contribution to play is inexcusable.


    A central midfield goal poacher?! Just doesn't make sense really. Tiote has saved him this season, and should exploire the legalities of laying claim to half of Nolan's salary. Does anyone remember how awful he was alongside Butt or Smith the season we went down? I will never, ever forget. That player is only one injury to Tiote away from making a return to the team. Looked completely off the pace against Stevenage for goodness sake.


    Hope Pardew is just massaging his ego a bit. I'm worried.

  7. Means f*** all under this regime and f*** all with modern footballers. Contracts that is.


    Um no actually ... it means if someone is interested they are going to have to pay a hell of a lot more than they thought they would previously have to. If people start throwing around insane amounts of money then players are going to be sold. No surprises there. As long as the club is honest about re-investing this money then ultimately it should allow for progress to continue to be made.


    You only have to look at how Tottenham have built up their squad by following this pattern. It's about not letting players leave unless someone pays ridiculous amounts, and then ensuring this money goes back into the team.

  8. Can't believe people claiming Carlton Cole is worse than Shola. Absolute insanity. He's stronger, quicker, works harder and is far more of a handful than Shola for goodness sake. He's a bit stiff and can look awkward, but if we are looking to get a prem experienced targte man sort, along with another striker who is more of a goal scorer, then Carlton Cole wouldn't be a bad shout. Definitely rather him than Crouch or Elmander.

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