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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Isn't Enrique really just throwing the gauntlet down to the club. Give him a new contract, which he deserves, and improve the team over the summer so they can compete better? Think that's what he'd want most tbh.

  2. Maintained from the off that he was an okay player who could improve if he got games. Only just turned 24 at the end of last year too. A useful part of the team going forward for sure.

  3. This Spurs side are awful.


    Poor without Bale & VdV?


    Modric too


    They have the biggest squad in the league, they should be able to cope without a few decent players.


    The players out on the pitch at the moment are playing as if they simply can't be arsed.


    A few players? we're missing our entire starting midfield (Lennon, modric, Huddlestone, Bale) and strike force (VDV and Crouch). As well as a few other players.


    It's a central midfield problem. Without Huddlestone and Modric the rest aren't really up to par.


    Back in the game though!

  4. This Sunderland team is really good now. Muntari is so much better in the premiership it's untrue. Sessegnon looks a serious threat as well. Gyan just continues to score the goals, and every game looks dangerous. Not good.


    You should support them instead.


    Says the Andy Carroll and Liverpool supporter!


    That doesn't even make sense. Nice one.


    About as much sense as your statement did. Didn't you have some sort of Breakdown after Carroll left? He's only accross the way at Liverpool, surely you're supporting them now? No?


    Yeah, I had a breakdown. :lol: :lol:


    Carroll was our player until we sold him you f***ing moron. I'm not the one who slags off our players and bums those of Sunderland.


    Oh right, so every Newcastle player is brilliant and beyond reproach, and every Sunderland player is crap and incapable of being good. Very mature.  :thup:


    Sounds like the way a f***ing moron might look at things. Ironically.


    You and alpal78 could do with looking up 'straw man argument'. You might both learn something.ah


    Nah, can't be bothered. Doubt that I could learn much from you Davester.



  5. This Sunderland team is really good now. Muntari is so much better in the premiership it's untrue. Sessegnon looks a serious threat as well. Gyan just continues to score the goals, and every game looks dangerous. Not good.


    You should support them instead.


    Says the Andy Carroll and Liverpool supporter!


    That doesn't even make sense. Nice one.


    About as much sense as your statement did. Didn't you have some sort of Breakdown after Carroll left? He's only accross the way at Liverpool, surely you're supporting them now? No?


    Yeah, I had a breakdown. :lol: :lol:


    Carroll was our player until we sold him you f***ing moron. I'm not the one who slags off our players and bums those of Sunderland.


    Oh right, so every Newcastle player is brilliant and beyond reproach, and every Sunderland player is crap and incapable of being good. Very mature.  :thup:


    Sounds like the way a f***ing moron might look at things. Ironically.

  6. This Sunderland team is really good now. Muntari is so much better in the premiership it's untrue. Sessegnon looks a serious threat as well. Gyan just continues to score the goals, and every game looks dangerous. Not good.


    You should support them instead.


    Says the Andy Carroll and Liverpool supporter!


    That doesn't even make sense. Nice one.


    About as much sense as your statement did. Didn't you have some sort of breakdown after Carroll left? He's only accross the way at Liverpool, surely you're supporting them now? No?

  7. This Sunderland team is really good now. Muntari is so much better in the premiership it's untrue. Sessegnon looks a serious threat as well. Gyan just continues to score the goals, and every game looks dangerous. Not good.


    You should support them instead.


    Says the Andy Carroll and Liverpool supporter!

  8. The good thing is he finds himself in goal scoring positions every game. He's still a bit in over his head, but there's something encouraging there. A bit more confidence for him today. I think with a run of games, which he will have to have now he will get better. Nowhere near as infuriating or dimwitted as Shola, despite not being at Shola's level yet. I for one appreciate that much at least.

  9. This is an important result. We were going to lose the game anyway, and so this hammering will be a massive wake up call and will relay the gravity of the situation. Pardew has to completely reconsider how he has been using the players int he team recently. Needs to re-arrange things. Pack the midfield and put one uptop and try and grind out a few more results to stave off relegation. This stupid 4-4-2 with Nolan as a central midfielder will DEFINITELY relegate us.

  10. I can't believe people think this is down to Carroll leaving. Please don't be daft.


    Today's result is what happens when you play a hapless slob in midfield against legitimate top class athletes with speed and mobility and ability with the ball. I bet the Arsenal players can't believe how easy it is bypassing our midfield. Just avoid tiote and your scott free!


    Will you get a f***ing grip, man. Your constant Nolan bashing since the interview is f***ing pathetic.


    Look back further. I've never liked Nolan. He's an absolute liability and has cost us far more goals than he has scored. Look at the state of the man. How can a prem footballer be so out of condition. It is unacceptable. He can hardly move out there. Did you watch the Stevenage game? He couldn't even keep up with those guys.

  11. A goal every 6 mins. This is hilarious. If Nolan doesn't get dropped after this ... well I don't know what will do it. I don't care how many goals he has scored, he is an abomination in that midfield. Play him upfront so he can just stand in the box, because that's all he does anyway, or get him out of the team. Arsenal will score 10 today if Pardew doesn't change that midfield.


    And replace him with who?


    Barton has to play in there with Tiote. I don't care how brilliant he has supposedly been on the right. There's no more Carroll to aim for now. Barton in the middle, more for his engine than anything else. He will find good form in the centre alongside Tiote. Guthrie can then play on the right. Nolan should not be in that Newcastle midfield.

  12. Kaka aiming to set himself a new low amongst stiff competition from his previous drivel. What sort of an arsehole do you have to be to criticise someone for getting elbowed in the face, Jesus Christ.


    When do the 'worst poster' nominations open so he can clinch my vote for a 17th successive year?


    'worst poster' nominations  :lol:


    My feelings ... how they ache so  ;D


    There were 19 sets of cheeks that could have found their way onto that elbow. Trust Shola's to be the one. Not only did they locate Sidwell's feeble elbow, but they then couldn't even withstand the impact, and chose to break. Weak! The guy is a bozo plain and simple. Sick of him.




    Oh f*** off man you absolute loon.



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