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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Just to follow on from Doug's very good post. Sending the Prime Minister, the Prince and Beckham did reek of desperation and was quite over the top really.


    Utter rubbish.




    So... we shouldn't have sent such key figures? :facepalm:


    The Prince and the Prime Minister took away from the football feel. Just felt a bit "glitz and glam" with little substance. Do they really care much for football? Really? That Man City worker was the most captivating bit. Beckham made a lot of sense too I guess because he's had a great career all over the world really, and has a lot of pull.


    It won us the Olympics!


    Oh well. Who knows. Just seemd a bit much. It's clear FIFA's emphasis was moving towards giving it to places where they felt that the money would aid some sort of development and improvement of infrastructure etc. England should have found more of an angle such as this to play up. People always go on about how much grass roots football is struggling over here afterall. I don't know ... should have played that up more perhaps? It's unfortunate.



  2. Just to follow on from Doug's very good post. Sending the Prime Minister, the Prince and Beckham did reek of desperation and was quite over the top really.


    Utter rubbish.




    So... we shouldn't have sent such key figures? :facepalm:


    The Prince and the Prime Minister took away from the football feel. Just felt a bit "glitz and glam" with little substance. Do they really care much for football? Really? That Man City worker was the most captivating bit. Beckham made a lot of sense too I guess because he's had a great career all over the world really, and has a lot of pull.

  3. Just to follow on from Doug's very good post. Sending the Prime Minister, the Prince and Beckham did reek of desperation and was quite over the top really.


    Yeah, we could have done with a lifeless presentation and the handing of £££ to FIFA.


    More Eddies who was the best part of your presentation, and less of the posh well off to do sorts would have been better.

  4. This. What are you basing all the "it was the shittiest World Cup I've watched" on? It was s*** to watch on the tv? Oh I'm sure it would have been f***ing awesome if it had been in England....


    There wouldn't have been f***ing vuvuzelas destroying the atmosphere in every f***ing match for a start.


    Probably best that England don't ever win it then. Just in case the South Africans bring their vuvuzelas with them.


    South Africa won't make it to WCs they're not hosting, so no.




    No, loads better African sides competing for those five spaces.

    Despite being horrific from 2006-2010, they've appeared reinvigorated since this June. It's actually happened quite rapidly as they looked very poor before the World Cup.


    The world cup was a huge boost for them. South Africa are coming for sure. They will be one of the emerging African teams by then.

  5. This. What are you basing all the "it was the shittiest World Cup I've watched" on? It was s*** to watch on the tv? Oh I'm sure it would have been f***ing awesome if it had been in England....


    There wouldn't have been f***ing vuvuzelas destroying the atmosphere in every f***ing match for a start.


    Probably best that England don't ever win it then. Just in case the South Africans bring their vuvuzelas with them.


    South Africa won't make it to WCs they're not hosting, so no.



  6. Multi Millionaire footballers, 67 million just to premier league agents last year,

    Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of us are bled dry in grass roots football

    The hypocracy of our bid, talking nonsense of helping billions of youngsters through the empty rhetoric of  'Football United' whatever that means.

    I could not think of anyone better to represent the paper thin facade of our game where everything is syphoned off to the top than a Royal prince, an old Etonian prime minister and the grotesqe ubercelebrity of brand Beckham.

    Shed no tears for any of them, they will continue to line their pockets, that should heal their pain at least.


    Some interesting points indeed.

  7. This. What are you basing all the "it was the shittiest World Cup I've watched" on? It was s*** to watch on the tv? Oh I'm sure it would have been f***ing awesome if it had been in England....


    There wouldn't have been f***ing vuvuzelas destroying the atmosphere in every f***ing match for a start.


    Probably best that England don't ever win it then. Just in case the South Africans bring their vuvuzelas with them.

  8. If there is one thing SA had plentiful amounts of, it was racism and poor infrastructure, yet they pulled off a great WC. I think Russia will be a fine host. I think I might want to go to that one. I've already seen Ukraine, but I imagine Russia will be somewhat different.


    Yeah, think it will be good too. Somewhere different that's for sure.

  9. W

    I don't think that their is a better defender out there that would come to us, who


    A. Isn't nearly passed it like Campbel is.


    B. Would play for us for less money than Taylor.


    C. Would be as loyal to us as Taylor would be.





    Who do you suggest like?


    David Wheater supposedly linked with us if Taylor goes. Wheater's contract is also up at the end of the season.


    Don't see much different between the two.


    Highly doubt Wheater's demands would be as high as Taylor's, particularly as he would be coming from the Championship. As you say there is really no difference between the two ability wise and so it would make sense to go for Wheater rather than give Taylor more money than he is really worth.

  10. I don't think that their is a better defender out there that would come to us, who


    A. Isn't nearly passed it like Campbel is.


    B. Would play for us for less money than Taylor.


    C. Would be as loyal to us as Taylor would be.





    Who do you suggest like?


    David Wheater supposedly linked with us if Taylor goes. Wheater's contract is also up at the end of the season.

  11. Carlos Vela widely tipped to join a championship club on loan in January. We really shouldn't let that happen. Would be absolutely criminal. Would be a realistic player to eventually sign permanently too, as he isn't really looking like he will get a chance to come through at Arsenal anytime soon.

  12. For me to not care much for this Barcelona team, would be for me to not care much for football tbh.






    It's true.. They embody the idea that football is a technical game more than a physical contest..


    Hmmmm ... you imply any physicality is wrong though, which I wouldn't agree with. Because a team isn't Barcelona, doesn't mean they are then automatically Stoke. I love players like Essien, Drogba and even our very own Tiote, but they aren't typical Barcelona players necessarily. Barcelona are great, but mixing in some players who are more direct and physically powerful isn't a sin. There are actually physical players out there who can alos play the game well, albeit it slightly differently. Not all of them are lumps.

  13. Madrid have no real leaders.. Pepe is like a child, Carvalho is clueless and only there for Mourinho and the money, Casillas can only have so much influence etc, its a group of individuals. It took José two seasons to mold Inter, although this game doesnt say who'll win la liga or the champions league, it might take more time before Real will look and play like a real Mourinho team..


    Boring, defensive, but clinical?


    I found Chelsea's Mourinho more entertaining to watch then Barca's four-hundred-passes-a-game style of football. Don't get me wrong, they've been amazing tonight, but sometimes its like watching handball.  To each his own.


    In a way I can understand where you're coming from. Barca can be quite self indulgent sometimes I agree.


    Luckily Mourinho is not at all like that...


    I think we were discussing the way the teams play football and not the managers. Two completely seperate things. Don't muddle things.

  14. Madrid have no real leaders.. Pepe is like a child, Carvalho is clueless and only there for Mourinho and the money, Casillas can only have so much influence etc, its a group of individuals. It took José two seasons to mold Inter, although this game doesnt say who'll win la liga or the champions league, it might take more time before Real will look and play like a real Mourinho team..


    Boring, defensive, but clinical?


    I found Chelsea's Mourinho more entertaining to watch then Barca's four-hundred-passes-a-game style of football. Don't get me wrong, they've been amazing tonight, but sometimes its like watching handball.  To each his own.


    In a way I can understand where you're coming from. Barca can be quite self indulgent sometimes I agree.

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