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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Losing Barton and not finding a suitable replacement means relegation.


    His wages obviously we could do without and he's still clearly a liability, but there's no way we could get someone with his talent for whatever fee we get for him IMO. It's not like we'll be spending additional money on a superior replacement.


    It's just typical to think of him being here all this time doing f*** all and then as soon as he starts earning his wages, we sell him. :lol:


    :lol: So true.


    For that £5 million we could probably get, off the top of my head, Kranjcar or O'Hara.

  2. Alan Pardew's pretty much been brought in with the agreement that certain players will be sold, which I doubt Hughton was willing to agree to. Might very well have been the sticking point. Ashley is finally going to be able to get rid of the high earners, who he was battling with Keegan to get rid off i.e. Barton, Smith, Nolan and Coloccini I would imagine.


    Fortunately the really indespensable players i.e. Carroll, Enrique and Tiote do not fall under this group. Will likely mean we can then finally bring in some new players, but the club will have to make sure they are good enough. It's a risk as there is no guarantee this will be the case. However, of the ones they intend to move on, only Barton will be the real miss, so as long as they can replace him adequately it should be okay.

  3. I have a feeling a big part of this has to do with changes to the playing squad, which Hughton wasn't ready to accept. Similar to when Keegan quit, I think they still want to get rid of Barton and Alan Smith in particular, due to their high wages and Barton's behaviour which is still costing us. Steven Taylor will also be moved on as he is not signing for the current money they are offering. The success of Williamson and Tiote who were very cheap and on low wages are the ideal, hence the new 5 year deal for Williamson. I'm sure we'll see more Tiote type signings in January and onwards. Players signed from the smaller leagues in Europe to replace our higher earners.



  4. Suck it up guys, f*** all we can do about it.


    How will people feel if once the dust settles he actually does well?


    The fans have done well today, and have really let it be known they aren't impressed by how things went down. Ashley will definitely know people aren't happy.


    Come Saturday just forget the fatman and enjoy the football team. If Pardew does a crap job he can get his come uppance then. Have no idea why, but I have a gut feeling he'll do well.


    unfortunately he won't give a s*** until he realises our discontent is starting to harm his finances.


    He's been called out through the media, which will definitely cause some discomfort and embarassment, and that's the best that can be done. At least everyone knows the fans aren't in agreement and in fact fully supported Hughton. It just won't be possible to do much else unfortunately. Now just enjoy your football. If this ultimately fails I think he will then most likely than he will ever be to pack it in, because he's now got his whole team in there and so it will be him alone to blame.

  5. Suck it up guys, f*** all we can do about it.


    How will people feel if once the dust settles he actually does well?


    The fans have done well today, and have really let it be known they aren't impressed by how things went down. Ashley will definitely know people aren't happy.


    Come Saturday just forget the fatman and enjoy the football team. If Pardew does a crap job he can get his come uppance then. Have no idea why, but I have a gut feeling he'll do well.

  6. The fans have done an excellent job of making their feelings none via the media so far. I think once the whistle goes on Saturday time to just get behind the team and root for them to get a result.

  7. Just lucky Pardew is actually English. The media reaction has been a lot milder than it would have been otherwise. They haven't been as negative as they would have been to the manager himself.

  8. About to be a bit controversial here, so bare with me.


    Firstly, I think Ashley was mental to sack Hughton. It stinks of his face not fitting, and I honestly think he's treating the club like an extension of his favourite casino. It is pathetic, pathetic behaviour.


    To sack Hughton and replace him with a manager who is, at best, of the same level, and introduce needless uncertainty and instability at a time when you're doing OK is just ridiculous.


    BUT having said that - and this is the important bit - if you accept that he's replaced him with a manager of that level, is Pardew really that bad? Personally, I'd rather have him than Curbishley, for example.  Or Sven, probably. Or David O'Leary - absolutely no doubt whatsoever on that front.


    Just a thought.


    I was stunned at first and quite underwhelmed, but hugely relieved that it wasn't Kinnear again or O'Leary who is supposedly another pal of Llambias. Would have had Sven though!

  9. Can someone please make a list of Pardews signings for West Ham and Charlton?


    “I had a good opportunity to buy and do have a good record of recruitment, like Dean Ashton, Nigel Reo-Coker, Marlon Harewood, Bobby Zamora, Carlton Cole, Steve Sidwell and Nicky Shorey. I have some good ones.



    “Yes, then there was Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano. The weird ones at West Ham.



    “They were two areas of the team we didn’t need to strengthen and I didn’t know anything about it or couldn’t do anything about it. But it didn’t smell right.



    “I went into that initial press conference with no PR or brief. I was thrown to the lions fielding all sorts all sorts of questions.



    “It was unfair on me because I was asked questions I didn’t know the answers to.



    “I knew both players because I had been to the World Cup, yet didn’t know they were coming to West Ham.



    “Let’s not go down that road. Dean Ashton’s injury had a bigger impact on my future at West Ham than the two Argentine signings. The loss of Ashton when he was flying was the biggest blow of my career.



    “It was an unfortunate England training tackle from Shaun Wright-Phillips and West Ham deserve compensation. They lost a £15m player.”

  10. A negative atmosphere will unfortunately make for a negative performance on the pitch.


    and negative emotions will unfortunately be conveyed as a negative output. We're not robots, it can't be helped, nor should it.


    Yeah, I guess. Just such a sad situation really. It shouldn't be so complicated.

  11. The problem is we have a set of players who are seemingly already looking to give up on the season and I don't think it is a good idea to give them any encouragement at all to do this. They need to be encouraged and supported and the only way to do this is to suport the team when they are on the pitch. The worst case scenario is relegation and so doing everything in order to prevent this should be the goal. Focus on that and ignore Ashley. Any protest imo would be best before or after the actual games. Anything that takes away from actually supporting the team while they are on the pitch won't be the best move I don't think.

  12. Not a chance, as mentioned he only just signed a long term contract with TFC to completely rebuild them. LOCK


    Wrong. He has no contract with them and is simply an adviser. You failed!

  13. This is a fascinating experiment. At least all the cards are being laid out on the table from the outset. For the very first time you could argue that Mike Ashley is going to get the manager he wants on his terms. This could end in disaster, and probably will, but its high time this regime were clear on what the hell they want to do and just freakin' do it. If it fails miserably then everyone can then just move on once and for all. Pretty crazy stuff though. It's going to be interesting to watch that's for sure.


    Are you out of your f***ing tree?


    Just take a deep breath and take it easy. You might want to read my follow up posts first.


    I have and while I vaguely agree it certianly doesn't make it 'fascinating' nor 'interesting.'


    Probably the wrong choice of words to use. What I meant was that the idea was an interesting one, but wether this was viable for running a football club is another thing. Should it somehow work out, it will be interesting to see what the wider implications would be.

  14. This is a fascinating experiment. At least all the cards are being laid out on the table from the outset. For the very first time you could argue that Mike Ashley is going to get the manager he wants on his terms. This could end in disaster, and probably will, but its high time this regime were clear on what the hell they want to do and just freakin' do it. If it fails miserably then everyone can then just move on once and for all. Pretty crazy stuff though. It's going to be interesting to watch that's for sure.


    Are you out of your f***ing tree?


    Just take a deep breath and take it easy. You might want to read my follow up posts first.

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