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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Now it is clear that Ashley didn't have any real confidence in Hughton. Let us hope that this is maybe the reason that the purse strings were so tight in the summer. He is now in a position where he can again hire exactly who he wants, so when he does let's hope he at least gives him a bit more in the coming window. This time make it clear the kind of players to be brought to the club beforehand too!


    i know there's such a thing hoping for the best but surely you would've learned your lesson about ashley by now?  :lol:


    Hope is all we have.

  2. Now it is clear that Ashley didn't have any real confidence in Hughton. Let us hope that this is maybe the reason that the purse strings were so tight in the summer. He is now in a position where he can again hire exactly who he wants, so when he does let's hope he at least gives him a bit more in the coming window. This time make it clear the kind of players to be brought to the club beforehand too!

  3. Looking back has Ashley ever really gone for a cheap manager though? He only seems to have done so in transition moments. Keegan left which was not planned and so we ended up with Kinnear temporarily, as the club was in a huge mess at the time. Kinnear collapsed and so we ended up with Shearer temporarily. Hughton was caretaker and was leading us back and so the club decided not to rock the boat. Never really appointed them as chosen managers though.


    The only real appointment they ever made was Keegan and he wasn't a cheap appointment and was actually very experienced. We know for sure that Ashley went after Redknapp who was not cheap and was very experienced, and we have since found out from Houllier himself that he was close to getting the job before Keegan was hired, again very experienced and not cheap.


    Therefore, we can only hope that the manager of the club is something that Ashley takes somewhat seriously, and he is indeed looking for someone worthy of the position, and not your Pardews, Curbishleys, Jewells etc.

  4. - A kick up the backside for the players who were getting too comfy.


    I'm sorry, but if you seriously believe that then you are insane. This will turn the players into a pile of mushy s***.


    KaKa is rather insane, tbf.


    Hey, that's messed up. Cool your jets my friend.


    It's meant in good humour, man. You're sound. :thup:


    It's all good pal.



  5. - A kick up the backside for the players who were getting too comfy.


    I'm sorry, but if you seriously believe that then you are insane. This will turn the players into a pile of mushy s***.


    KaKa is rather insane, tbf.


    Hey, that's messed up. Cool your jets my friend.


    The players should quit tweeting all their sorrows tbh. What they should have done is put in more effort yesterday.


    I hope we get someone who is tough on them next. They're a bunch of softies. Wonder if Rijkaard would fancy it ... don't answer that btw.

  6. Potential positives


    - A kick up the backside for the players who were getting too comfy. YES SHOLA I MEAN YOU!


    - Maybe, just maybe, a top experienced manager comes in, as wishful as it might be.


    - Some new players in January, which the top manager insists upon.


    - Shola being sold.


    - Alan Smith being sold.



  7. Wow ... guess it all depends on who comes in next. Feel terrible for Chris. I love the guy. If we really do get a more experienced manager who demands some new players in January then it might work out. Let's see. God bless you Chris, at least you can leave with your head held high.

  8. btw was that carroll's worst performance of the season? bit of a cop out to say he didnt get any service because even when he had the ball he was s**** and, as someone during the match pointed out, was acting like he was steven gerrard trying to hog all the glory with brainless, selfish play.


    Was very guilty of trying too hard today. However, when he looked to his side and saw what that jackass was doing it's no surprise he felt he had to do it all himself.

  9. Well some of your predictions were a bit optomistic (0-6), thought Cambell looked an absolute liability, apart from Carrolls hand ball assist, he did nothing, I'm sure you will be okay though, funny old division this Premiership. :celb:

    How much did you pay for Tchoyi, Osaze, and Mulumbu? All very good signings at what I would surmise were very good prices.


    I look at how dangerous a player like Tchoyi can be when he is on a team that can get him the ball consistently and it just amazes me. The guy skirts the line between brilliant and bizarre just like Oba Martins did when he was with us, but given enough of the ball will make things happen no matter how poor a game he has. Shame we weren't able to utilize Oba the same way in his time with us.


    Today for the first time I saw Tiote express a lot of frustration, throwing his hands up in  the air with exassperation as Oba Martins did many a time with us. Carry on this way and he'll be off for greener pastures soon enough. The amount of covering he had to do for the rest of the layabouts out there today was just inexcusable. No desire from the team today.

  10. I watched the first 15 mins and knew we were done. Started off so lazily and unenthusiastic. Shola most definitely set the tone for this, and to see him wearing the captains armband while doing this was just disgusting. I just think the guy is a complete asshole tbh.


    I really hope we're looking for some players for January because imo Guthrie is done, Routledge is pretty much hanging by a thread and is close to being done, Jonas who I always back because of his effort was extremely lazy today which pretty much renders him worthless and Shola is just an abomination of a player and just isn't worth the bother as he will never maintain any kind of form for more than a few games.


    Thinks are not looking good.

  11. I must be missing something here. What did Enrique do to deserve such a high rating? Yes he's a good player, and he's far from your biggest problem, but he was well below-par today. Or can Enrique not have a bad game?


    Tiote was the only decent player for me today. Enrique dwelled on the ball a hell of a lot today and gave it away loads too. He was actually very frustrating a lot of the time. So no, I wasn't impressed either.

  12. We should be targetting the likes of Vela and Dos Santos. They are both in situations where they are not being given a consistent opportunity. They will both get this opportunity in our team. Their fees or loan fees won't be huge and their wages won't be either. They clearly have very good attributes and just need to be given some confidence, and Hughton is a good manager when it comes to getting the best out of players.


    Look at the likes of Elmander, Bale and Wellbeck just as some examples. This time last season all these players wouldn't even have registered as players you would have necessarily wanted. The likes of Vela and Dos Santos are worth a punt and would be savy moves. Leave some other mugs to bring in the Keanes and SWPs, as they are just the same old recycled rubbish.

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