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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Leaving a Championship club, probably rejecting bigger offers from smaller clubs, to go to the biggest club in the world when he didn't have a club...real mercenary c*nt.


    If Shepherd hadn't been the prized cock he is, we would never have had him and he wouldn't have had that label.


    Shepherd definitely has to take the major blame for all this.


    It was just such a forced move and it has been an unmitigated disaster.



  2. Wow ...




    Fergie has taken complete and full advantage of that situation.


    Smart move. Money is clearly a big motivation for him so that will keep him on his toes.


    He'll have a lot of questions to answer if all his injuries suddenly clear up and he returns to form.


    Shady, sneaky scumbag.

  3. http://cache3.asset-cache.net/xc/88812420.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF19311EB03566168C70E765EF1ED5220FDE9E30A760B0D811297




    This is the most sickening thing ever ...


    I detest this guy. You can just feel the smugness seeping out of that photo.


    This guy took the piss at Newcastle. Where is the stupid sulk he had on his face 99% of the time he was here gone now?



  4. Reds capture Owen


    Manchester United is delighted to announce that it has signed Michael Owen on a two-year contract. The striker was out of contract, so no transfer fee is involved.


    Sir Alex Ferguson said: "Michael is a world class forward with a proven goalscoring record at the highest level and that has never been in question. Coming to Manchester United with the expectations that we have is something that Michael will relish.”


    Michael Owen said: "I had just begun to talk to other clubs when out of the blue Sir Alex phoned me on Wednesday afternoon, invited me to have breakfast with him the next morning during which he told me that he wanted to sign me. I agreed without a moment's thought.


    "This is a fantastic opportunity for me and I intend to seize it with both hands.


    "I am now looking forward to being a Manchester United player and I am fortunate that I already know so many of the players here. I missed pre-season last year and am pleased that I will be starting at Carrington from day one.


    "I want to thank Sir Alex for the faith he has shown in me and I give him my assurance that I will repay him with my goals and performances”




    And that ladies and gentlemen is the killer right there.


    Look at the smile in the picture and read his words.


    That is what you want any new signing to feel like when they are coming to your club.


    Freddy Shepherd take note!!!


    Watch the injuries clear up and his form go up. This mofo will probably be outrunning Usain bolt by the time the season comes round.


    Iam fuming tbh and I really didn't think I would be. Disgusting stuff.



  5. Basically the guy knows his body is broken and he is looking for a club that can tuck him away everytime he gets his tweaks, niggles, tears, ruptures, breaks or mumps.


    This way he won't appear as injury prone as he won't be relied upon as much and so it won't be made as big a deal of as it would be if he was at a club that relied on him heavily.

  6. Michael Owen didn't get any decent service while he was here and so looked invisible the majority of the time as he was not capable of impacting a game in any other way other than scoring goals. Altogether made him look a much worse player.


    Martins didn't get any decent service while he was here and so for the majority of the time pressed the issue way too much and lacked confidence. Altogether made him look a much worse player.


    It's really that simple.


    If I was a team who could provide the service I would personally roll with Martins though. When the confidence and self belief is there he is a major threat in numerous ways.

  7. What are those idiots doing? There are so many very good players they could afford, yet they waste their time with the untouchables, it's basically posturing from this sheik wankers, except nobody's f***ing impressed



  8. It would be humiliating for Owen if he went to Man U.


    A few games in he would be relegated to strictly bench duty as there is no way he will be anything close to a regular there. They will certainly be bringing in another top forward this summer anyway.

  9. Every season someone poaches the MK Dons manager and the owner continually finds a replacement out of the blue who shows a ton of promise, but then the manager just ends up being poached again.


    Tough gig.

  10. Villa supposedly close to signing Tuncay.




    Good signing if played in his right position.


    Multiple mutterings down here.


    Someone apparently to be unveilied tomorrow also, which, being July 1st and free agent day makes me a bit worried about Sol Campbell's future plans.


    Or Mickey Owen.


    I can guarantee you that won't be happening. He asked for 100k a week and no pay as you play business.


    Please tell me you are joking?!


    If that is true Michael Owen is possibly the most delusional man on Earth. What arrogance!


    From a good source down here, and also backed up by someone posting on here about a chat they had with Phil Brown about him.


    Owen is an absolute numpty.


    What the hell has he achieved in the last three years to warrant anything close to that?


    The guy is out of his mind.

  11. Villa supposedly close to signing Tuncay.




    Good signing if played in his right position.


    Multiple mutterings down here.


    Someone apparently to be unveilied tomorrow also, which, being July 1st and free agent day makes me a bit worried about Sol Campbell's future plans.


    Or Mickey Owen.


    I can guarantee you that won't be happening. He asked for 100k a week and no pay as you play business.


    Please tell me you are joking?!


    If that is true Michael Owen is possibly the most delusional man on Earth. What arrogance!

  12. I find it incredibly frustrating that the Keegan issue could be potentially what is holding us back from completing the sale of the club as quickly as possible.


    It is unreal how much of an impact Ashley's decision to bring him back as negatively affected the club. Absolutely unreal. This stupid squabble between both parties has essentially led to our relegation and is now setting us so far back in our preparations for life in the championship. Destroying the club.

  13. £8.5m for Huddlestone is mental, I can only imagine him really working in a 3 man midfield.


    I agree. Needs to  be in a 4-3-3.


    If they put him in a three man midfield alongside a couple of very active midfielders who are Essien types then he could be a very special player. Just have hime sit deep and distribute the ball all day long. Defensively he could then get a lot of help from the other two who could cover for his lack of mobility.

  14. Ok, I hesitate to ask but Id like an appraisal by some of you with your fingers on the pulse.


    What is happening to our great club?


    I stopped going to the match 2 seasons back and I dont read the chronicle so I am at odds to know whats going on.


    From what i surmise, we are way behind in our preparation for the coming season, no manager and NUFC is bleeding to death in a gutter at leazes park.  I seems as if nothing can move or begin.


    Is that what is going on or is there some optimism? somewhere?


    Some Arab dude had purchased 60% of the club a few days ago before being informed that we are no longer a premier league club and we haven't heard from said dude since.


    We remain hopeful though.




    What a crock of s***.



  15. Ok, I hesitate to ask but Id like an appraisal by some of you with your fingers on the pulse.


    What is happening to our great club?


    I stopped going to the match 2 seasons back and I dont read the chronicle so I am at odds to know whats going on.


    From what i surmise, we are way behind in our preparation for the coming season, no manager and NUFC is bleeding to death in a gutter at leazes park.  I seems as if nothing can move or begin.


    Is that what is going on or is there some optimism? somewhere?


    Some Arab dude had purchased 60% of the club a few days ago before being informed that we are no longer a premier league club and we haven't heard from said dude since.


    We remain hopeful though.

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