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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Ashley had a good chance to get out the last time the club was up for sale (possibly at a profit).  Nobody met his unrealistic inflated asking price back then.  Perhaps the same is true now. :(

    i honestly think putting the club up then was a publicity exercise and he deliberatly put a ridiculous price so either, he sells at a stupid price or he ends up keeping it which he wanted.


    as has been said a few times on here i think his plan was to stop up with minimum investment till he could get shot of the high wage earners then invest through the clubs earnings and sustainable debt.


    Nah, that theory doesn't hold water at all. He'd have got a full time manager in (until the end of the season at least) from the start. The only reason we ended up with Kinnear is because noone else would take the job for only a month. If he never intended to sell he wouldn't have limited himself like that, nor would he have abandoned his DoF structure.

    i think he'd have abandoned the DoF to keep shearer if we'd stopped up. the kinnear point could be right though.

    Appointing Shearer temporarily as a last ditch attempt to stay up last season I can understand, but I really can't see Ashley ever giving Shearer the job permanently. He'd be putting himself in exactly the same position with Shearer as he was with Keegan - a demanding manager with the supporters on his side. I think Shearer would be every bit as likely to walk as Keegan if he didn't get what he was promised, and I don't think he'd have taken the job in the Premiership unless he was promised significant funds.


    Very interesting point you make. You really have to wonder if this is what prompted the desire to sell the club this time around.


    It did appear as though Mike Ashley was all set to appoint Shearer and make a go of getting us back up, but after they met something changed. It's like Ashley knew he wouldn't be able to meet Shearer's demands and so couldn't secure him as manager, which meant another Keegan scenario was likely. Hence the selling up or the pretense that he would? Just like he did after the Keegan fiasco?


    We are at the point where it would probably be less harmful if Ashley just came out and said he wasn't selling the club and would instead make an effort to get it back on track, but at the same time he couldn't appoint Shearer as manager. Then appoint a manager (i.e. not Kinnear) get rid of the players we can't afford and get in a bunch of talented but affordable youngsters in the mould of the Guthries and Bassongs etc and hope it works out. 

  2. lol at Spurs trying to gazump us for Naughton. What a terrible way to do business, cowboy stuff.


    You guys are so sorted right now you'll be fine no matter what.


    I'm so jealous of Everton right now. Despite having no money for years you have made the most of it and actually turned it into an advantage. I honestly think giving Moyes huge amounts of money at this point would do more harm than good.


    Jagielka, Lescott, Cahill, Pienaar, Arteta, Baines. Absolutely beautiful work in the transfer market. Along with a couple of big signings in Yak and Fellaini and hey presto ...


    We probably had 10 times the money you did and I can't mention one player currently in our team that is at the level of all those I just mentioned for your lot.


    Heartbraking stuff.



  3. Problem is though if any of the potential new owners do not see the issue of time running out then they are not worth having, if they are serious about owning us then they need to get things done fast, not drag their heels hoping Ashley will drop his price.

    The club suffers whilst they play chest flexing games, fat c*** will not lower the price nor will he take on the debt, its gonna cost around £150mill to get the club, £100mill to Ashley and the rest for the debt and running of the club, if they are not willing or do not have the cash then stop wasting time and come out and say so.


    I hear what you're saying Skirge.


    I think we are pretty much in a scenario where the people who are interested are not desperate to buy us. Therefore if Ashley isn't willing to drop the price then they are equally happy to walk away and not buy the club.


    We are not in the prem anymore and we need serious investment to get back on track and so the interested parties most likely feel that we are not a club worth getting at any cost.


    For the first time I really am beginning to feel that Ashley keeping the club is now a real possibility and so have started to ready myself for this outcome. This would likely mean no Alan Shearer and we can only pray it will mean no Kinnear either.


    Ashley did this exact crap last Christmas and it really does seem he is at it again as incomprehensible as it seems.

  4. The biggest problem right now is that the more in turmoil we appear to be, the more any potential new owners will feel they can get us for less than what Ashley wants. They will be looking to put the squeeze on him.


    In reality I imagine this still has a way to go yet. Mike Ashley is being arrogant right now instead of just cutting his losses and selling for the most he can get right now.


    Made the same mistake last Christmas and it seems he is doing it all over again. With every single day that passes the buffoon only loses more money as the club only loses more value.


    In conclusion the guy is just flat out thick.


  5. NRC can f*** off.


    Pretty harsh.


    NRC isn't the best but he certainly isn't the worst either.


    In a midfield alongside Cahill, Pienaar, Arteta and Fellaini he would be alright I think. The others would make up for his lack of technical ability and he would add a hell of a lot of aggression and drive. The guy does a lot of hard work in midfield.


    I think he would certainly be an upgrade on playing Phil Neville in midfield.


    Bit biased really, never really liked him that much. IIRC, when he first came onto the scene there was a feeling generated (probably none of his own doing) that he was something special. I just generally don't think he's a very good player, and a bad passer of the ball is the last thing we need at the minute.


    And you'd be surprised with Neville. He played refreshingly well last season, far from perfect but better than I expected.


    Fair enough. Wasn't necessarily implying that Neville was bad, but I do think NRC would ultimately be better in there.



  6. Sunderland close to getting Campbell, and have made an official bid for Cattermole.




    I said from the outset Bruce would tank at that job. Just buying the same old recycled average prem players.


    Sunderland would have been far better off getting Martinez who replaced him at Wigan.

  7. NRC can f*** off.


    Pretty harsh.


    NRC isn't the best but he certainly isn't the worst either.


    In a midfield alongside Cahill, Pienaar, Arteta and Fellaini he would be alright I think. The others would make up for his lack of technical ability and he would add a hell of a lot of aggression and drive. The guy does a lot of hard work in midfield.


    I think he would certainly be an upgrade on playing Phil Neville in midfield.

  8. i thought that sir alex might have tried to package a deal for huntelaar and sneijder as part of the cristiano ronaldo transfer. i could imagine both would do well in the premiership


    Been very surprised no one has moved quicker for the likes of Huntelaar, Sneijder and Van der Vaart.

  9. City are in danger of becoming an absolute joke in the football world and one that players will get ridiculed for joining. Puyol now? Honestly, what a bunch of wankers


    They already are a joke tbh.


    What is so baffling is that there are so many good and realistic players they can go after that would do really well for them and help them build towards really challenging the top four.


    Instead, it appears they are intent on pissing everyone off which will only come back to bite them.

  10. Melo to Juve (apparently).


    This transfer window is quite boring, isn't it?


    I've never even heard of Melo. Except his name sounds like 'mela' which is the Italian word for "apple".


    God, I'm bored.


    You've been linked strongly with Hangeland.


    Would be a very nice replacement for Laursen I reckon.


    I agree.


    In the Times that Harry offered Jenas and Bentley for Carew.


    Really fancies himself as a whealer dealer does Redknapp  :laugh:







  11. I'm sorry but I couldn't disagree more with you Dave. It would be lovely to buy a bunch of young lads and nurture them ala Aston Villa, but watching City makes me envious, someone broke down their spending, and the owners wealth is like 50 billion or something. They converted that to if it was an average 30,000 a year wage, and the likes of Barry cost 65p or something daft.


    I want money and the best players now.


    Nah. Sorry but the thought of Newcastle carrying on like City disgusts me.

  12. Melo to Juve (apparently).


    This transfer window is quite boring, isn't it?


    I've never even heard of Melo. Except his name sounds like 'mela' which is the Italian word for "apple".


    God, I'm bored.


    You've been linked strongly with Hangeland.


    Would be a very nice replacement for Laursen I reckon.

  13. Maybe the new owners want to use the money from Colo and Martins to pay off Keegan?


    Probably don't want to be the ones to deal with the drama as they had nothing to do with it.




    Let me rephrase.


    Maybe Seymour pierce have suggested that Ashley sell those two and use the money to pay off Keegan.


    This way the new owners will have nothing to do with that mess, which I'm sure none of them want anything to do with.

  14. Maybe the new owners want to use the money from Colo and Martins to pay off Keegan?


    Probably don't want to be the ones to deal with the drama as they had nothing to do with it.



  15. i think the mercenary thing is more about the absolute crap he served up for us when we needed him most, taking it easy so that he would get his big move at the end of the season. c*** of the highest order afaic.


    His goal this season was not to get a major injury to jeopardise a move this summer.


    He wasn't giving a 100% this season. Should have sold him last summer.

  16. I have a feeling this will go sour for li'l mikey tbh. Man U have lost Ronaldo and Tevez and I have a feeling they won't win the Premier next season. When the Mancs and all their fans in the media start looking round for scapegoats Owen will be in everyone's sights.



    Enjoy it while you can you club relegating c***.




    I like the way you think Tron.

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