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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. the owen-martins partnership is working cos Owen is staying purely in the middle, both up top and dropping deep, while martins is switching to the flanks, staying high up the pitch, opening up space and creating havoc. we dont really need someone to hold the ball upfront cos our wingers have pushed stoke so far back and are offering so much support anyway.


    Good stuff. Sounds like Kinnear has actually given them good instructions on how to go about their business, rather than just putting them both upfront and hoping something happens.




    yep, its like Martins is playing as a winger sometimes. typical move is guthrie or geremi spreading it wide, martins and jonas-beye/n'zogbia-enrique trebling up on stoke's full back, their centre-half pulled out of position by martins, opening up space elsewhere.


    Sounds good.



  2. the owen-martins partnership is working cos Owen is staying purely in the middle, both up top and dropping deep, while martins is switching to the flanks, staying high up the pitch, opening up space and creating havoc. we dont really need someone to hold the ball upfront cos our wingers have pushed stoke so far back and are offering so much support anyway.


    Good stuff. Sounds like Kinnear has actually given them good instructions on how to go about their business, rather than just putting them both upfront and hoping something happens.



  3. Okay so all of a sudden with the additional pace of zoggy to worry about it appears even more spaces are opening up for our strikers.


    We've basically been shooting ourselves in the foot the majority of this season because we clearly have better players in the team who we have been keeping on the bench! Why?!


    Very good to see Martins and owen linking up for the second goal. Very good sign.


    Owen is really surprising me today. Just when you think he's done as a striker in the 4-4-2.


    Let's keep it up boys.


  4. he's a crock, stupid little injury takes him out for a month while with most other players it would only last 2 games


    It's been a fair amount of time since Owen's missed a month through a little injury.


    he was out for the man city, mackems, west brom and villa games


    We got 7 pts from those four games and if you include the Wigan game where Owen didn't start, we scored 8 goals in 5. Since he's come back into the starting line up we've failed to score in both games. It reminds me of last season how we struggled to get goals when Owen played up front. He was a lot more effective when he played in a withdrawn role with Viduka and Martins up top.


    I agree. It's the second time I thinky ou've mentioned this but you've been ignored.


    We have had no problems scoring goals without Owen and he really isn't ass key to our team as many on here make out.



  5. I think we will only really see if we will miss Martins when we play a few matches without him in the starting line up. We didn't really miss Owen during his recent lay off because Oba and Ameobi proved surprisingly effective. In fact the goals have dried up since Owen came back into the starting line up. Maybe Owen and Viduka will do the business if given a run together? Personally I think they will be too slow as a partnership but we'll see.


    Everyone talks about how much we will miss Owen when he leaves, but as far as I can remember we have always scored goals when he has been out.


    Owen in a 4-4-2 has been a disaster since Shearer left.


    I sincerely hope that oughton is in kinnear's ear right now about how effective the 4-3-3 was for us last season as it is our best possible option.

  6. If Owen wants to leave just get in Kevin Doyle as a replacement if we want a similar sort.


    Doyle is too good for the championship. Very good striker who would actually be a better fit than Owen.


    That's the worst thing I've heard since HTT told me Ashton was better than Torres.




    Ashton better than Torres?! What?!


    Anyway, back to what I said. Doyle would be a good, affordable alternative who is better on the ball and running at people, which we could do with. He's also a decent finisher.



  7. How anyone could have expected any of our players to improve in the last few years is beyond me.


    People talk about Martins improving, but has anyone in the tea improved in his time here?



  8. Man City are embarrassing themselves when there really isn't any need for it.


    So many good attainable players out there. No need to go overboard chasing those that are already at the very top clubs.


    Looking like they are going to be even more despicable than Chelsea, which is quite hard to believe.



  9. Disclaimer: It is not my intention to have a go at Taylor.


    In response to the article maybe I should be a world class scout then, because I'll tell you what, after watching Bassong's first appearance in the summer I could tell he was a better defender than Taylor.


    3 things stood out immediately. More strength, pace and most importantly excellent balance. You just never see him stumbling or losing his feet. Not looking to knock Taylor here, but in comparison, I'm still not sure what exactly Taylor does well.


    I really don't know what these coaches amd managers are watching everyday in training, if Bassong has caught them by surprise this much.


    At least they are recognizing how good he has been. Hopefully he keeps his place as he deserves to and isn't shunted to left back or dropped.



  10. To answer the question directly ...


    Bassong can and Taylor can't.


    Simple as that really.


    Taylor is a decent squad player IMO, but Bassong has the shirt for now, surely?


    I am so nervous about what will happen when Taylor is fit. I don't even want to think about it.


    Just enjoying Bassong's performances while I can.



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