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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I'll be very interested to see how much we're going to spend now. Still reckon it'll be peanuts like and that the squad will not improve.


    Again, I think the issue with Keegan might very well have been down to the players he wanted vs. the players the "system" wanted.


    It's not necessarily about how much we spend either, but more about the numbers we get in and ultimately, the quality of player.


    January is going to be fascinating. The board etc. have clearly got a man that they are far more comfortable with and it will be very interesting to see how this affects recruitment.

  2. Lets get behind him.


    The season was another write off when Keegan spat his dummy and ran away.


    Stay in the prem, look for a buyer, strengthen the squad & lower the wage bill should be our priorities (in that order) from now till next season.


    No one will have us in this wild period, and he hasn't done too bad and is pretty much a likeable character.







    Things actually could be a lot worse than what they are as unbelievable as that is.

  3. Larsson from Birmingham might be worth another shot. Especially as we still don't have a proper right winger.


    I am shocked no one went for him.


    O'Neill would have been far better off spending that £12 million on him rather than Milner.


    Larsson is at least 3 times the player.


    You really have to wonder wht some of these managers are looking at sometimes.


    Milner doesn't do a single thing better than Larsson. Not one thing. Crazy.

    There's no way he's 3 times the player like.


    I agree.


    He's at least 5 times the player.

  4. I love the Ronaldo is overated gang. I know quite a few that are of this species.


    I guess he's scoring and creating all of those goals by accident right?


    No wait it's because the team around him is so good right?


    I don't see Rooney doing it. I don't see Tevez doing it.I don't see Berbatov doing it either.


    Quit messing around.


    The usual patter is that he only does it against the small teams and doesnt turn up on the big occasions....




    If only we had this such over rated player that only performed against the small teams.


    I happen to love players that consistently slaughter lesser teams that they should be destroying. It's slipping up in these sorts of games, by underestimating the opposition that usually costs teams. Some would argue that it is easier to raise your game when going up against bigger teams and it's a somewhat valid argument.


    Besides Ronaldo is far and beyond enough of a threat in these supposed big games and is a nuisance to defences everytime. A horrible argument if ever I saw one.


    Crazy talk.

  5. I love the Ronaldo is overated gang. I know quite a few that are of this species.


    I guess he's scoring and creating all of those goals by accident right?


    No wait it's because the team around him is so good right?


    I don't see Rooney doing it. I don't see Tevez doing it.I don't see Berbatov doing it either.


    Quit messing around.

  6. I have to say also, I think it is so unfortunate that so many question his attitude now.


    I always thought it was one of his greatest strengths. He plays "angry" and I mean this in a good way. His fearlessness, determination and single mindedness were traits that helped him take to things so quickly in this league at such a young age, and if he was handled correctly his attitude would have taken him far.


    However, with the way things went though these same traits were never going to allow him to just accept things and sit on the bench quietly. The guy is hungry which is exactly what you want and he knows he is good enough to be out there on the pitch for us.

  7. Pretty much given up on the whole N'Zogbia issue tbh, far too depressing to give any serious thought to.


    But since I'm bored...


    Boat has probably sailed for him regarding becoming a top player, which I do believe he had the potential to be. Can beat a man, not lightning fast but quick enough and with the upper body strength to be a very good direct runner with the ball, decent crosser and has the knack for popping up with a goal more than most when he gets on the pitch. All the ingredients there to be a very, very good winger.


    Hard to feel particularly sorry for the guy, he seems a bit of a prat quite frankly, regardless of how he's been treated.


    But how anyone can't see what a mess we, as a club, have made of this talented youngster is beyond me.


    Aged 19, playing in a struggling side in a foreign country, he managed 5 goals and 7 assists in 40 (7 as sub) appearances during the 2005-2006 season. The established and familiar with the English game Damien Duff has 3 goals and 5 assists in 61 total appearances (9 as sub) for Newcastle btw, while as a 19 year old at Man U Ronaldo managed 9 goals and 4 assists in 50 appearances (10 as sub) in the 2004-2005 season. Man U were a wee bit better than us at the time as well.


    Now, Ronaldo obviously is a more gifted player than N'Zogbia and has become a better player than N'Zogbia could ever have, but the point is that as 19 year olds they were similiar enough. Raw products with a lot of ability but little maturity, and pretty self-centered attitudes. Players that need to be nurtured and made to feel wanted, because the ones with talent are worth it.


    Ferguson, being a good manager, knew this and has stood by Ronaldo and pretty much built a team around him and has been rewarded with a player that absolutely shreds teams week in-week out. Our solution was naturally to bring in an experienced veteran like Duff to compete with N'Zogbia and hopefully teach him some 'professionalism', or some such bullshit. Sit your best young player on the bench, or even at left-back for the laugh, that's obviously the best way for him to learn and build on an exceptional season the year before.


    I'd love to know how many games Charlie has started on the LW since the end of the 2005-2006 season. I'll bet it's 20, at the most. Sub appearances and LB roles. He's still managed more goals (4) and more assists (10) than Duff since we signed Duff btw, in spite of this.


    Baffling quite frankly, and a great representation of what a s*** club we've been the last 3 years when an exciting young talent comes along and we somehow manage to make a complete f***ing toaster-bath of the whole affair. I wouldn't mind if we'd stuck with him and he'd dipped in form and clearly not been that good. But no, he's been sat on the bench or playing LB while talentless wankers with good attitudes like Duff and Milner have been making a holy show of themselves on the flanks.


    He'll be off in January, and some past-it piece of s**** similiar to Duff will be brought in.


    And most of the people on here will be happy about it.


    You deserve a round of applause for that right there. Beautifully stated.


    Depressing is exactly what it is.


    It is so hard to stumble onto a genuine young talent as well, who cost us absolutely nothing I might add. Pitiful situation.

  8. I agree with fredbob.


    It's one of the reasons I think I would prefer a foreign manager next.


    I'm sick of all this prem experience talk.


    The likes of Duff and Taylor will always be some of the first names on the teamsheet despite the fact both Zoggy and Bassong are clearly better football players, who have performed better for us.


    We don't even put our best 11 out on the pitch so is it any surprise we struggle so much.

  9. Don't understand this at all really.


    How can someone get away with something like that?


    So basically, there is no deterrent for doing this sort of thing on the pitch then.


    In fact if anything they are encouraging it.


    Sickening. The sooner these sorts of players are taken out of the game the better. I want to watch people who can actually play the game not these sorry, no talent having, so called hardmen.





  10. Larsson from Birmingham might be worth another shot. Especially as we still don't have a proper right winger.


    I am shocked no one went for him.


    O'Neill would have been far better off spending that £12 million on him rather than Milner.


    Larsson is at least 3 times the player.


    You really have to wonder wht some of these managers are looking at sometimes.


    Milner doesn't do a single thing better than Larsson. Not one thing. Crazy.

  11. Maybe Mike Ashley is waiting till January to sell all the players Keegan wouldn't let him sell and bringin all the players Keegan wouldn't let him buy.


    If this proves to be a success he will then stay!




    I'm glad you find it funny.


    Chill out. I seriously doubt we will be selling any players who are useful to us.


    I think we will just bring in some loans like Kinnear has said.


    I would love it if we managed to shift Alan Smith though. Would have no problems with that at all.

  12. Cheers Wullie


    So he is going to sell fringe players who are no where near the first team (i.e. s****), and spend the money that we might get for them, if we are lucky enough to off-load said s**** players, on quality players.


    How does that work then?  Surely he is only going to be able to afford to replace like with like.




    From what Kinnear has said I think the money that will be raised from the sale of the players, which isn't likely to be a whole lot, will go towards the loan fee and salary of the players he wants on loan, as apparently their loan fees will be a million odd each, as they are supposedly top players.


    So in effect we won't be buying the players outright but will be with a view to a permanent move in the summer when the clubs situation is clearer.

  13. Podolski has apparently come out and said he definitely wants out of Bayern.


    Would have liked to have thought we'd have possibly shown an interest in him if things were stable and (for want of a better word) normal, but alas we've no chance now.


    After goalkeeper and left-back (;)), a striker is the last thing we need in fairness.


    Owen and Viduka package deal for Podolski in January and we're laughing.

  14. The Zog was never stroppy when he was playing on the left wing consistently. He would have only got better with more games there.


    I blame Shepherd personally. Went and got in Duff over Roeders head despite the fact we needed a couple of defenders and a striker at the time.


    Duff has been no better than Zoggy at his poorest so it's been a bloody worthless move from day one.

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