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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Btw I've seen a few people on other forums mention that before coming here, Kinnear was spending a lot of time at Arsenal and was close to being offered a scouting role with the club because he's got a good eye for a young player.


    Jimbo (I think) from toontastic said he heard it on the radio and someone on a different forum said they had read it in the guardian.


    Apparently Wengers next door neighbour and they get on very well.


    If Kinnear is going to be bringin in players their friendship could be a very good thing for us.

  2. My uncle was telling me today that he knew someone who was talking to Peter Beardsley at the match on Saturday, and he was saying that we were going to be taken over by an American and he was going to get Shearer as manager...


    The Shearer links have been gathering pace. I randomly read in the London paper yesterday that Dowie would be one of his backroom staff.


    It would be interesting if a new owner from abroad came in and opted for Shearer right off the bat despite hints that Keegan might be interested in returning.

  3. Players who has scored against us this season


    Darren Fletcher, Clinton Morrison, Scott Dann, Denilson, Robin van Persie, Marlon King, David Di Michele, Matthew Etherington, Roman Pavlyuchenko, Jamie O'Hara, Chris Samba, Roque Santa Cruz, Mikel Arteta, Marouane Fellaini, Djibril Cissé, Kieran Richardson, Robinho, Stephen Ireland, Ishmael Miller, Andy Johnson, Danny Murphy, Ryan Taylor, Titus Bramble


    Bramble anyone?

    Crossed out the people it certainly wont be.


    Wow ...


    So you think Van Persie is a possibility? Can't see that one myself.


    Song or Diaby  perhaps?

  4. Yawn.


    Go get some sleep if your tired. God knows your on here long enough.


    Fail x2.


    Alan Shearer strikes me as a very principled man, so yeah, in the same circumstances I reckon he'd have walked too.


    Any excuse to have yet another go at Keegan though, you ungrateful little twerp.



    Another grammar triumph! Well done! Give yourself a hand!


    Your arrogance never ceases to amaze me.


    Ungrateful? From where I stand Keegan was given a job he wanted. Was paid £3 million a year to do the job. Agreed to a setup put in place. Acted as though all was well. Started the season well. Then suddenly leaves at the most inopportune moment.


    That's my opinion. Keegan handled the situation just as badly as Ashley and his pals did. Simple as that.


    Do you have details of his contract to say how much he was being paid?


    That is the figure that is most often mentioned. I can't say I know what it is for certain, but really that is not significant. I'm sure he was being paid a lot more than the minimum wage.


    Everyone messed up in this whole affair, Keegan included, but everytime anyone hints at this, you get silly comments about being ungrateful. It's nonsense.




    So you're talking s**** then? For a change as well btw.


    Okay, let's just leave this one alone guys. It's obviously been taken the wrong way.


    Yes, I'm talking shit again, as always. Lovely.

  5. Yawn.


    Go get some sleep if your tired. God knows your on here long enough.


    Fail x2.


    Alan Shearer strikes me as a very principled man, so yeah, in the same circumstances I reckon he'd have walked too.


    Any excuse to have yet another go at Keegan though, you ungrateful little twerp.



    Another grammar triumph! Well done! Give yourself a hand!


    Your arrogance never ceases to amaze me.


    Ungrateful? From where I stand Keegan was given a job he wanted. Was paid £3 million a year to do the job. Agreed to a setup put in place. Acted as though all was well. Started the season well. Then suddenly leaves at the most inopportune moment.


    That's my opinion. Keegan handled the situation just as badly as Ashley and his pals did. Simple as that.


    Do you have details of his contract to say how much he was being paid?


    Do you have details of exactly what went on at the time of Keegan's departure?


    No, but no one else does either!


    Look ... please, it's not my intention to start up another one of these arguments, as they irritate me as much as they do most on here.


    All I said was that I think Shearer is more sensible and reasonable, and I didn't think Shearer would have left the club so easily under the same circumstances. I think he's more of a fighter than that. I honestly wasn't trying to have a go at Keegan, although I can now see how it might have come accross that way.


    Keegan is a great person and has been a great manager, but I have always felt he had a bit of a personality flaw as far as his temperament goes. Just my opinion.

  6. Yawn.


    Go get some sleep if your tired. God knows your on here long enough.


    Fail x2.


    Alan Shearer strikes me as a very principled man, so yeah, in the same circumstances I reckon he'd have walked too.


    Any excuse to have yet another go at Keegan though, you ungrateful little twerp.



    Another grammar triumph! Well done! Give yourself a hand!


    Your arrogance never ceases to amaze me.


    Ungrateful? From where I stand Keegan was given a job he wanted. Was paid £3 million a year to do the job. Agreed to a setup put in place. Acted as though all was well. Started the season well. Then suddenly leaves at the most inopportune moment.


    That's my opinion. Keegan handled the situation just as badly as Ashley and his pals did. Simple as that.


    Do you have details of his contract to say how much he was being paid?


    That is the figure that is most often mentioned. I can't say I know what it is for certain, but really that is not significant. I'm sure he was being paid a lot more than the minimum wage.


    Everyone messed up in this whole affair, Keegan included, but everytime anyone hints at this, you get silly comments about being ungrateful. It's nonsense.



  7. Yawn.


    Go get some sleep if your tired. God knows your on here long enough.


    Fail x2.


    Alan Shearer strikes me as a very principled man, so yeah, in the same circumstances I reckon he'd have walked too.


    Any excuse to have yet another go at Keegan though, you ungrateful little twerp.



    Another grammar triumph! Well done! Give yourself a hand!


    Your arrogance never ceases to amaze me.


    Ungrateful? From where I stand Keegan was given a job he wanted. Was paid £3 million a year to do the job. Agreed to a setup put in place. Acted as though all was well. Started the season well. Then suddenly leaves at the most inopportune moment.


    That's my opinion. Keegan handled the situation just as badly as Ashley and his pals did. Simple as that.

  8. Why would Ashley appoint Shearer? Isn't it that kind of thing that got him into bother in the first place?


    Because if he stays he will have to appease the mob, which is a sad reason to appoint a manager.


    I'm sure Shearer is a whole lot more reasonable and even sensible than Keegan also. I doubt he would have walked under the same circumstances.


    I think Shearer has it in him to be a great manager, but it's the buying of players that worries me. I worry about his knowledge regarding this area and ultimately the sorts of players he would go after.


    You only have to look at the types Keane has been bringing in for Sunderland.





  9. I'm fed up with everything to do with Owen really.


    I think in general he is more of a distraction than anything else.


    His return has coincided with our results worsening. Not necessarily his fault, but it has meant the manager has totally lost it as far as substitutions go. Jonas is now being sacrificed, when we all know he is a match winner that can put us in a position to win at any moment.





  10. Avram Grant would be worse than Kinnear.


    He wouldn't change anything substantially and he definitely wouldn't inspire our pathetically weak minded squad, who I couldn't see getting behind him.


    Really couldn't see the fans in general backing him either, especially if he struggles initially.


    Would be an absolutely disastrous appointment.

  11. Why didn't we sign Zayatte again? He looks a very solid  defender.


    Had him in on trial and everything didn't we?


    He'd probs be s*** if he was here. Such is the state of the club.


    You're probably right.


    However at firstglance he looks different from anything we have. Looks a real imposing, physical and athletic defender that doesn't get messed around.

  12. Mark Hughes is a goofball.


    When you play Vassell instead of Elano you really don't deserve a thing.


    Obsessed with being tight and solid defensively and it's no wonder his team make so many mistakes at the back.


    They're all scared to make mistakes.


    Just another Big Sam ...

  13. It's alarming how much better Boro are than us.


    Digard looks a very good signing.


    As a team, perhaps.


    But can you honestly say that man-for-man, they're better than us? B*llocks are they. Which is what p*sses me off even more about Keegan leaving, because he would have had that side playing.


    I know that was what I meant when I said it was alarming!


    They move the ball around so well and are so patient and calm. Also very effective on the counter attack.


    Despite our players we honestly don't do half as good a job as they do with the ball.


    It's disgusting.

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