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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Wathed the entire first half and think you lot are playing some good stuff. The west brom right back (donk or zuvirloon?) is habing an absolute torrid time. No one on your end is having a bad game apart from taylor who was at fault for morrisons chance and slipped for another brom chance.


    I can't even begin to imagine where Taylor was on that chance for West Brom?! Frightening stuff.

  2. Hope that performance by Gutierrez puts to bed the "Owen is out best player, we'll not get someone as good as him for a long, long time" comments. Different positions, different players, but he looks at the very least to be in the same calibre.


    Despite the goal, put Owen in that side tonight instead of Martins, and I think we've got the winning formula.


    On the whole your probably right, but I swear Martins is just so random it causes so much havoc.  :lol:


    We definitely want one of them upfront with a target man.


    Shola has had his funny moments but he has been dominant in the air and quite effective overall. It's been so long since we last had some decent target man play.


    You see the team like this and we aren't that far away, providing people are fit that is.

  3. I think Shearer has it in him to be a great manager. He has such a strong presence and is a top professional, but can also be a bit of a jokster as well. Personality wise definitely.


    The biggest issue is the current state of the squad. We do not have a quality side which just needs the right man to lead it, which would be perfect for Shearer, but instead we have a woefully inadequate squad that is lacking quality in numerous areas.


    Herein lies the biggest problem. Considering that it is likely the new owners will be willing to spend in January, to ensure we are well equipped to stave of relegation, who the hell would Alan Shearer buy??? I can't even begin to imagine tbh. It's one thing no one has any idea about, but it is probably the most important issue with our team. We can't afford any mistakes in this area.


    I wouldn't mind Sven tbh. I think he got shafted at Man City big time.


    Actually ... I would take anyone who would immediately relieve Butt of his first team duties.



  4. I wonder if Luque's getting much of a look in at Malaga? :lol:


    Think they're about 6th this season.


    He played in the starting line-up once or twice and then got injured. Since then, he's been used as a sub alot. I think he got about 5 mins tonight as Malaga beat Sevilla away from home.


    Any chance you can loan us Xisco back if you're not going to use him. Our strikers at Depor couldn't hit a cow's ass with a banjo at the moment.





  5. I'll support who the hell I want and in whatever manner I choose to.


    What a cock.


    I blame Sky.




    Yes, I am a Newcastle United supporter and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.


    If it offends you so much then tell your club to sell every foreigner in the team and play just the local lads, like that beacon of light that is Steven Taylor. Then we'll see how far that gets you.


    People like you really make me laugh. Your clueless.



  6. for christs sake this whole ashley vs keegan debate has been done, and you're sure as hell not going to get better conclusions now after our defeat to the mackems. we need to move on, its pathetic.






    we were not terrible today. the defense backed off sunderland way too much, they had much more time on the ball than they should have. apart from that all 4 members of the defence were sound, the midfield was poor until jonas and barton came on, but they improved it 10 fold. Jonas is so much better than any of our other midfielders its not even funny. it was like him and barton playing alongside 4 retards in guthrie, duff, oba and shola for the last 20 minutes.


    our strikers were very poor, although i had a feeling that keegan being at the club would improve martins a lot, it seemed too, but now he's gone oba may struggle. duff was very poor, as was geremi. butt and guthrie were very poor, although not as bad as the aforementioned 2.



    Don't say that to the locals unless you've seen the bridge or your toast.


    His toast what? Will fall butter-side down?


    Utter tripe, yet again. Well done.


    Dude, seriously, you're not even from the area so how about you just keep quiet.



  7. for christs sake this whole ashley vs keegan debate has been done, and you're sure as hell not going to get better conclusions now after our defeat to the mackems. we need to move on, its pathetic.






    we were not terrible today. the defense backed off sunderland way too much, they had much more time on the ball than they should have. apart from that all 4 members of the defence were sound, the midfield was poor until jonas and barton came on, but they improved it 10 fold. Jonas is so much better than any of our other midfielders its not even funny. it was like him and barton playing alongside 4 retards in guthrie, duff, oba and shola for the last 20 minutes.


    our strikers were very poor, although i had a feeling that keegan being at the club would improve martins a lot, it seemed too, but now he's gone oba may struggle. duff was very poor, as was geremi. butt and guthrie were very poor, although not as bad as the aforementioned 2.



    Don't say that to the locals unless you've seen the bridge or your toast.

  8. You would think we would've won the league under Keegan the way some folk are going on. Tbh, Ashley and Keegan can both f*** off, they BOTH let the fans down. It's obvious that we would be playing better under Keegan, we all seen that at the beginning of the season, but to say that we would have won today if he was in charge is ridiculous, we had vital players missing.


    Today was always going to be a struggle, I think we all knew that. With the players we had missing (Jonas, Barton, Owen) it was always going to be a diffcult task. The game as a whole was pretty poor in quality. The passing in the wide areas was poor and predictable, although you could say that the s*** movement of our players probably never helped. Saying that, I couldn't believe how average the mackems were, considering all the money they've spunked recently. The only player who really concerned me was Cisse who seemed to be cause problems with his runs. Other than that I thought the game was pretty even, and it really could have gone either way.


    We've got big games coming up and it's important that everyone connected to the club sticks together. Yes today hurts, you wouldn't be a fan if it didn't. But falling out over who is to blame is just stupid.



    Great to see someone else watched the same game I did.


    We were very capable of winning this game today. In fact if that freekick is kept out just before Jonas and Barton come on, I believe we go on to win it.


    Cisse was a threat and that was about it.


    No one truly knows the state arton and Jonas are in, so saying they should have been brought on earlier is a bit naive. They will be very important for us the rest of the way if we are to steer well clear of the bottom three, so it would have been crazy to take any massive risks with their fitness.

  9. Im not from Newcastle- Im from Kent of all places and I now live in Ireland- but todays result hurts like f***. Its really depressing and is probably the lowest I've been for a while supporting the Toon....and we've had some low points this season already.

    My mood is effected just as much as the locals of Newcastle with the results of NUFC so I think it effects all supporters, local or non-local.


    Who cares? If you ain't seen the tyne bridge your obviously just faking it.


    Get over it.

  10. Wow ... some really surprising over reactions on here.


    Aye, it's almost as if some of us are from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


    What a stupid f***ing thing to say.


    What? Now that was a stupid thing to say.


    Blaming the system, the owners, Kinnear etc is bloody stupid and pointless.


    They pretty much had their strongest team out and we didn't even come close. I think we would have beaten them easily otherwise. We played alright on the whole and they played well.


    But hey let's play the blame game all over again! That's so much more fun!


    I blame Owne for having muscle tissue made out of tissue paper!


    I blame Freddy Shepherd and John Hall for selling the club to that evil non-Geordie Mike Ashley!


    I blame Keegan for being a stroppy little man!


    yada, yada, yada, yada bollox.






    Two players (Owen, Viduka) from our best team. Sorry, but you can't blame injuries on this one.


    Jonas got 15 mins because he only just returned, as did Barton. If they are fit enough to play the 90, we win this game easily imo.


    Beye still isn't quite right either and Martins doesn't look very sharp.




    How would we win it easily? When they'd both probably be bypassed anyway with the ball being aimed far beyond their reaches.


    Did you watch the match?


    Did you see what happened after they both came on?


    You don't have the first clue what this means to people from this area so why bother offering comment?


    :lol: f***s sake


    What's your problem?


    Kaka thinks I'm overreacting. I say that when he's actually seen the Tyne Bridge, he'll have the right to tell me I'm overreacting to a derby defeat. Until then, he should keep his f***ing nose out.




    Oh I'm so torn up inside because the local Geordies don't accept me as a Newcastle supporter! Whatever will I do with myself!


    If you think that gets to me your dead wrong. I'll support who the hell I want and in whaatever manner I choose too.


    One thing I know for sure is that I support the club a whole lot better than some of the lot that gaze at the Tyne bridge all day. Verty ignorant statement.


    Anyway ... my point about over reacting was in relation too dragging up the whole Ashley vs the Geordies bollox because we lost a close derby game at a very improved Sunderland side.


    That is an embarrassing over reaction. By all means vent your frustraton over the game, but for f*** sake the world vs Ashley nonsense has been done to death already. No need drudging it up after every loss. Pathetic.




    first defeat on wearisde in 28 years or something. this is a big deal, if you don't think so then wullie's got a point. mebbe the non local fans don't see the derby as such a big match, fair enough as they arent from the area so might not understand the nature of the rivalry, but that doesnt mean they should come on here and tell the locals they are over-reacting and embarrasing. f***ing bullshit.


    Being from Hull and supporting Hull FC (the rugby league team), I know exactly what rivalry on this scale means due to having another professional team in the City, Hull KR.


    I know how much today meant, I'm feeling it inside, it's f***ing s***. The only other time I've felt like this is when Hull KR have beaten us. I maybe don't fully understand the level of bitterness between the two clubs but can imagine it, due to how bitter the Hull FC-Hull KR rivalry is.


    The rivalries in my eyes are quite similar. Simple points like we play in black and white, they play in red and white. We have the superior fan base, superior stadium, etc. One thing that is certain, is that the level of rivalry/bitterness is extremely high and there isn't another one like it in the two respective sports in this country. There is no bigger rivalry in rugby league than Hull FC and Hull KR. There is no bigger rivalry in football than Newcastle and Sunderland.


    Local Derbies mean more than any other game, I know this mainly from rugby. It's the first game you look for when the fixtures come out and the games you're most excited about. It's the best feeling when you win, but hurts like hell when you lose. Everybody reacts their own way, although when you lose a Derby game it is usually a worse reaction due to the nature of the game with so much at stake. Like I've said, it f***ing hurts like hell inside. Maybe not on the same level as some of you guys, but it's certainly right up there.


    as i said, i think most fans from outside the area will feel like s*** too but there'll also be some who don't understand it. i don't object to that - if they arent from the area they may well have less knowledge about the rivalry.


    but what i do object to is those people coming on and telling the local fans - or fans who are just as upset as a local would be - that they are over-reacting, embarrasing and pathetic. that's beyond the pale afaic. maybe The Libertine should stop and consider this point.


    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah now I understand!!!


    In order for me to express how upset I am at the result I have to rant on about the board etc. yet again and ruin another freakin' thread yet again. That'll show the locals how much I care! Then they'll accept me once and for all and my life will be complete. f*** that.


    Bloody clueless.


    We didn't get the job done today and we weren't good enough. We need to get our act together sharpish and get a result on Tuesday and I am very confident of this with Barton and Jonas back now. This is the reality of what is going on now.


    You guys can keep crying about Ashley and the board till your eyes fall out.


    I think your point has been missed, sadly.


    No biggie ... I think in general people just want to believe whatever they want to. It's a lot more convenient.


    The same lot that rubbish any sort of support that isn't immediately local, long for a foreigner to come in and spend billions on their club, regardless of how much they actually care about football nevermind their actual football clubs.


    It's all fascinating to me.




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