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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. A lot of our players literally can't move.


    Geremi and Butt in particular, killed us time and time again not just going forward but defending as well. Their lack of mobility is alarming.


    The difference Barton and Jonas made at the end was astonishing.


    Will Kinnear be brave enough to bench Butt though? That's the question.

  2. Wow ... some really surprising over reactions on here.


    Aye, it's almost as if some of us are from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


    What a stupid f***ing thing to say.


    What? Now that was a stupid thing to say.


    Blaming the system, the owners, Kinnear etc is bloody stupid and pointless.


    They pretty much had their strongest team out and we didn't even come close. I think we would have beaten them easily otherwise. We played alright on the whole and they played well.


    But hey let's play the blame game all over again! That's so much more fun!


    I blame Owne for having muscle tissue made out of tissue paper!


    I blame Freddy Shepherd and John Hall for selling the club to that evil non-Geordie Mike Ashley!


    I blame Keegan for being a stroppy little man!


    yada, yada, yada, yada bollox.






    Two players (Owen, Viduka) from our best team. Sorry, but you can't blame injuries on this one.


    Jonas got 15 mins because he only just returned, as did Barton. If they are fit enough to play the 90, we win this game easily imo.


    Beye still isn't quite right either and Martins doesn't look very sharp.




    How would we win it easily? When they'd both probably be bypassed anyway with the ball being aimed far beyond their reaches.


    Did you watch the match?


    Did you see what happened after they both came on?


    You don't have the first clue what this means to people from this area so why bother offering comment?


    :lol: f***s sake


    What's your problem?


    Kaka thinks I'm overreacting. I say that when he's actually seen the Tyne Bridge, he'll have the right to tell me I'm overreacting to a derby defeat. Until then, he should keep his f***ing nose out.




    Oh I'm so torn up inside because the local Geordies don't accept me as a Newcastle supporter! Whatever will I do with myself!


    If you think that gets to me your dead wrong. I'll support who the hell I want and in whaatever manner I choose too.


    One thing I know for sure is that I support the club a whole lot better than some of the lot that gaze at the Tyne bridge all day. Verty ignorant statement.


    Anyway ... my point about over reacting was in relation too dragging up the whole Ashley vs the Geordies bollox because we lost a close derby game at a very improved Sunderland side.


    That is an embarrassing over reaction. By all means vent your frustraton over the game, but for f*** sake the world vs Ashley nonsense has been done to death already. No need drudging it up after every loss. Pathetic.




    first defeat on wearisde in 28 years or something. this is a big deal, if you don't think so then wullie's got a point. mebbe the non local fans don't see the derby as such a big match, fair enough as they arent from the area so might not understand the nature of the rivalry, but that doesnt mean they should come on here and tell the locals they are over-reacting and embarrasing. f***ing bullshit.


    Being from Hull and supporting Hull FC (the rugby league team), I know exactly what rivalry on this scale means due to having another professional team in the City, Hull KR.


    I know how much today meant, I'm feeling it inside, it's f***ing s***. The only other time I've felt like this is when Hull KR have beaten us. I maybe don't fully understand the level of bitterness between the two clubs but can imagine it, due to how bitter the Hull FC-Hull KR rivalry is.


    The rivalries in my eyes are quite similar. Simple points like we play in black and white, they play in red and white. We have the superior fan base, superior stadium, etc. One thing that is certain, is that the level of rivalry/bitterness is extremely high and there isn't another one like it in the two respective sports in this country. There is no bigger rivalry in rugby league than Hull FC and Hull KR. There is no bigger rivalry in football than Newcastle and Sunderland.


    Local Derbies mean more than any other game, I know this mainly from rugby. It's the first game you look for when the fixtures come out and the games you're most excited about. It's the best feeling when you win, but hurts like hell when you lose. Everybody reacts their own way, although when you lose a Derby game it is usually a worse reaction due to the nature of the game with so much at stake. Like I've said, it f***ing hurts like hell inside. Maybe not on the same level as some of you guys, but it's certainly right up there.


    as i said, i think most fans from outside the area will feel like s*** too but there'll also be some who don't understand it. i don't object to that - if they arent from the area they may well have less knowledge about the rivalry.


    but what i do object to is those people coming on and telling the local fans - or fans who are just as upset as a local would be - that they are over-reacting, embarrasing and pathetic. that's beyond the pale afaic. maybe The Libertine should stop and consider this point.


    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah now I understand!!!


    In order for me to express how upset I am at the result I have to rant on about the board etc. yet again and ruin another freakin' thread yet again. That'll show the locals how much I care! Then they'll accept me once and for all and my life will be complete. Fuck that.


    Bloody clueless.


    We didn't get the job done today and we weren't good enough. We need to get our act together sharpish and get a result on Tuesday and I am very confident of this with Barton and Jonas back now. This is the reality of what is going on now.


    You guys can keep crying about Ashley and the board till your eyes fall out.

  3. Wow ... some really surprising over reactions on here.


    Aye, it's almost as if some of us are from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


    What a stupid f***ing thing to say.


    What? Now that was a stupid thing to say.


    Blaming the system, the owners, Kinnear etc is bloody stupid and pointless.


    They pretty much had their strongest team out and we didn't even come close. I think we would have beaten them easily otherwise. We played alright on the whole and they played well.


    But hey let's play the blame game all over again! That's so much more fun!


    I blame Owne for having muscle tissue made out of tissue paper!


    I blame Freddy Shepherd and John Hall for selling the club to that evil non-Geordie Mike Ashley!


    I blame Keegan for being a stroppy little man!


    yada, yada, yada, yada bollox.






    Two players (Owen, Viduka) from our best team. Sorry, but you can't blame injuries on this one.


    Jonas got 15 mins because he only just returned, as did Barton. If they are fit enough to play the 90, we win this game easily imo.


    Beye still isn't quite right either and Martins doesn't look very sharp.




    How would we win it easily? When they'd both probably be bypassed anyway with the ball being aimed far beyond their reaches.


    Did you watch the match?


    Did you see what happened after they both came on?


    You don't have the first clue what this means to people from this area so why bother offering comment?


    :lol: f***s sake


    What's your problem?


    Kaka thinks I'm overreacting. I say that when he's actually seen the Tyne Bridge, he'll have the right to tell me I'm overreacting to a derby defeat. Until then, he should keep his f***ing nose out.




    Oh I'm so torn up inside because the local Geordies don't accept me as a Newcastle supporter! Whatever will I do with myself!


    If you think that gets to me your dead wrong. I'll support who the hell I want and in whaatever manner I choose too.


    One thing I know for sure is that I support the club a whole lot better than some of the lot that gaze at the Tyne bridge all day. Verty ignorant statement.


    Anyway ... my point about over reacting was in relation too dragging up the whole Ashley vs the Geordies bollox because we lost a close derby game at a very improved Sunderland side.


    That is an embarrassing over reaction. By all means vent your frustraton over the game, but for f*** sake the world vs Ashley nonsense has been done to death already. No need drudging it up after every loss. Pathetic.




    first defeat on wearisde in 28 years or something. this is a big deal, if you don't think so then wullie's got a point. mebbe the non local fans don't see the derby as such a big match, fair enough as they arent from the area so might not understand the nature of the rivalry, but that doesnt mean they should come on here and tell the locals they are over-reacting and embarrasing. f***ing bullshit.


    Can you read?


    Yes it sucks that we lost and you can go mental if you need to. Throw yourself of the Tyne bridge if you like! Who cares?!


    But the Ashley, Wise, Llambas, Keegans s***?! I think it is pretty much agreed we have had enough of this.


    Very silly to start that nonsense of all over again.


    maybe as it is such a big occasion people see it as a suitable juncture to bring up the issue. THAT is what you don't get.


    but sorry my foreign overlord, ill try not to type anything untoward for fear of being labelled 'embarrasing' and 'pathetic'.


    Hey, type whatever you want just don't screw up the match thread for those who actually want to discuss what happened in the match. Simple as that.


    Even some of the glorious and holy locals in all of their wondrous splendour have complained about this very same thing. It is bloody tedious.


    Take it to one of the other millon stupid threads on the topic.

  4. Wow ... some really surprising over reactions on here.


    Aye, it's almost as if some of us are from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


    What a stupid f***ing thing to say.


    What? Now that was a stupid thing to say.


    Blaming the system, the owners, Kinnear etc is bloody stupid and pointless.


    They pretty much had their strongest team out and we didn't even come close. I think we would have beaten them easily otherwise. We played alright on the whole and they played well.


    But hey let's play the blame game all over again! That's so much more fun!


    I blame Owne for having muscle tissue made out of tissue paper!


    I blame Freddy Shepherd and John Hall for selling the club to that evil non-Geordie Mike Ashley!


    I blame Keegan for being a stroppy little man!


    yada, yada, yada, yada bollox.






    Two players (Owen, Viduka) from our best team. Sorry, but you can't blame injuries on this one.


    Jonas got 15 mins because he only just returned, as did Barton. If they are fit enough to play the 90, we win this game easily imo.


    Beye still isn't quite right either and Martins doesn't look very sharp.




    How would we win it easily? When they'd both probably be bypassed anyway with the ball being aimed far beyond their reaches.


    Did you watch the match?


    Did you see what happened after they both came on?


    You don't have the first clue what this means to people from this area so why bother offering comment?


    :lol: f***s sake


    What's your problem?


    Kaka thinks I'm overreacting. I say that when he's actually seen the Tyne Bridge, he'll have the right to tell me I'm overreacting to a derby defeat. Until then, he should keep his f***ing nose out.




    Oh I'm so torn up inside because the local Geordies don't accept me as a Newcastle supporter! Whatever will I do with myself!


    If you think that gets to me your dead wrong. I'll support who the hell I want and in whaatever manner I choose too.


    One thing I know for sure is that I support the club a whole lot better than some of the lot that gaze at the Tyne bridge all day. Verty ignorant statement.


    Anyway ... my point about over reacting was in relation too dragging up the whole Ashley vs the Geordies bollox because we lost a close derby game at a very improved Sunderland side.


    That is an embarrassing over reaction. By all means vent your frustraton over the game, but for f*** sake the world vs Ashley nonsense has been done to death already. No need drudging it up after every loss. Pathetic.




    first defeat on wearisde in 28 years or something. this is a big deal, if you don't think so then wullie's got a point. mebbe the non local fans don't see the derby as such a big match, fair enough as they arent from the area so might not understand the nature of the rivalry, but that doesnt mean they should come on here and tell the locals they are over-reacting and embarrasing. f***ing bullshit.


    Can you read?


    Yes it sucks that we lost and you can go mental if you need to. Throw yourself of the Tyne bridge if you like! Who cares?!


    But the Ashley, Wise, Llambas, Keegans shit?! I think it is pretty much agreed we have had enough of this.


    Very silly to start that nonsense of all over again.

  5. Wow ... some really surprising over reactions on here.


    Aye, it's almost as if some of us are from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


    What a stupid f***ing thing to say.


    What? Now that was a stupid thing to say.


    Blaming the system, the owners, Kinnear etc is bloody stupid and pointless.


    They pretty much had their strongest team out and we didn't even come close. I think we would have beaten them easily otherwise. We played alright on the whole and they played well.


    But hey let's play the blame game all over again! That's so much more fun!


    I blame Owne for having muscle tissue made out of tissue paper!


    I blame Freddy Shepherd and John Hall for selling the club to that evil non-Geordie Mike Ashley!


    I blame Keegan for being a stroppy little man!


    yada, yada, yada, yada bollox.






    Two players (Owen, Viduka) from our best team. Sorry, but you can't blame injuries on this one.


    Jonas got 15 mins because he only just returned, as did Barton. If they are fit enough to play the 90, we win this game easily imo.


    Beye still isn't quite right either and Martins doesn't look very sharp.




    How would we win it easily? When they'd both probably be bypassed anyway with the ball being aimed far beyond their reaches.


    Did you watch the match?


    Did you see what happened after they both came on?


    You don't have the first clue what this means to people from this area so why bother offering comment?


    :lol: f***s sake


    What's your problem?


    Kaka thinks I'm overreacting. I say that when he's actually seen the Tyne Bridge, he'll have the right to tell me I'm overreacting to a derby defeat. Until then, he should keep his f***ing nose out.


    you're telling him he shouldnt even bother having an opinion because he's not local?




    He's not allowed to tell me I'm overreacting, no. Fairly f***ing obvious iyam.


    he wasnt the only person to say things about overreacting. passed without comment too i believe.


    but whatever. overreact, underreact, who cares? at least you're local.


    Seriously don't bother. It is a meaningless comment that has no effect on me whatsoever, and it shouldn't have on anyone who isn't local and still chooses to support the club, even in the awesome state it is in!


    The theory that local supporters are great supporters by virtue of being local sort of correlates to the theory that local players i.e. Steven Taylor is a great player by virtue of being from the area.


    Bollox theory, which "our" Steven continues to rubbish with every passing game.



  6. Wow ... some really surprising over reactions on here.


    Aye, it's almost as if some of us are from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


    What a stupid f***ing thing to say.


    What? Now that was a stupid thing to say.


    Blaming the system, the owners, Kinnear etc is bloody stupid and pointless.


    They pretty much had their strongest team out and we didn't even come close. I think we would have beaten them easily otherwise. We played alright on the whole and they played well.


    But hey let's play the blame game all over again! That's so much more fun!


    I blame Owne for having muscle tissue made out of tissue paper!


    I blame Freddy Shepherd and John Hall for selling the club to that evil non-Geordie Mike Ashley!


    I blame Keegan for being a stroppy little man!


    yada, yada, yada, yada bollox.






    Two players (Owen, Viduka) from our best team. Sorry, but you can't blame injuries on this one.


    Jonas got 15 mins because he only just returned, as did Barton. If they are fit enough to play the 90, we win this game easily imo.


    Beye still isn't quite right either and Martins doesn't look very sharp.




    How would we win it easily? When they'd both probably be bypassed anyway with the ball being aimed far beyond their reaches.


    Did you watch the match?


    Did you see what happened after they both came on?


    You don't have the first clue what this means to people from this area so why bother offering comment?


    :lol: f***s sake


    What's your problem?


    Kaka thinks I'm overreacting. I say that when he's actually seen the Tyne Bridge, he'll have the right to tell me I'm overreacting to a derby defeat. Until then, he should keep his f***ing nose out.




    Oh I'm so torn up inside because the local Geordies don't accept me as a Newcastle supporter! Whatever will I do with myself!


    If you think that gets to me your dead wrong. I'll support who the hell I want and in whatever manner I choose to.


    One thing I know for sure is that I support the club a whole lot better than some of the lot that gaze at the Tyne bridge all day. Very ignorant statement.


    Anyway ... my point about over reacting was in relation to dragging up the whole Ashley vs the Geordies bollox because we lost a close derby game at a very improved Sunderland side.


    That is an embarrassing over reaction. By all means vent your frustraton over the game, but for f*** sake the world vs Ashley nonsense has been done to death already. No need drudging it up after every loss. Pathetic.



  7. It's clear with Barton coming back into the team, either Butt or Guthrie will have to step down. Guthrie isn't an attacking midfielder so now is the right time for him to lay claim to the holding role. Butt is giving goals away match after match.


    Can't see any British manager dropping him and playing Guthrie and Barton, even though this is exactly what needs to happen.


    He's ever so experienced you see!


    He's been given the freakin' armband for goodness sake!


    Tragic ...

  8. Wow ... some really surprising over reactions on here.


    Aye, it's almost as if some of us are from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


    What a stupid f***ing thing to say.


    What? Now that was a stupid thing to say.


    Blaming the system, the owners, Kinnear etc is bloody stupid and pointless.


    They pretty much had their strongest team out and we didn't even come close. I think we would have beaten them easily otherwise. We played alright on the whole and they played well.


    But hey let's play the blame game all over again! That's so much more fun!


    I blame Owne for having muscle tissue made out of tissue paper!


    I blame Freddy Shepherd and John Hall for selling the club to that evil non-Geordie Mike Ashley!


    I blame Keegan for being a stroppy little man!


    yada, yada, yada, yada bollox.






    Two players (Owen, Viduka) from our best team. Sorry, but you can't blame injuries on this one.


    Jonas got 15 mins because he only just returned, as did Barton. If they are fit enough to play the 90, we win this game easily imo.


    Beye still isn't quite right either and Martins doesn't look very sharp.




    How would we win it easily? When they'd both probably be bypassed anyway with the ball being aimed far beyond their reaches.


    Did you watch the match?


    Did you see what happened after they both came on?

  9. Wow ... some really surprising over reactions on here.


    Aye, it's almost as if some of us are from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


    What a stupid f***ing thing to say.


    What? Now that was a stupid thing to say.


    Blaming the system, the owners, Kinnear etc is bloody stupid and pointless.


    They pretty much had their strongest team out and we didn't even come close. I think we would have beaten them easily otherwise. We played alright on the whole and they played well.


    But hey let's play the blame game all over again! That's so much more fun!


    I blame Owne for having muscle tissue made out of tissue paper!


    I blame Freddy Shepherd and John Hall for selling the club to that evil non-Geordie Mike Ashley!


    I blame Keegan for being a stroppy little man!


    yada, yada, yada, yada bollox.






    Two players (Owen, Viduka) from our best team. Sorry, but you can't blame injuries on this one.


    Jonas got 15 mins because he only just returned, as did Barton. If they are fit enough to play the 90, we win this game easily imo.


    Beye still isn't quite right either and Martins doesn't look very sharp.



  10. Wow ... some really surprising over reactions on here.


    Aye, it's almost as if some of us are from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


    What a stupid f***ing thing to say.


    What? Now that was a stupid thing to say.


    Blaming the system, the owners, Kinnear etc is bloody stupid and pointless.


    They pretty much had their strongest team out and we didn't even come close. I think we would have beaten them easily otherwise. We played alright on the whole and they played well.


    But hey let's play the blame game all over again! That's so much more fun!


    I blame Owne for having muscle tissue made out of tissue paper!


    I blame Freddy Shepherd and John Hall for selling the club to that evil non-Geordie Mike Ashley!


    I blame Keegan for being a stroppy little man!


    yada, yada, yada, yada bollox.



    Then who the f*** do we blame? :lol:


    11 players were out on that pitch and they had enough opportunities to get a result in this game. They didn't. Period.

  11. Wow ... some really surprising over reactions on here.


    Aye, it's almost as if some of us are from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


    What a stupid f***ing thing to say.


    What? Now that was a stupid thing to say.


    Blaming the system, the owners, Kinnear etc is bloody stupid and pointless.


    They pretty much had their strongest team out and we didn't even come close. I think we would have beaten them easily otherwise. We played alright on the whole and they played well.


    But hey let's play the blame game all over again! That's so much more fun!


    I blame Owne for having muscle tissue made out of tissue paper!


    I blame Freddy Shepherd and John Hall for selling the club to that evil non-Geordie Mike Ashley!


    I blame Keegan for being a stroppy little man!


    yada, yada, yada, yada bollox.






  12. Wow ... some really surprising over reactions on here.


    I thought we did very well today in the first half. Unfortunately a lot of our players are only just returning from injuries or long periods out of the first team and so we faded badly in the second.


    We have so much to look forward to though. I loved what I was seeing from Barton and Jonas after they came on, it's just very unfortunate they couldn't play more of the game today.


    I think we are really set to go on a roll. This game unfortunately came just a week too early for us.


    Fair play to Cisse. A lot of people think he's rubbish but he is a very dangerous striker imo. Jones and Cisse will be a very good partnership for them.


    Looking forward to the return fixture. We'll hammer them.

  13. Joe Kinnear has actually got Shola playing pretty well and Duff too.


    I cannot say enough about the players effort tonight. Absolute first rate. Bringin in Kinnear has definitely made a difference.


    It would be awesome if we could get something even after being cheated the way we were.


    Come on lads!


    Oh ... how much does Mark hughes suck. he won't last past the end of the season. City have been pretty lacklustre all things considered.

  14. One of the most tragic things about our current team.


    Everytime we get a corner it's almost an advantage to the other team, as the first man usually clears it and all of a sudden they are breaking on us while all our defenders are in their box! It's crazy.


    Every manager we have had recently was guilty of continuing to allow N'Zogbia and Milner to take them for some reason. They continued to make a mess of them time and time again with no change being made.


    Guthrie took a few that were veautifully flighted in, but then he never took anymore and it was Zoggy and Geremi time and time again. Geremi at least occassionally gets one right, but not nearly enough still.

  15. Did pavulchenko even touch the ball yesterday? I watched the game, and I can't remember him doing anything at all.


    I liked Modric, his link up play with Lennon was the only thing keeping Spuds going. Woodgate looked off the pace, Bale was his usually cunty self, hutton looked ok, dawson was dawson, jenas and Zokora were both invisible. Bent was ok, but his goal was offside. Bentley was the worst of the lot, what the f*** happened to him! :lol:


    Modric was the only one showing any sort of urgency yesterday. Slot him into Arsenals midfield and he would look brilliant. The movement of the players was so absurdly shocking that he hardly ever had anyone to pass the ball forward to and so ended up playing it back to Jenas who was always too far behind him, or he got caught on the ball.


    Jenas is disturbingly bad. I honestly can't for the life of me see why anyone would put him in any first team. He is supposed to be this energetic attacking midfielder but is always behind the ball in the first place, and when he is on the ball he always passes it backwards!


    If I was playing a 3 man midfield it would be Modric just behind the striker with Zokora and Huddlestone in behind him. Huddlestone can at least pick out a forward pass, and would link up well with Modric, and although he isn't that mobile, Zokora's mobility would help make up for it. Jenas for all his supposed mobility, hardly ever gets back to break up play or gets forward often enough to do anything effective.

  16. I think Coloccini has been brilliant. He has made mistakes, but he has clearly shown he has some ability and is a committed and slightly cynical defender (which I love). He will only get beter.


    Considering he has only just joined the most physically demanding league and he has Nicky Butt in front of him as DM, the young and erratic Taylor beside him at CB, and he is yet to play alongside an actual left back, I think it is a miracle he hasn't fallen to pieces yet.


    I think he'll prove to be a very good signing. He'll only get better.

  17. Heskey is a wonderful team player. Isn't it amazing how almost every striker he plays alongside does so well? I include the new guy at Wigan also, Amir Zaki.


    It certainly cannot be a coincidence. It's such a shame he doesn't quite score enough goals, as it means he is hugely underated.


    Rooney hasn't had the opportunity to play behind a striker with some presence for a little while now, and with Heskey for England and Berbatov for Man U, I think he will begin to play far better football.

  18. Look all in all this Owen thing hasn't worked out great for us. I'm not saying it's all his fault either. He's had his fitness issues and we are still a bloody mess as a club.


    The man's contract is up and we are about to start over anew again. No better time to part ways. If we can get someone in who is willing to invest in the squad, then we have to go out there and find another striker and let Owen be.


    Martins is a decent threat already. We need to go and get him a more ideal partner and ust let Owen go. Someone needs to come in and put in the work to find the right striker. It won't be easy but it's the right time to do it.


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