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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Taylor and Milner are just unbelievably poor. I'm glad more people are beginning to see this. These guys cost us games at both ends of the pitch. They are consistently poor and at their very best are very average. It's ridiculous.


    I couldn't be happier about Bassong and Guthrie. Two players who have barely cost a couple of million and they are already standing out in our team and are showing that they will definitely be an improvement on a lot of the layers we already have. Huge credit to the recruitment team for Bassong and Guthrie who a lot were so worried about. Looking very promising for those two young guys.


    Honestly, the performances of Bassong and Guthrie have pretty much shown that with a couple of million we could easily replace Taylor and Milner with better quality and it's embarrassing. Especially as those two with all their unjustified hype could probably net us at least £10 million. It's a joke.


    Milner really seems to have gone backwards, maybe he has half an eye on leaving or summat.


    Hmmmm ... honestly I've never really seen what people see in the guy. I love his dedication and commitment, but he is very average. I really feel he is more of a championship standard player. Could never see him being a first team player in the premier league.

  2. Taylor and Milner are just unbelievably poor. I'm glad more people are beginning to see this. These guys cost us games at both ends of the pitch. They are consistently poor and at their very best are very average. It's ridiculous.


    I couldn't be happier about Bassong and Guthrie. Two players who have barely cost a couple of million and they are already standing out in our team and are showing that they will definitely be an improvement on a lot of the layers we already have. Huge credit to the recruitment team for Bassong and Guthrie who a lot were so worried about. Looking very promising for those two young guys.


    Honestly, the performances of Bassong and Guthrie have pretty much shown that with a couple of million we could easily replace Taylor and Milner with better quality and it's embarrassing. Especially as those two with all their unjustified hype could probably net us at least £10 million. It's a joke.

  3. Does seem like a lot more people are willing to feel like "there might be something in this" just because he is described as being a billionaire richer than Abramovich. Seems like people are just gagging for someone to come in and buy 20 players in a week all of whom cost nothing less than £20 million.


    Ashley has come out and said he is not interested in selling but would  like partners to join him. I see no reason not to believe this. Another Sunday, another takeover rumour as far as I am concerned.





  4. "I really hope that this is true and we can see the end of Ashley and his penny pinching bean counters.


    I hope the new owner has the presence of mind to bring back Freddie, people might not like Fred but at least he delivered the 5th best team over a decade and got us our best ever CL finish, fact.


    Any new owner must beat 4th, 3th, 5th and 7th place in the league or he's a penny pinching failure, double fact."





    NE5 no doubt.

  5. 4-4-1-1 this season.


    After Owen's progress playing in the hole last season he is going to develop this further and Martins will master making the right runs in order to stretch that last line of defence.


    Butt and Barton in midfield. Jonas and another top wide player on the right side (Larsson of Brum is likely) and it's all systems go.


    Guthrie will backup Butt. Milner will backup Barton. Geremi will backup Larsson. Zoggy will backup spidey.


    Watch this space ...





  6. Derdiyok would be another in the Guthrie and Bassong mould.


    Guthrie looking to push Nicky Butt and eventually displace him.


    Bassong looking to push Faye and eventually displace him.


    Derdiyok looking to push Viduka and nudge him out also.

  7. Milner is popular on here


    You must be shitting me. :lol:


    Everytime I had a go at him last season, most people didn't seem to agree with me. Quite a few can't look past his work rate and attitude, which are great tbf, but he just isn't good enough. He is a huge liability, costs us so many great opportunities in a game, by not delivering a decent ball.


    He was even moved into the middle at one point of the game today and he actually looked worse. He didn't quite know where to be and subsequently faded from the game as he hardly was able to get on the ball.

  8. I think it is a blessing in disguise the more inept we look upfront with each pre-season game. Just incase anybody at Newcastle, Keegan in particular, was even beginning to think for a second that we were okay upfront.


    Other points ...


    Guthrie looks a classy, tidier version of Butt and should take over from him very soon, I hope. He would definitely do a better job of distributing the ball. I'm very impressed with Guthrie he was clearly a very good value for money purchase and will only get better.


    Milner is popular on here, but he really isn't anywhere good enough for the first team right now. He has a top work rate and a top attitude but he just isn't producing the goods on the field consistently enough. His crossing hasn't improved one bit.


    Jonas is a star. His game, his look ... cult status guaranteed.


    On the whole I thought everyone looked very fit and much quicker than I remember too, which is a great sign.



  9. I definitely agree with the first team which leaves Jenas out, and I honestly thought this was what was going to happen before he was given a brand new deal! I doubt he would have been happy to sign it if he knew he wouldn't be playing as big a role anymore.


    Shall certainly be interesting. Ideally Jenas should be the one to be left out if you do sign Arshavin and a DM. Not sure Gio woul be too thrilled to move to Spurs' bench from Barca's.


    Looks like his agent is just pimping him all over the place. I think perhaps Spurs considered him instead of Bentley at some point, but their interest is over now.


    Modric, Jenas, Bentley, Dos Santos and Arshavin would have been too feeble. If they now land a good strong midfielder to go along with the first four i mentioned (i.e. no Arshavin) then they will be looking very interesting indeed.


    Bent and Pvluychenko to battle it out for the lone striker also.


    That would be much better for them I think.


    Dont agree with you on that. Arshavin would have been an excellent signing and he would have been easy to accomodate. Still dont think we've ended our interest.


    I'm also not that sure about signing Pavluychenko. Sure he had a good euros, but i'd be far more comfortable with a player like Pandev or Milito than i would Pav.


    You have so much creativity from Bentley, Modric, and Dos Santos, with Jenas occassionally, no very occassionally  :razz:, doing something half decent also. Will Arshavin really add more to the team then than what an Albelda or your boy Palombo would?


    How would you line up Bentley, Modric, Dos Santos, Jenas and Arshavin beaing in mind none of them can play as a lone striker? They would all take up a midfield position, whcih I don't think would be great defensively.


    Looks like his agent is just pimping him all over the place. I think perhaps Spurs considered him instead of Bentley at some point, but their interest is over now.


    Modric, Jenas, Bentley, Dos Santos and Arshavin would have been too feeble. If they now land a good strong midfielder to go along with the first four i mentioned (i.e. no Arshavin) then they will be looking very interesting indeed.


    Bent and Pvluychenko to battle it out for the lone striker also.


    That would be much better for them I think.

  12. I wonder if Nike would have ditched Tiger or Lebron James in the same situation. I doubt it.


    Barton is nothing to them. I dodn't even know he had a deal with them tbh.


    Just a nice way to save a bit of money and get themselves a bit of publicity.




    :lol: Perfectly valid comparison there, of course. You can deride others for having no opinions (erroneously so), but what's the point of you expressing your thoughts when they're all really f***ing stupid?


    I can't see Tiger Woods going on a drunken rampage through Liverpool city centre any time soon, having committed numerous other indiscretions. (that's just my opinion, though.


    You really are tedious ...


    And still you have nothing to say for yourself.


    The point of course was the stature of the athlete you silly fool.


    Do you think if Rooney had done this Nike would ditch him? Rooney is definitely capable of it too so don't even bother arguing that.

  13. I wonder if Nike would have ditched Tiger or Lebron James in the same situation. I doubt it.


    Barton is nothing to them. I dodn't even know he had a deal with them tbh.


    Just a nice way to save a bit of money and get themselves a bit of publicity.



  14. Gokham Inler

    Per Ciljan Skjelbred

    Kevin Monnet-Paquet

    Stephen Warnock

    Marek Suchy

    Julio Baptista

    Jose Antonio Reyes

    Nicola Burdisso

    Fabricio Coloccini

    Philippe Senderos


    those are the ones from nufc.com's Rumour list for July that could maybe have some substance in them - some more than others... :naughty:


    Kevin Monnet-Paquet could be an interesting one. Similar to Bassongs situation and could therefore be a similar signing.


    Another young talent who has also represented France in the younger age groups and his team have also been relegated this season.

  15. Define best player.


    Most valuable to the team?


    If it is our most valuable player then I would say Martins. The team just isn't the same without him in it.


    When Owen was out at the start of last season we still looked dangerous with Martins in the team, however when he was out due to the ACN and Owen was fit , we looked very poor from an attacking standpoint.







    What an intelligent debate from the man with no opinion on anything.

  16. Define best player.


    Most valuable to the team?


    If it is our most valuable player then I would say Martins. The team just isn't the same without him in it.


    When Owen was out at the start of last season we still looked dangerous with Martins in the team, however when he was out due to the ACN and Owen was fit , we looked very poor from an attacking standpoint.



  17. Can KD or Jol confirm Spurs are struggling to find the money to finalize the Arshavin deal and its the same reason why the Pavlyuchenko deal fell through?


    dont think i't true tbh. Think Levy is being his usual stingy self and the deal will go through eventually.


    Brummie, that pic makes it look like he's celebrating the goal and nothing else.




    btw where's kaka lately? he said we'll definately not sign Bentley because he'll be off to villa (add to that his claim that kewell will be a spurs player).


    I'm right here punk!


    I see you were clearly rattled by the Bentley to Villa comment then  :lol:


    Spurs are getting good players in  no doubt, but something still isn't right. If they indeed intend to play Modric, Arshavin, Bentley, Dos Santos and Jenas (!), who for some reason they gave a new contract, then where does a DM fit in?!


    You lot look like you are going to be very, very soft next season.


    You will play some pretty stuff at times though and embarrass some weaker teams, but then again, thats what you did this last season passed.


    I don't see a major improvement at all.



    Why. The. f***. Are teams suddenly obliged to play with a defensive midfielder now? Because Makelele was quite good for Chelsea? You're talking s****. As always. Spurs have made massive strides compared to us this window and look set to continue to do so. Absolute self-denial to claim otherwise. They're spending silly money to do so, and it could go tits up, but I know which signings I'd rather have.




    I talk s*** as always? Well at least I have my own opinions while all you always talk about is how others opinions are s***. Grow up.


    I doubt you've ever even played a sport in your life never mind football. I've been involved enough in the game to be confident in my opinion thank you very much. Last summer I heard the same crap about how awesome Spurs would be, but I wasn't so sure and I didn't believe for a second that they would be anywhere near the top four.


    Yes, they are buying pretty names, but it really is a different story when the games begin. I saw them enough last season to know that they need some strength and character in that midfield, and this hasn't changed, and in fact you could argue the situation is worse. In my opinion it's an imbalanced team. They will dominate in some games and look brilliant, but then I also feel they will lose a lot of games like the first game against Sunderland last season, where their opponents are nowhere near as talented, but get stuck into them all game.


    Yes it would have been nice to sign SOME of the players they have brought in but if we, Newcastle, had exactly the same team (on the whole) that they have right now, I would have the same concerns also.


    This is my opinion. Deal with it.


    Care to let me know why exactly you think that team will be succesful, other than because of the names of the players in it? Do you actually have a valid argument as to why you don't think they will need a defensive midfielder and why it will work without one?


    Or are you just going to swear and claim everyone else is talking rubbish again?




    Tbh you'd still find faults with us, even if we did get a dm and cb.


    If you signed Amdy Faye and Titus Bramble hell yes I would!


    Otherwise you're just speculating aren't you.


    If I genuinely think a team is going to be good I would say so. I'm not that petty.


    I could easily accuse you of being overly optimistic of your team also. It was the same last summer and look what happened. I feel like I was right then and I haven't seen anything to change my mind.


    You want me to say something nice about Spurs to make you feel better? Look back over my posts and I have numerous times. I loved the Berbs and Keane partnership, and I wasn't too happy when you signed Bale having seen him a good few times, he is class. Also liked hutton also. Didn't really think much of anyone else you had last season though.



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