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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. i wonder if Aimar will play on the right in front of Chimbonda or if he'll compete with Modric for a spot on the left, i guess we'll have to wait to see what toon boss Deschamps does, whatever happens, i bet keegan will be 'fuming'.



  2. Well he can play at DM aand RB so would be useful in two positions where we could do with an additional player.


    IF this is true would hopefuly displace Butt and provide cover for Beye.

  3. Any evidence that the story's not just column filling bullshit? Thought not.


    It's been lingering and now its in the Times.


    Owen obviously leaked it as he is livid that Milner is interfering with his efforts to seal another £100,00 a week contract.


    It's been lingering? What the f*** are you on about?



    Calm down.


    I just remember it being in a few other papers earlier in the window (lingering was the wrong word perhaps), but now its in the Times! So Owen obviously ghost wrote the article and stuff.

  4. Any evidence that the story's not just column filling bullshit? Thought not.


    It's been lingering and now its in the Times.


    Owen obviously leaked it as he is livid that Milner is interfering with his efforts to seal another £100,00 a week contract.

  5. His agent saying he is now in talks with one English club that is not Everton this a day after saying he was going to Benfica could well be the agent using us to get Benfica to offer more


    Maybe ... or maybe we have stepped up our interest after the agent used Benfica to get us to firm up our offer.




    I hope so :thup:


    Believe the hype man!


    Aimar is coming.


    "We need players to set the team alight"


    Wish someone would set your computer alight.





  6. Is it lost on people here that all he is going to do is tell us what's in tomorrow's Daily Mirror


    But yet here you are ...


    Why don't you go to sleep and we'll fill you in in the morning.


    I want to be here on the slight chance something legit goes down.


    I have verbal warheads ready to launch at maetihs cranium.

  7. This is what the summer is all about, beautifully frustrating nights like this ...


    We will all either be going crazy and celebrating Big Mikes first major signing (and his firm and well placed kick in maetihs' groin) or we'll bitch and moan together.


    How can anyone not love this  :lol:


    Chill out and enjoy the wild and crazy ride that is NUFC.

  8. Some people on here sounding far too assured and setting themselves up for a fall.


    By the sound of it Benfica are still in pole position and we're going to need to act quickly if we even stand a chance. He may want to come here, he may want to go there and play under his former coach. Either way I certainly don't think it'll be down to lack of ambition or offering small wages if we do miss out, just bad luck.


    Lets wait for something concrete before getting our hopes up, aye?


    You wear really tight undies don't you?


    Let them breathe man!


    I believe we are in a stronger position if we both bid. The premier league is really popular right now, there are a lot of top Argentinians here all doing really well and we just signed an Argentinian ourselves!


    Enjoy the speculation we are in with a very good chance afterall.


    Modric didn't come and we're all still alive right? Chill.


  9. Cahill pisses all over Barton imo, and i don't know much about Carsley; but Butt's f***ing w***.


    Find it hard to see how anyone can deny that we need a quality centre-mid... ???


    Not denying it. Just saying there are different ways of going about things. Cahill is great at arriving in the box to score but he is by no means a midfielder that makes things happen with his passing or anything, and Carsley is basically a poor man's Nicky Butt.



  10. Newcastle United on the verge of a very big and very good signing.


    But that's for the paper too.


    Good to see some people can actually close deals.




    Get in there big Mike! Do your thing you beast!


    Kick the doommongers in the nuts man!

  11. Liverpool would be daft to loan Insua out. Whereas selling Guthrie is one thing, as he's simply surplus to requirements, loaning out someone like Insua is another. He's a very good young player, and if Dossena gets injured, we'd be short of a left back, and he'd be needed. So I hope this little story ain't true  :coolsmiley:




    You do still have Aurelio though and Arbeloa played at left back at times also, but I do agree in general, it would be surprising if he was allowed to leave.


    Liverpool Fan here:


    I agree with Rafa. I dont think Insua was ever offered to Newcastle in exchange for Milner. He is that highly rated in the academy. Most insiders in liverpool forums were calling that previous article by Oliver, bollocks.


    I would be surprised even if he went out on loan though.  Rafa is looking to sell Finnan and Degen is unproven. So Arbeloa maybe our first choice right back. On the left we have Dossena and Aurelio ( who gets crocked after playing 3 games). He has already talked about fullbacks being more attacking next season with the width coming from them. He has mentioned Dossena, Aurelio and Insua as the three left back options for next season.


    In case he ends up joining you on loan this is an overview of himm.

    According to reserve coach Ablett, the only reason Insua has not got more games is that he still needs to work on his positioning. He still does not have a balance between attack and defense. Either he is too defensive or too attacking. But when he is on the top of his game the lad is an absolute quality player. He is extremely comfortable on the ball, has a rocket of a shot, good crossing ability and has some decent collection of dribbling tricks. He can cover in central defense also. That was his position in Boca juniors.




    Interesting. Midfield diamond perhaps?


    Mascherano deep, Barry narrow left, Gerrard  narrow right and Keane just behind the strikers.


    Torres and Kuyt upfront.


    I could so do a better job than Rafa  :snod:


    Not if you think that playing Dirk Kuyt as a central striker is a good idea, especially if you're including Robbie Keane as being a Liverpool player available for selection up front too...    :rolleyes:




    It will be Kuyts job to harry and harrass the oppositions defenders, defending from the front. Do not underestimate his committment and the desire he plays with, as it lifts the team. In this setup he wouldn't be under pressure to score as much either and his defensive help would be invaluable to the narrower midfield.


    Your such an amateur ...

  12. Think about it ... with all the speculation in the past few days Oliver didn't even comment on it today.


    Aimar is nailed on to sign very soon.


    Oliver has either been warned after the Modric incident or given false information and so he went with the Insua "smokescreen".


    Is it a coincidence that Insua is Argentinian? I think not.


    You can just see it now ...


    Oliver: "Come on Kev who are we signing next?"


    Keegan: "The Argentinian who Rafa is familiar with"


    Oliver: "Can't be Mascherano ... must be Insua!"


    Keegan: "Yup. You go with that."


    Oliver: "Cheers Messiah"




    Colin G, who works for the Chronicle, and posts over on their board says they were sworn to secrecy about the Jonas signing.


    You see! I didn't even know that.


    I genuinely thought it was really weird that Oliver had nothing to say about the Aimar link today as he will usually comment on any link he can get his grubby mitts on.

  13. If we're going to be going 4-4-2 then we really are going to have to sign a quality centre-midfielder. Well, we need to anyway tbh, but moreso if we're going back to that formation, with Owen returning to the out-and-out striker role. I don't even know if Owen's still up to that tbh, he wasn't last season so it seemed, but that could have been more to do with the rest of the team, which was thoroughly un-creative in a 4-4-2. Even so, he isn't a pacy striker anymore.


    We need another winger, unless N'Zogbia's up for it, and a quality centre-mid if we're going back to the traditional. The prospect of Butt/Guthrie being our number one centre-mid pairing really makes me want to die. The strikers situation doesn't really change, but we have to get centre-mid sorted this summer, or we're f***ed again for another season as far as challenging for Europe goes.


    I hope we just stick with the dynamic 4-3-3 tbh. :undecided:


    Everton have played Carsley and Cahill centrally with Arteta and Pienaar out wide and looked good.


    We could definitely get away with playing Butt and Barton centrally with Jonas and Aimar (hypothetically) wide and look good too.


    Cahill and Carsely are not really creative at all and all of their creativity comes from their wings for the most part. Could be an idea we go with.


    Owen I believe would be okay up front with a striker with pace, power and a physical presence. An Adebayor or Drogba type essentially. Unfortunately these are the most expensive types of strikers to get so buying a striker like this might mean selling Martins.



  14. Think about it ... with all the speculation in the past few days Oliver didn't even comment on it today.


    Aimar is nailed on to sign very soon.


    Oliver has either been warned after the Modric incident or given false information and so he went with the Insua "smokescreen".


    Is it a coincidence that Insua is Argentinian? I think not.


    You can just see it now ...


    Oliver: "Come on Kev who are we signing next?"


    Keegan: "The Argentinian who Rafa is familiar with"


    Oliver: "Can't be Mascherano ... must be Insua!"


    Keegan: "Yup. You go with that."


    Oliver: "Cheers Messiah"



  15. Liverpool would be daft to loan Insua out. Whereas selling Guthrie is one thing, as he's simply surplus to requirements, loaning out someone like Insua is another. He's a very good young player, and if Dossena gets injured, we'd be short of a left back, and he'd be needed. So I hope this little story ain't true  :coolsmiley:




    You do still have Aurelio though and Arbeloa played at left back at times also, but I do agree in general, it would be surprising if he was allowed to leave.


    Liverpool Fan here:


    I agree with Rafa. I dont think Insua was ever offered to Newcastle in exchange for Milner. He is that highly rated in the academy. Most insiders in liverpool forums were calling that previous article by Oliver, bollocks.


    I would be surprised even if he went out on loan though.  Rafa is looking to sell Finnan and Degen is unproven. So Arbeloa maybe our first choice right back. On the left we have Dossena and Aurelio ( who gets crocked after playing 3 games). He has already talked about fullbacks being more attacking next season with the width coming from them. He has mentioned Dossena, Aurelio and Insua as the three left back options for next season.


    In case he ends up joining you on loan this is an overview of himm.

    According to reserve coach Ablett, the only reason Insua has not got more games is that he still needs to work on his positioning. He still does not have a balance between attack and defense. Either he is too defensive or too attacking. But when he is on the top of his game the lad is an absolute quality player. He is extremely comfortable on the ball, has a rocket of a shot, good crossing ability and has some decent collection of dribbling tricks. He can cover in central defense also. That was his position in Boca juniors.




    Interesting. Midfield diamond perhaps?


    Mascherano deep, Barry narrow left, Gerrard  narrow right and Keane just behind the strikers.


    Torres and Kuyt upfront.


    I could so do a better job than Rafa  :snod:

  16. His agent saying he is now in talks with one English club that is not Everton this a day after saying he was going to Benfica could well be the agent using us to get Benfica to offer more


    Maybe ... or maybe we have stepped up our interest after the agent used Benfica to get us to firm up our offer.




    I hope so :thup:


    Believe the hype man!


    Aimar is coming.


    "We need players to set the team alight"

  17. His agent saying he is now in talks with one English club that is not Everton this a day after saying he was going to Benfica could well be the agent using us to get Benfica to offer more


    Maybe ... or maybe we have stepped up our interest after the agent used Benfica to get us to firm up our offer.



  18. http://blog.gaffr.com/2008/03/20/the-4-3-3-formation/


    Got to discussing our formation today with some pals and it was interesting. Basically, with Jonas coming aboard it is difficult to see how he would fit in to the version of the 4-3-3 we played last season; and in that case, what is the plan for the upcoming season? Surely Jonas' acquisition points to a 4-4-2?


    Regarding our midfield, I think the likely scenario is that Jonas is played wide left, Butt and Barton (or Guthrie if Barton's in the can  :kasper: :celb:) are played in the centre, and someone like Larsson or perhaps Aimar  O0 is played wide right.


    We would then have Owen upfront with another striker who I don't think would be Martins as he wouldn't quite offer the ability to hold the ball up, which we would need. Viduka is unlikely to be the guy either, because he cannot be relied upon fitness wise. Therefore we will likely need a big striker with pace and power to complement Owen.


    I'm beginning to think Martins might be allowed to leave in exchange for an athletic, pacy target man type.





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