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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. That Darren Bent for £16 million deal was jsut a phenomenal piece of theft by Charlton. Especially as they got the stingy Spurs to cough it up.


    If you compare keane to Bent that £18 million starts to sound too little!

  2. cheaper and older version of Modric. Par for the course with this board, its like turning the clock back 20 years


    I'm sure that somebody somewhere will build a case for someone like Modric [whoever the f*** he is] to be a step forward for the football club and try to tell us all that shopping in this market is superior to the old board attempting to genuinely compete with the other top clubs for the top quality footballers, like the old board did


    Unless of course you're a complete thick c*** who thinks that buying people a pint in a pub is preferable marketing strategy




    Make your mind up.





  3. Daft money for Keane, crazy !!!!


    For a striker who's scored 20+ goals for the last 3 seasons running?  And is his country's leading goalscorer ever?  That's the going market rate.


    (Fwiw, I think Keane is a fantastic player and would love to see him at Newcastle, not that it's ever going to happen.)


    Fair point, but nearly 20 million quid for Keane, jesus wept.


    Robbie Keane is a fascinating player. Put him in an average team like Middlesborough and he is never worth £18 million.


    But put him in a team with Torres and Gerrard and he might very well be worth that much. He is excellent when he is alongside very good players, but cannot necessarily carry a poorer team.


    His partnership with Berbatov has been special and it might even be better with Torres.

  4. From Marca.


    Aimar: "For now I am player of Saragossa"

    The Argentine player Pablo Aimar said before departing with Real Zaragoza towards the concentration of preseason that take place in Covaleda (Soria), by far, was player of Real Zaragoza.


    "I was boarding the bus and going to the preseason with my team is Real Zaragoza. Surely there are meetings that could determine if I am going to be or not, and I, for now, I'm Zaragoza player and I will travel to the preseason because the coach wants me go ", has highlighted the Argentine international. Aimar has explained that the timing for completing the move players on August 31 and, meanwhile, belongs to the team right away.


    He also commented that if given the situation that continues to Real Zaragoza in what is going to do "without problems and with the same commitment as always," but he knows that there are efforts and meetings, but not only for him but also by other players.


    Asked about whether he preferred to go to England or Portugal has said that he could not say anything. "Even those things are so strong," he said, and that is what they choose to go with his team preseason. The South American player believes that the transfers are part of their work and, hence, is not an inconvenience because they are used to it, despite the fact that situations in the family is well in a given place.


    Good. Not one of these that wants to go somewhere for the weather. It is part of their work and you adjust and adapt.



  5. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/manchester_united/article4345285.ece


    No one's really talked to much about this yet, but I agree with Sneijder.


    Ronaldo's life would be very uncomfortable at Madrid as his teamates would indeed not be very reeptive to him under the circumstances.


    He would never have the same level of comfort and confidence to perform at the same level as he has at Manchester United where he has become the face of the team and their leading man who can do no wrong.


    RVN would start having a go at him again after to many step overs and not crossing the ball on time and the likes of Raul, Robinho, Sneijder etc will probably be in his ear too.


    Would be a stupid move for him it really would. Wait till all those guys start fading in the next three years or so and then go.

  6. Martin Jol was desperate to sign De Jong for us when he was at Ajax. Fee was agreed but De Jong chose Hamburg. Doubt Jol would be willing to let him leave for as little as £3 million.




    Could we have a link for this Jol interest? Don't remember it at all.

  7. I don't know if we are really going for him, but his response is in no way negative. He's saying exactly what he should as nothing has gone through yet and so he is focused on his Hamburg career.

  8. Am I the only one who doesn't want him? I mean, he hasn't got the best injury record and I can seriously see him flopping. I'm not wumming, genuinely would rather we steered clear.


    I understand your concern, but having witnessed the Messiah essentially raise Nazareth from the dead anything is possible.


    If Keegan could get Owen going again, breath some life into Geremi's legs and bring some sense of direction to Butt's passes then I am very hopeful.


    Never underestimate a positive manager when it comes to things like injuries and a loss of form.


    If Allardyce was signing him I wouldn't be anywhere near as optimistic.





    :lol: you mean Lazarus?



    Kaka & friends.




    New name same crap persona.

  9. Let's start a new rumour if this goes pear shaped...


    Apparently Big Mike is stepping on Benfica's toes so that they agree to sell us Cardozo. Then we will "step aside" and allow them to sign Aimar. Therefore even if we don't get Aimar it will only mean Cardozo is coming.

  10. Am I the only one who doesn't want him? I mean, he hasn't got the best injury record and I can seriously see him flopping. I'm not wumming, genuinely would rather we steered clear.


    I understand your concern, but having witnessed the Messiah essentially raise Nazareth from the dead anything is possible.


    If Keegan could get Owen going again, breath some life into Geremi's legs and bring some sense of direction to Butt's passes then I am very hopeful.


    Never underestimate a positive manager when it comes to things like injuries and a loss of form.


    If Allardyce was signing him I wouldn't be anywhere near as optimistic.





    :lol: you mean Lazarus?


    :lol: Oh dear!


    Being themanupstairs you would notice that wouldn't you.


    Sorry big man.


    P.S. could you push the Aimar deal through pronto. Cheers. Amen.

  11. Am I the only one who doesn't want him? I mean, he hasn't got the best injury record and I can seriously see him flopping. I'm not wumming, genuinely would rather we steered clear.


    I understand your concern, but having witnessed the Messiah essentially raise Nazareth from the dead anything is possible.


    If Keegan could get Owen going again, breath some life into Geremi's legs and bring some sense of direction to Butt's passes then I am very hopeful.


    Never underestimate a positive manager when it comes to things like injuries and a loss of form.


    If Allardyce was signing him I wouldn't be anywhere near as optimistic.



  12. What does everyone make of Arsenal's reported interest in Barry? M'ON and Arsene teaming up to make Liverpool pay up?

    Look at page, 99 i think.


    And  the reported interest in Xabi Alonso today seems to be bs but if it was true dont think i would be too upset.


    Gilberto going to Panithanikos aswell today...















    How can an Arsenal fan ever worry about anything to do with transfers?


    Believe me with all those players going you should be more excited than anything else as he will only bring in better players anyway!

  13. This thread is getting as out of control as the Arda & Gomis ones!!  :rolleyes:


    And yet no one is dead or anything.


    What do you want to talk about then?



    Legitimate transfer stories would be a good start, maybe ones with a good source to back them up. Where is this one from? Sun, Mirror, or maybe Tottenham Hotspuds very own Daily Mail... !


    Okay ... well when you find one let us know. In the meantime we'll be in here. You can wait outside.



  14. I like how the story says the selling club are 'keen' to do a deal. At the £3m they reckon, Hamburg must be pretty hard up.


    Especially as their director of football stated directly after the Euros that they are desperate to offer him a new deal even though he his still tied to them until 2010...


    Interesting. Maybe they haven't been able to come to an agreement then?


    It was rather a statement of intention to start talks. I don't think this has happened with the player just having come back from his extended holidays.


    Sorry, but I reckon the S*n story is just pure rubbish.


    Oh I see. Oh well ... would be nice but we'll see how it goes I guess.

  15. Oh yeah forgot to mention ...


    People need to chill out with the whole Keegan said he didn't want any South Americans thing.


    He was talking about bringing players in straight from South America to the premier league, which prem clubs hardly ever do. They usually come to the prem after playing in other european countries for a little while.


    I think Keegan was just commenting on our scouting of young players in South America anyway. He was just saying it was a tough step straight from there to the prem league.

  16. re: Krul


    He'd be a f***ing tit if he went there. No t many players manage to break through to the Chelsea team through their youth teams but for a keeper it's even harder for obvious reasons (only one can play!)



    I'd hope he has enough brains to realise this....



  17. I like how the story says the selling club are 'keen' to do a deal. At the £3m they reckon, Hamburg must be pretty hard up.


    Especially as their director of football stated directly after the Euros that they are desperate to offer him a new deal even though he his still tied to them until 2010...


    Interesting. Maybe they haven't been able to come to an agreement then?


    Still with two years left it would still be more than £3 million you would imagine. Unless we are throwing in Duff. Joll likes Duff right?


    However, Big Martin Jol might just want to do his old assistant Houghton a favour too by helping the Toon!

  18. In response to what someone said a bit earlier, Aimar can definitely play out wide (think Arteta i.e. starting out wide but still influencing the game by getting into dangerous positions all over the pitch).


    Along with Jonas I think if we sign Aimar they will both start out wide. I think in this scenario it is very likely that Martins will move on to be replaced by an Adebayor or Drogba type to partner Owen.


    Someone also mentioned that £7 million would be a lot for a 28 year old but maybe not. It is likely to only be in stallments considering Zaragoza's position of need. Probably £4 million upfront and the remaining depending on appearances etc.



  19. No news here at the moment. My main worry is that the fee looks small.

    Aye he must be crap if he's only 3m.


    Nah just kidding, does look a bit low for him,  I'd be thinking 7-10 in all honesty.


    Agree it has to be at least over £5m imo.


    How many years left on his contract?

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