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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. We should have been looking for a striker anyway, Viduka is getting on, his injury record for Middlesborough and us is horrendous.  Its absolutely ridiculous that we may have to rely on Andy Carrol at the start of the season, talk about inadequate squad!


    the strikers :owen,martins,smith,carrol and ameobi


    if we dont buy anyone before man utd game KK will play oba and owen

    smith is sub and i rather will give chance to carrol then ameobi


    This is what scares me, as we do have a number of "strikers" on the books.


    I fear we will only bring another one in if someone comes in for both Alan Smith and Shola. Quite frightening.


    I'm quite looking forward to see this look again





    I really hate it when he does that. It implies he came close when in actual fact he hardly ever does!


    But i'll even let that go ... what I hate the most about Shola is not his inability to hold the ball up regularly or even his basic goal average, but his penchant for fouling the opposing defender evry single time he goes up for a ball in the air despite being 6 foot 3. Drives me crazy. He then procedes to whinge at the ref who then makes a point of blowing his whistle at Shola more regularly and it all goes further and further downhill from there.

  2. We should have been looking for a striker anyway, Viduka is getting on, his injury record for Middlesborough and us is horrendous.  Its absolutely ridiculous that we may have to rely on Andy Carrol at the start of the season, talk about inadequate squad!


    the strikers :owen,martins,smith,carrol and ameobi


    if we dont buy anyone before man utd game KK will play oba and owen

    smith is sub and i rather will give chance to carrol then ameobi


    This is what scares me, as we do have a number of "strikers" on the books.


    I fear we will only bring another one in if someone comes in for both Alan Smith and Shola. Quite frightening.

  3. We should have been looking for a striker anyway, Viduka is getting on, his injury record for Middlesborough and us is horrendous.  Its absolutely ridiculous that we may have to rely on Andy Carrol at the start of the season, talk about inadequate squad!


    Andy Carroll would be a best case scenario if we don't sign a striker, but he's crocked too!


    Alan Smith or Shola, now that would just be too much to take. What a way to start the season that would be. A brand new season beginning with Shola or Smith upfront. That is just tempting fate really and just begging for another season of failure.

  4. I have to say it is amazing the state some of these pros allow they're bodies to get into. Unless he really gets his conditioning sorted and gets into really good shape i.e. loses the extra weight he is carrying, he will continue to have these little problems. It's pretty disgusting. Total lack of professionalism.

  5. I think this is good news, as hopefully it really encourages us to get another quality target man in, as Viduka just cannot be relied upon.


    Alan Smith and Shola will hopefully prove in the meantime that they are without a shadow of a doubt not short term solutions either.



  6. Can KD or Jol confirm Spurs are struggling to find the money to finalize the Arshavin deal and its the same reason why the Pavlyuchenko deal fell through?


    dont think i't true tbh. Think Levy is being his usual stingy self and the deal will go through eventually.


    Brummie, that pic makes it look like he's celebrating the goal and nothing else.




    btw where's kaka lately? he said we'll definately not sign Bentley because he'll be off to villa (add to that his claim that kewell will be a spurs player).


    I'm right here punk!


    I see you were clearly rattled by the Bentley to Villa comment then  :lol:


    Spurs are getting good players in  no doubt, but something still isn't right. If they indeed intend to play Modric, Arshavin, Bentley, Dos Santos and Jenas (!), who for some reason they gave a new contract, then where does a DM fit in?!


    You lot look like you are going to be very, very soft next season.


    You will play some pretty stuff at times though and embarrass some weaker teams, but then again, thats what you did this last season passed.


    I don't see a major improvement at all.



    Why. The. f***. Are teams suddenly obliged to play with a defensive midfielder now? Because Makelele was quite good for Chelsea? You're talking s****. As always. Spurs have made massive strides compared to us this window and look set to continue to do so. Absolute self-denial to claim otherwise. They're spending silly money to do so, and it could go tits up, but I know which signings I'd rather have.




    I talk shit as always? Well at least I have my own opinions while all you always talk about is how others opinions are shit. Grow up.


    I doubt you've ever even played a sport in your life never mind football. I've been involved enough in the game to be confident in my opinion thank you very much. Last summer I heard the same crap about how awesome Spurs would be, but I wasn't so sure and I didn't believe for a second that they would be anywhere near the top four.


    Yes, they are buying pretty names, but it really is a different story when the games begin. I saw them enough last season to know that they need some strength and character in that midfield, and this hasn't changed, and in fact you could argue the situation is worse. In my opinion it's an imbalanced team. They will dominate in some games and look brilliant, but then I also feel they will lose a lot of games like the first game against Sunderland last season, where their opponents are nowhere near as talented, but get stuck into them all game.


    Yes it would have been nice to sign SOME of the players they have brought in but if we, Newcastle, had exactly the same team (on the whole) that they have right now, I would have the same concerns also.


    This is my opinion. Deal with it.


    Care to let me know why exactly you think that team will be succesful, other than because of the names of the players in it? Do you actually have a valid argument as to why you don't think they will need a defensive midfielder and why it will work without one?


    Or are you just going to swear and claim everyone else is talking rubbish again?



  7. Spurs are definitely the team looking best equipped to do things.


    Villa have a pathetically small squad which MON has allowed to disintegrate, and a terminal inability to conclude deals without fuss, Newcastle seem to be gripped by stasis, Everton haven't got a pot to piss in, West Ham have had their financial rug pulled from beneath them and are lumbered with a squad of high-earning, injury prone wasters.


    Hate Redknapp though I do, he has done pretty well this window. So Portsmouth and Spurs seem to be switched on.


    I put Spurs slightly ahead of Pompey now.


    I agree, Spurs are doing very well,


    I just think traditional "big" clubs like Newcastle, Villa and Everton seem to be stood around doing bugger all, sneering at Redknapp, whilst he puts together a pretty impressive set up.

    Mmmmmmm not sure about spurs. there main problem for the last few years has been lack of strength,physically,defensivly and i don't see that being remidied.


    i can see sours going 4-2-3-1 next season but i have no idea who their vital "2" will be.


    Veloso and/or Albelda are the two high up in the list of options, though wanting them and getting them are two totally different things.  That said, with our dealings in this window, I'm reluctant to discount anybody as pie in the sky wishful thinking.


    See my previous post MJ.


    Who sits on the bench if a DM is indeed brought in though?

  8. Can KD or Jol confirm Spurs are struggling to find the money to finalize the Arshavin deal and its the same reason why the Pavlyuchenko deal fell through?


    dont think i't true tbh. Think Levy is being his usual stingy self and the deal will go through eventually.


    Brummie, that pic makes it look like he's celebrating the goal and nothing else.




    btw where's kaka lately? he said we'll definately not sign Bentley because he'll be off to villa (add to that his claim that kewell will be a spurs player).


    I'm right here punk!


    I see you were clearly rattled by the Bentley to Villa comment then  :lol:


    Spurs are getting good players in  no doubt, but something still isn't right. If they indeed intend to play Modric, Arshavin, Bentley, Dos Santos and Jenas (!), who for some reason they gave a new contract, then where does a DM fit in?!


    You lot look like you are going to be very, very soft next season.


    You will play some pretty stuff at times though and embarrass some weaker teams, but then again, thats what you did this last season passed.


    I don't see a major improvement at all.


  9. To be honest all the s*** with Colo transfer is Depors fault. We've been more than fair.


    Yup, seems to me like we've done everything in the right way. Considering our intial bid was one of 8 million euros and is now 12 million euros, what else can be expected. To add to the insult the 12 was actually accepted and after we've made an agreement with the player the Depor president has asked for even more!


    How anyone can blame the club in this situation is truly beyond me.

  10. I don't think they are being smart this summer at all. Taking a hell of a lot of risks.


    I'll respect them a lot more if they jettisoned Jenas and brought in a top class DM. Then I might take them seriously.


    They were already a massive soft touch last season and I reckon they could be twice as soft next season.

  11. £17.5m + Finnan for Barry - Daily Mail/Beeb


    Expect a bid for Milner if that goes through


    Liverpool saying they have an offer on the table for Pennant - us?


    Blackburn I reckon. In to replace Bentley.

  12. I think the article said that Burdisso was our alternative if we are unable to land Coloccini. I think Coloccini's agent knows this, which is why he is so nervous.


    I am also struggling to understand why some people feel that £8/£9 million is paying way over the odds??? He is a gritty Argentine International defender, who seems like he could adapt to the premier league very well indeed.


    Someone mentioned Curtis Davies of Villa costing £10 million and rightly so as he isn't even anywhere near a full international place.


    How about Kaboul!!! £8 million they paid for him, and he is set to be sold for a similar amount this summer.


    Tbh even if we paid the extra Depor want it would still be a good deal, but it really is the principle of the whole thing. It's disgusting to raise the price like that at the last minute, having already agreed to the deal in the first place.

  13. Mario Gomez to Fulham!!!


    Wasn't some nitwit on here laughing at us when we were linked with him and claiming he would never consider an insignificant club like Newcastle. Top scorer in Germany, going to be top scorer at Euros ya da ya da ya da ... etc etc.




    Bloody hell man!

  14. everyone pretty happy with this signing, as a squad player?

    I am, looked ok against Doncaster but it's difficult to tell but I trust KK's judgement.


    Yup, at the end of the day Keegan has worked with him for a week and seen him in a full game, so I am very comfortable with the decision.


    Also seems to be a very athletic and versatile defender, which is very useful. We do lack a younger defender who is strong and athletic at the club, so it's a solid move.

  15. Not a huge signing but pretty exciting. I think it is very promising that after a weeks trial and an appearance in an actual game that Keegan wants to sign him up.


    French Under 21 international and 70 odd appearnces for his club at just 21 years old. There must be some talent there.



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