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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I think Keegan has looked and sounded really positive in the recent interviews he has done and I think it will all come together and he'll do well.


    One big positive is the fact that he obviously rates Gutierrez very highly having worked with him in training this last week. I think this is of big significance because I imagine he was a player that was likely suggested by our new recruitment team, and Keegan liking him could go a long way towards making the partnership between Keegan, Wise, Jimenez and Vetere even more effective.


    It should mean Keegan being more open to their suggestions of players for the first team, which would be great, as the three Wise men seem to have a lot of knowledge on good young players that would be invaluable.


    I really think this is all going to work out really well. It probably wasn't clicking perfectly initially but I think it's all coming together.

  2. Wow ... if all this Spurs stuff is true then they are taking one hell of a risk, as they are essentially revamping their whole midfield and attack with players who are all unaccustomed to the premier league.


    And still no DM ...


    Risky game they're playing and it could all go up in flames.

  3. Wouldnt mind Malbranque here, he would be a usefull addition to the squad, certainly more creative than anything we have. Would be a good stop gap until we find a decent young playmaker willing to come here.


    Its more than likely bollocks to make the mackems think they outpipped us to a signing, making them feel better about themselves.


    Would be funny if we nabbed Malbranque and Chimbonda from under their noses though.


    Wouldn't be funny. It would be depressing.

  4. I doubt very much that Reyes would come back to England, he hated it here not just his mother but also how about him being over priced and over rated.


    People change though. He was only young then and living with his mom who was whinging everyday about returning to Spain. Real also wanted him at the time and he thought he would do great there, but it hasn't since he returned to Spain really.


    If he has grown up and is now happy to return, and come to Newcastle, then I wouldn't be against it in the least.

  5. I like this rumour because it would most likely mean Duff leaving, which I think is still the best course of action. Having two dynamic wingers in Jonas and Reyes would be exciting.


    We could then alternate them with our younger pairing of the future in Zoggy and Milner, both of whom are also versatile enough to gain experience in other positions also.


    Reyes best position is AMF/SS. Not a typical  winger in my opinion. I think we waste his qualities if he's used on the wing.


    Wenger wins. You lose.


    Reyes was a terror on Arsenal's left side before his mommy started missing Spain.


    Tell you what is a waste on the left side, it's Damien Duff.

  6. I like this rumour because it would most likely mean Duff leaving, which I think is still the best course of action. Having two dynamic wingers in Jonas and Reyes would be exciting.


    We could then alternate them with our younger pairing of the future in Zoggy and Milner, both of whom are also versatile enough to gain experience in other positions also.

  7. Didn't realise Milner started off through the middle on Saturday. How did he do then? Anyone watch the full match?


    Not sure about Milner's passing and maintaining of posession if he plays through the middle, but I'm thinking he could at least be an energetic box to box sort of midfielder. Sort of like Bowyer or even Parker back in the day, when they were half decent.



  8. milner in themiddle is what ive been pleading for now for ages, played there for leeds originally under venables and england under 18's. Reminds me of scholes, technically very gifted, not much pace, but a good brain, which with the right coaching could be a very useful tool to us



  9. He didn't say anything really about formations. All he said was, with Jonas, we now have excellent competition for both wings. You can read into that what you will.


    Uh oh ... Duff might be staying then.


    Duff and Zoggy on the left.


    Jonas and Milner on the right.


    Duff better get his act together if this indeed the case.

  10. I'm super relaxed. I honestly feel the club is in control. I think we have enquired about a ton of players and not necessarily firmed up our interest in them, but of course this allows agents and clubs to use us to their advantage.


    I'm just enjoying discussing any links and just waiting to see what happens. The absolute worst case scenario is that we make unimpressive signings and we finsh midtable. If this happens then the owner will then have to decide to spen more money or sell to someone who will. No big deal.


    I don't think we are at all in danger of getting relegated this season so why fret? Besides I am still very confident the board are hard at work and will bring in good players on contracts that are healthy for the financial state of the club. We might not know these players that well, but we have some good people working to identify them and so I am not too worried about their quality.


    People relax.



  11. Wow ... how old is he again?


    Probably looking at getting a younger DM to be fair as we have a more experienced one in Butt at the moment. He's crap but Kev values his experience and prem experience more specifically.


    However, left to me I would get Frings and toss Butt out pronto.


    Frings over Butt anyday...

    We should be looking to replace Butt with someone younger though, not 32. Frings would no doubt want a two-year contract which means we'dd be stuck with him until he was 34.


    Why is it, that anybody does not want a well balanced squad, when it comes to ages? Only well-balanced teams are winning titles...everywhere! With our new policy, we might have to wait another 5 years (at least) to reach the top 4. Don't say that I don't like the youth policy, but we still need experienced players, which are willing to play and win. Frings fits in this category if you ask me...


    Yeah Butt there is no point having him AND Nicky.

  12. Non scoring 32 year old midfielder who would be on ridiculous wages, no thanks.


    32?!!! Forget that.


    Good point about the wages too. Would have to be very high I would imagine.

  13. Wow ... how old is he again?


    Probably looking at getting a younger DM to be fair as we have a more experienced one in Butt at the moment. He's crap but Kev values his experience and prem experience more specifically.


    However, left to me I would get Frings and toss Butt out pronto.

  14. KK will be gutted & the again we have been made fall guys again if this is true. However, I think he may be a bit lightweight for the PL.


    What it would show is that we are rubbish at convincing quality players to sign for us & we must not be offering top dollar wages. Ashley needs to wise up that we may have to pay a bit more to get the right players in.




    No evidence we were actually really in for him calm down.


    You guys take this stuff way too hard. We all had a bit of fun with it now move on.


    Matias Fernandez should be nailed on now anyway  :coolsmiley:


    for £8m or whatever we should have snapped their hand off, one of those players who could have taken us up the table, really made the difference.


    I'm not starting to panic or owt but this pre-season reminds me of the Roeder regime, stinking of amateurishness





  15. At the end of the day if we are so willing and able to turn these guys down based on their wages then we must have a ton of other options who we feel we can go for instead.


    Still not fretting the situation at all.



  16. If we sign him & really hope we do, can we please sign a DM who is 6ft+ & can jump.






    Just saw this :laugh:


    Desmond Mason is class, though. Never fulfilled his potential, but he's fun to watch.


    His lack of a jump shot killed him.


    Still got a good first step and attacks the rim though, as well as playing good defense.

  17. KK will be gutted & the again we have been made fall guys again if this is true. However, I think he may be a bit lightweight for the PL.


    What it would show is that we are rubbish at convincing quality players to sign for us & we must not be offering top dollar wages. Ashley needs to wise up that we may have to pay a bit more to get the right players in.




    No evidence we were actually really in for him calm down.


    You guys take this stuff way too hard. We all had a bit of fun with it now move on.


    Matias Fernandez should be nailed on now anyway  :coolsmiley:

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