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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. He'll do well here. Good player, quiet hardworking lad, good attitude. The fans will love him.


    Smith was considered that before he signed, now we all hate the c***!


    Smith has always been average, and an angry gobshite, there's a difference.


    The guy blatantly can't play football and is just a wannabe tough guy. He just runs around the pitch with that stupid scowl on his face but in reality is just a skinny guy who can't hold the ball up and easily gets shoved off the ball.


    It's just all an act, and after he has been shoved of the ball a good number of times which exposes how pathetically weak he is, he resorts to ugly mistimed tackles to prove his manhood. In his mind his pride is restored. In our minds he only exagerates his gross ineptitude.

  2. The weekend refers to the end of the working week rather than the end of the week in general.


    Sunday is the first day of the week.


  3. Liverpool would be daft to loan Insua out. Whereas selling Guthrie is one thing, as he's simply surplus to requirements, loaning out someone like Insua is another. He's a very good young player, and if Dossena gets injured, we'd be short of a left back, and he'd be needed. So I hope this little story ain't true  :coolsmiley:




    You do still have Aurelio though and Arbeloa played at left back at times also, but I do agree in general, it would be surprising if he was allowed to leave.

  4. Insua will not be sold, he's too good to let go and if you think we're so hard up Kaka, maybe you could explain why we're still buying young players.


    Insua is part of the future of LFC along with Nemeth, Plessis, Pacheco and a few others.


    It is the clubs way of preparing for the shortfall in money for transfers once the new stadium starts getting built and has been ongoing for the last four years.  Although, I have to admit, the yanks might not be happy with the buying of young players as well as established players, I don't know.


    Insua did look really good and I would be surprised if he was allowed to leave and join us, so you are probably right.

  5. Shields Gazette saying we will go for Insua on loan


    Hopefully with a view to a permanent deal. I'm hoping we are taking him on loan initially because we can't agree on a price at the moment. I imagine Liverpool would want a fair bit for him due to his potential. Wouldn't like to be in a situation where we loan him just to help develop the player for Liverpool or put him in the shop window for other teams to steal in.


    He might be a very promising prospect but Liverpool seem to need money and at the moment and Insua doesn't appear to be anywhere near the first team as they have a few experienced players capable of playing at left back.




    anal is back from his summer hols, and guess what the chonicle r reporting their first rumour for weeks, don't believe any of it whatsoever


    Yeah I know ... just something to talk about. Not taking it too seriously at all.

  6. I couldn't give a flying one as to whether we get Barry or not,  and certainly not for the money O'Neil wants,  Arsenal are welcome to him, but just so I know what is or isn't acceptable, could one of you tell me what the difference is between Rafa offering 10 million for Barry whether with or without players involved, and O'Neil offering only 10 million for Bentley?


    FWIW, I'd have walked away from the Barry deal weeks ago, the player isn't worth the hassle MON has created around the transfer.  The mans a t*** and will be long remembered at Liverpool for feeding the press 'MON for Liverpool' lines while he was still at Celtic and Houllier was still manager at Liverpool.






    Come on ... Liverpool have been the ones guilty of making the whole thing such a saga.


    It was Gerrard and Rafa that brought it out into the open in the first place so you can't really start having a go at O'Neill.


    They stated how much they wanted and Liverpool either don't have the money or aren't willing to pay it so tried to force Villa's hand by unsettling the player by making the bid public.


    Dirty tactics. Plain and simple.


    No, it was the Liverpool Echo who brought it in to the open, apparently fed from Birminham so the rest of your statement has no foundation.


    Yeah but at that point it was simply speculation like all the other stuff out there ... until Gerrard started yapping about it and Rafa also. This made the "rumour" fact and the papers ran with it, creating the media circus etc.


    Sorry, but it really was down to your club.

  7. Shields Gazette saying we will go for Insua on loan


    Hopefully with a view to a permanent deal. I'm hoping we are taking him on loan initially because we can't agree on a price at the moment. I imagine Liverpool would want a fair bit for him due to his potential. Wouldn't like to be in a situation where we loan him just to help develop the player for Liverpool or put him in the shop window for other teams to steal in.


    He might be a very promising prospect but Liverpool seem to need money and at the moment and Insua doesn't appear to be anywhere near the first team as they have a few experienced players capable of playing at left back.



  8. I couldn't give a flying one as to whether we get Barry or not,  and certainly not for the money O'Neil wants,  Arsenal are welcome to him, but just so I know what is or isn't acceptable, could one of you tell me what the difference is between Rafa offering 10 million for Barry whether with or without players involved, and O'Neil offering only 10 million for Bentley?


    FWIW, I'd have walked away from the Barry deal weeks ago, the player isn't worth the hassle MON has created around the transfer.  The mans a t*** and will be long remembered at Liverpool for feeding the press 'MON for Liverpool' lines while he was still at Celtic and Houllier was still manager at Liverpool.






    Come on ... Liverpool have been the ones guilty of making the whole thing such a saga.


    It was Gerrard and Rafa that brought it out into the open in the first place so you can't really start having a go at O'Neill.


    They stated how much they wanted and Liverpool either don't have the money or aren't willing to pay it so tried to force Villa's hand by unsettling the player by making the bid public.


    Dirty tactics. Plain and simple.

  9. Insua looked really good in the reserve game against us last season and I remember reports back then of Keegan beig impressed with him as he was at the game.


    Benitez has just brought in Dossena and still has Aurelio as backup, as well as Arbeloa who can play there also, and so Insua appears to be quite a ways from the first team. Benitez doesn't really seem to play very attack minded fullbacks in his teams also, which is what Insua is, so it may be a possibility perhaps.


    This is one youngster I have seen with my own eyes and he did look really good, He was a committed defender but he loved to get forward with pace and was exciting to watch. I think at one point he actually moved forward into a left wing position and was a real handful.


    Interesting. Then again it is Mr. Oliver so ...




  10. I could see villa accepting less from arsenal just out of spite, and good on them if they did.


    Me too.


    In fact, I'd prefer us to do that than keep him now, the fat-arsed c***.


    Just pray that Hoyte isn't involved in the deal.


    Clueless defender and a pretty awful right back.



  11. Barry would be a great replacement for Flamini, playing the holding role at Arsenal like he does for England.


    Would be funny if he ended up there rather than Liverpool, who have been really stupid about the whole thing.

  12. City are seriously f***ed up.


    25m for a washed-up, fat waster who is clearly only ever going to go there for the money?




    TBH, they'll make a fair wad out of shirt sales globally and increase their attractiveness generally.


    Expensive marketing scheme like. They've quite clearly got enough money as it is; it matters on the pitch, and i can't for a minute see that deal representing value for money.


    The funny thing is they could get two younger top class players for the fee and wages they will spend on Ronaldinho alone.


    This could backfire spectacularly.

  13. Pretty shocking from City.


    £25.5 million plus £200,000 a week in wages for a player who appears to be declining quite rapidly. This one will be interesting for sure.


    This of course screws up transfer fees and player wages even further, which is always fun.


  14. Seb Larsson


    your never going to convinve me that he can help us break into the top ten.  Was OKAY at Brum last year, and couldn't break into a fairly shocking Sweden squad at the euros.  We'll see though


    His freekicks and corners alone would get us at least another 10 goals a season as his delivery is so superb and we have some dangerous finishers who would really appreciate a quality delivery into the box every now and then.


    Someone might feel he was just okay at Birmingham but that was Birmingham though, a pretty ordinary team. It's hard for players who try to play quality football to really shine in such teams. Put the likes of Owen, Martins and Viduka around him and I would imagine he would look a lot better. I think this is something we ought to remember.

  15. The thing is that most of the Bolton and Liverpool fans admit that he has some quality about him in the sense that he tries to play good quality football. He may not quite be pulling off all the things he is trying to do yet, but at least he has the mindset, so now its a case of him learning how to put it all together. Who better to help him achieve this than Keegan?


    It's just a good solid move this one.

  16. I think we will definitely be making at least one siging this week. Things are clearly moving quicker as players return from their breaks after the Euros.


    I also think the Barry, Bentley, Berbatov, Adebayor and Hleb moves, which seem to be drawing closer, could also set off a chain reaction of transfers as players will become available as these people move clubs.

  17. cheaper and older version of Modric. Par for the course with this board, its like turning the clock back 20 years





    I was actually surprised to discover he was only 28. I thought he was 31 or something.


    Modric would have been nice, although his Euro 2008 was a let down for me, but we didn't get him ultimately. Doesn't make Aimar for £6 million a bad move though.



    you think its funny that the club is possibly being run like it was in the 1970's and 1980's do you ?




    I just think your ranting and raving is funny.


    Is Aimar a good player? Yes he is. Not the best in the world and not necessarily someone everyone else is after right now, but this doesn't negate the fact that he is a very good footballer who should be in his prime at 28, and as long as we do our research to ensure he is over any injury problems etc. it's a solid move.


    Funny thing is that if Everton were signing him you would be on here whinging about how the board was too cheap to even go for Aimar at a mere £6 million.


    The board have siad they will go after younger players or experienced players who do not cost a fortune, so you will never be happy which is fine. That sucks for you. I'm intrigued by it all as it's a different approach and I look forward to seeing how it all plays out. It's very silly to be so certain it will end in disaster.


    it isn't a different approach at all. The club has signed loads of promising youngsters in the past, this has been said dozens of times. I think people like you who make things up - obviously because you know nowt much about the history of the club - is funny.


    Also that has been said dozens of times, is if you think the approach that going after young players will realise success on the cheap, you should drop a line to Old Trafford, Anfield and Stamford Bridge and let them know where they have been going wrong for all these years.


    Now, THAT is funny.




    This is silly ...


    I think it is a different approach because the priority now is younger players. Of course younger players have been brought in in the past but I don't think it has been as much of an emphasis before. We clearly won't be bringing in any players over 22/23 for large amounts of money. In other words this board won't be making a signing like the Owen one for example. There is clearly a difference. Any player 24 or older it seems will be brought in if they are very affordable so to speak. We clearly got Jonas for a very good price for example.

  18. cheaper and older version of Modric. Par for the course with this board, its like turning the clock back 20 years





    I was actually surprised to discover he was only 28. I thought he was 31 or something.


    Modric would have been nice, although his Euro 2008 was a let down for me, but we didn't get him ultimately. Doesn't make Aimar for £6 million a bad move though.



    you think its funny that the club is possibly being run like it was in the 1970's and 1980's do you ?




    I just think your ranting and raving is funny.


    Is Aimar a good player? Yes he is. Not the best in the world and not necessarily someone everyone else is after right now, but this doesn't negate the fact that he is a very good footballer who should be in his prime at 28, and as long as we do our research to ensure he is over any injury problems etc. it's a solid move.


    Funny thing is that if Everton were signing him you would be on here whinging about how the board was too cheap to even go for Aimar at a mere £6 million.


    The board have siad they will go after younger players or experienced players who do not cost a fortune, so you will never be happy which is fine. That sucks for you. I'm intrigued by it all as it's a different approach and I look forward to seeing how it all plays out. It's very silly to be so certain it will end in disaster.

  19. cheaper and older version of Modric. Par for the course with this board, its like turning the clock back 20 years






    I was actually surprised to discover he was only 28. I thought he was 31 or something.


    Modric would have been nice, although his Euro 2008 was a let down for me, but we didn't get him ultimately. Doesn't make Aimar for £6 million a bad move though.


  20. If this happens could it be an experienced replacement for Owen? or Martins?


    I can't really see Aimar playing any position in the premiership other then the one just behind the strikers, which Owen was playing at the end of last season.


    Therefore if Owen leaves then he slots right in. Or if Martins leaves then Owen moves up to striker and Aimar slots in behind.


    Be interesting to see how it all plays out.


  21. Berbatov's agent reckons Man Utd definitely want him. Where the frig would they fit him in with Tevez and Rooney? Put Rooney in the 'run wherever you like' Ronaldo role with the others up top? Is Rooney quick enough for that?


    Berbatov at striker


    Rooney just behind


    Tevez left (has played there for the Argies and has the workrate necessary)


    Ronaldo right


    Hargreaves and Scholes in midfield

  22. Its kind of official in players minds that we are a smaller club than Portsmouth and Villa as reflected by Crouch and Sidwell rejecting us. i was very unhappy with our signings so far but maybe we are expecting too much. It is time for us fans to think and expect like fans of teams like Wigan and Bolton. Time has changed and if Portsmouth is considered a bigger club and "going places" than us, we really need to face the reality. We are more like a midttable - lower table club in eyes of even Prem players so we need to be patient and get bargain buys. Come to think of it, i am not as unhappy with the signings of Danny and Jonas as b4,considering we are as attractive as teams like Wigan. hope they turn out good.  My expectations has changed as well. will be delighted if we finish 15 and above next season.


    Have you completely forgotten our conversation yesterday already?


    We f***ing get your point. Change the record.


    I knew this guy had mental problems from day one.


    Ruins every single thread with this nonsense. Every time I click into one looking for some interesting news its this loser talking rubbish.


    Adds absolutely nothing to this messageboard.

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