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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. If we are interested it won't be too difficult to get him from Udinese which is the good news. Like the article says, Inler got a chance due to injuries to their two top midfielders who should be returning next season and who are both good players. Udinese can therefore afford to sell Inler for some extra cash.


    Hope this is true as I liked the look of him in the Euros and he seems to tick all the boxes for the type of players we are now targetting.



  2. PS if anyone has doubts that this transfer was a Webster, check out Real Mallorca's Official website: http://www.rcdmallorca.es/


    Yesterday he bought out his contract, and Mallorca want to take this to court.


    To be fair, when asking for £10m for a player, you'd be pissed off if a player gave you a two fingered salute and then buggered off for a tenth of that.


    BTW, am I the only one worried that Mallorca might back out of our pre season arrangement based on our exploitation?


    They are idiots if they thought they were going to get £10 million for a player in the final year of his contract. Surely they forced the guys hand? It appears they screwed themselves over.


    Mallorca can pull out if they want. Its only a friendly and I'm sure something else can be arranged.


    This is very interesting as I remember Keegan saying something along the lines of Bosman's being available that were worth a lot of money but when I looked at the actual Bosman's they were crappy players. Maybe he meant Websters!


    Anyone want to pull together some other interesting Webster possibilities? I'm crap at this sort of thing.

  3. Inler apparently just returned from a two week holiday after the Euros this week. If we are being linked with him now it means we might be getting in there early. This one might have something in it.


    Hope we wrap it up quickly, Butt was good last season but he should be more of a backup this year and this fella would make sure that is indeed the case.

  4. All I'm saying is that if what the compilation makers see as his 'best bits' really are his best bits, he doesn't stand out from many other players out there.


    Not going to get carried away like I have with so many players in the past. He is only a good player when I see him play well for NUFC with my own eyes.


    The main thing I'm pleased about is that the first we heard of it was when the Chron were told by the club that it was a done deal. That was exceptional, and makes me very hopeful for the future.


    Except you already got carried away by comparing him to Luque based on his "jogging style", complaining about him standing with hands on his hips during one Argentina attack against Australia, as well as insinuating he wasn't good based on video clips.


    Getting carried away doesn't just include being too positive it can also be a case of being overly panicky or negative.


    Just saying ...

  5. Looked at all his vids plus some highlights of other games he' s played in, and I'm not sure about him tbh. Hopefully there are better players yet to come.


    I'll back our scouting team and Keegan's eye for a player over your dodgy attempt at scouting. You didn't even make the effort to pull up his FM stats so you clearly cannot be taken seriously.


    Don't give up the day job James.

  6. Two footed, played a brilliant cross for Tevez with his left vs Australia. Can see why he can't get into Argentina team regularly though, what with him not being as good as Messi.


    However, casual jogging style reminds me of Luque, and when he isn't involved in wing play, it looks like he prefers to hold quite a deep position, which means he isn't much of a goal threat compared to other wingers.




    You are either a very funny guy or completely insane?!


    "Casual jogging style remind me of Luque"?!




    We need to get over this whole Luque thing. It was a rushed signing and he was brought into the club when it wasn't in the best of conditions. He also got injured very early on. In all it didn't work out. Move on please!


    If we are going to start disregarding players based on casual jogging styles that resemble Luque's then we might as well just set SJP alight and forget football altogether.

  7. Can we change the thread title to be a more accurate

    "The 'one Argentine international wall climbing, web slinging, web swinging signing gives me free license to gloat because bitches been moaning about us not doing shite and the owner being shite' thread"



  8. Fair play to Dave tbh.


    It's so annoying and frustrating when you patiently wait for something to happen with no evidence that things have gone tits up, but people continuously speculate that things have gone wrong and constantly harp on about this being the case. You are given a hard time for being patient and choosing to have some faith in the club and are labelled as being naive.


    Well if we do make some promising signings, which is exactly what today's is, then I see no reason why certain people shouldn't be given a hard time also. Why should they get off scott free?


    There will be more of these to come and people will look very silly. So yes, repent of your foolish ways in here and cease from being so pessimistic doom mongers for freaks sake.

  9. So he can play both wings?


    Sounds good.


    Lets hope he's up to the change of league, let's hope he's an Enrique not a Luque.




    You hope any any non premier league signing you make adjusts to the league so no point worrying about that. It will be the same for the likes of Modric as well. At least this guy is tall and well built and is Argentinian, and on the whole they tend to have some fight in them.


    Interesting article in the Times today where Wenger has apparently said he doesn't think Modric will be able to handle the rigours of the Premier league.

  10. I think it's funny how a few people think this means Milner is leaving. I don't think this is necessarily the case. It will probably mean that Milner will now come of the bench as a backup option, and this is exactly how things ought to be if he is to remain at this club. He is still young and should be working to improve on his game as he is undeserving of a first team place as things stand.

  11. Woo Hoo!!!!! What a great feeling!


    I haven't seen much of him but I do remember quite a few clubs being after this guy in seasons past. He is supposed to be a highly rated player. From what I recall he's pretty sturdy too ... pretty tall and well built.


    Potential cult hero with that Spiderman celebration. How freakin' awesome would that be.


    This comfirms that things are going on behind the scenes and no one, absolutely no one is aware of the moves being made, and you know what ... I freakin' love it. Sweet, sweet relief.


    Suck on that Maethshit!

  12. Is he any good? What role does he play in midfield?


    He's more box to box than all out DM.


    Yeah, kind of agree with that actually. Had good defensive qualities but certainly didn't just sit back all the time. Showed a decent amount of drive getting forward when given an opportunity to do so, similar to the way Lassana Diarra does.

  13. Inler looked impressive in the Euros. Very Dynamic high energy sort from what I saw. Also very pro active and tried to make things happen for the team and initiate their attacks from his DM position.


    I remember him clearly because of how un-swiss he looked. Another player of Turkish origin, along with Derdiyok from what they said during the tournament.


    Would be a solid signing. The kind of DM Tottenham should be targetting so you know what that means right?


    Brace yourselves ...

  14. If this is true it will probably be because Keegan isn't being too receptive to alternative players that are being recommended by the recruiting staff.


    In order to truly get the most out of the recruiting setup we have  we will probably need a younger manager who isn't that experienced in this area and so would appreciate the help. Shearer fits the bill. All Sheare would then have to worry about woul dbe getting the most out of the playing staff. He would also have a good experienced assistant manager in Houghton to assist him.


    I don't think this is all that impossible a scenario. Things have been eerily quiet since Keegan returned. Not even a random interview with the guy. Not a peep.

  15. We will sign talented young and hungry players that want to be here and who we don't have to entice with over the top salaries and they will perform very well for us and we will be awesome this coming season.


    I'm looking forward to the signings as much as anyone else, but I admire the clubs patient approach and refusal to be taken advantage of. Some idiots harp on about how great Tottenham are at the moment but is this not the formula they have been using for years? We finally put something similar in place and idiots are moaning in June.


    Get your freakin' heads checked.

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