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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Apparantly Liverpool are lining up a bid for Keane..


    If the numbers being suggested are anywhere near accurate, I wouldn't be devastated.  I still believe that Keane has only really played well with 1 striker (Berba) and looks less able with more arm waving with any others.   I'd have no complaints about Crouchie coming back either.


    Interesting. I guess with this Keane talk the Villa rumours make a lot more sense for Spurs. Could potentially have Villa and Crouch as your front pair next season then. That would probably be a pretty good partnership actually.

  2. Guiza just came on late in most games. He did score some goals, but I didn't get a sense of his overall play at all. Not sure he can hold the ball up at all and not sure about his link up play he also didn't look all that mobile to me.

  3. We have to try for Baptista I reckon. Take all this into account ... he has prem experience, he is very versatile, he has a power and pace, he has a hell of a shot on him and very good freekicks, good age at 26 also. I am sure Keegan would figure out how best to use him.


    We all know about the weather quote but that was at the end of the season when it was looking as though Arsenal weren't going to sign him permanently, mostly because Real and Arsenal couldn't agree on a fee for him or Reyes, Baptista was just trying to save face.


    Besides, if we met Real's valuation and we talked to the player we could always establish how he really feels about all that.

  4. I can't help but be intrigued by Baptista. I'm always happy when we are linked with him. I know he had his ups and downs at Arsenal, but I really believe there is a player in there that could thrive in the premiership with a bit of patience and guidance. I wouldn't mind him at all. Interesting.

  5. What a w***** Adebayor is.


    Why? What happened?


    Said at a press conference he was staying at Arsenal.


    Said to a SSN reporter straight afterwards (on camera) that his future was not yet decided, and he had a number of decisions still to make.


    I'd be well f***ed off if I were an Arsenal fan.


    What the hell Arsenal are playing at I will never know. Paid £6 million for him and we are hearing about bids upwards of £20 million and even £30 million.


    Definitely have to sell him for that money. Wenger has the skill to replace him easily. Adebayor will not be the same player outside Arsenal and the premiership anyway.

  6. Carroll is frustrating because he does look like he has all the tools, but I get the feeling he's not really that arsed. Happy enough to just be a footballer and a bit of a minor celeb.


    Made no effort with Preston and was mucking about when he was with England which got him sent home.


    His attitude and approach seems to be the problem, and when this is the case it doesn't matter how talented you are it means nothing.

  7. Tell you who isn't getting enough credit  is Marcos Senna. Has been brilliant throughout this tournament and he was all over Arshavin like a rash yesterday.


    Arshavin is still a good player and is allowed the odd off game, but what I didn't really like about his performance was that he didn't seem to make more of an effort to get into the game, wether that meant dropping deeper to pick up the ball or switching out wide a bit more to get more space. You wonder if he is one of those guys who just looks great when everything is setup perfectly for him, but otherwise doesn't really standout if an effort is made to shut him down.

  8. It's bad to complain, we're British!!




    Hey, complain all you want pal. It's your saliva your wasting.


    You'll be wasting even more when you have to apologize after we bring in some quality players.


    So how about you take some good advice.

  9. Things have been so quiet up to now that you just have to imagine that we have been working away at things which will come to light shortly.


    I am very optimistic and I am definitely enjoying this in a way I must admit. It's going to be fascinating to see who will eventually join the club this summer.




    It will be Cuellar, Deridiyok, Lennon, Zigic. +2


    Happy now?  bluerazz.gif


    Cuellar I could see. In fact as soon as Rangers find a replacement I think that will move quickly.


    Derdiyok I could see also. I think he will be one of the young ones, not for the academy, but who will be on the verge of the first team. Filling in for Martins as well as Viduka/our new targetman.


    Zigic ... I don't think he would be the guy to come in for Viduka. So your certainly wrong there


    Lennon? I don't think so either. I think Keegan prefers players with a semblance of intelligence to their game. Wrong again. bluerazz.gif

  10. Things have been so quiet up to now that you just have to imagine that we have been working away at things which will come to light shortly.


    I am very optimistic and I am definitely enjoying this in a way I must admit. It's going to be fascinating to see who will eventually join the club this summer.



  11. Wenger is keen to sign Veloso according to the player's agent.


    Are you sure the players agent isn't keen to invite a bid from Wenger.


    Doubt Arsenal would bring in a pretty boy DM when they need more of a destroyer alongside Cesc.


    Veloso is more of a Carrick/Pirlo sort.



    That player description should be added to FM.  :iamatwat:




    They would if they had any sense.


    Veloso needs a Mascherano or Hargreaves sort alongside him I think. Would be ideal in a 4-2-3-1 setup. He does do a job defensively but not quite enough to be the lone DM in the prem I don't think.



  12. Wenger is keen to sign Veloso according to the player's agent.


    Are you sure the players agent isn't keen to invite a bid from Wenger.


    Doubt Arsenal would bring in a pretty boy DM when they need more of a destroyer alongside Cesc.


    Veloso is more of a Carrick/Pirlo sort.

  13. I'm reliably informed that Villa have signed No Juan.




    I'll have you know that we couldn't even manage to sign No Juan. After consulting his agent Maetihs he turned us down because nobody knows who Keegan is and we are a crap club with no Europe and no hope and we might as well pack it in and cease to exist.


    One thing I heard is that Spurs were rumoured to be making a late pounce for him before we got there first.


    According to Jol Spurs "stepped aside" because the player demanded a £100,000 a week and so Villa had to offer him £300,000 in order for him to be able to resist that glorious symbol of footballing excellence that is Spurs.

  14. I'm reliably informed that Villa have signed No Juan.




    I'll have you know that we couldn't even manage to sign No Juan. After consulting his agent Maetihs he turned us down because nobody knows who Keegan is and we are a crap club with no Europe and no hope and we might as well pack it in and cease to exist.

  15. Its funny how all the stories with him have stopped since his poor form for France, would not put me off getting him though, would be nice to know if we are serious about getting him.


    Think the stories stopped after he decided to sign that new deal. He didn't really get to play that much at the Euros to be fair.

  16. Did anyone really think we were going to get him? Our problem is players like that do not want to come to England and those that will come do not want to come to Newcastle, its London only for most.



    However Dave found that on ch4 and the only other place I can find reporting this is the Journal..


    Oh shut up.


    Of course he wanted to come to England and even Newcastle as he said so himself didn't he.


    We didn't firm up our interest for whatever reason and now bigger and better clubs have come in for him.


    We live with it and we move on. Like someone else already mentioned we are spotting some good young players and hopefully its just a matter of time.

    :lol: now now, don't be bitter its not my fault we didn't get him.



    It's just annoying this cliche of all players only wanting to go to London. It's absolutely rubbish most of the time.


    Most of these guys are just happy to be coming over to play in England.

  17. Did anyone really think we were going to get him? Our problem is players like that do not want to come to England and those that will come do not want to come to Newcastle, its London only for most.



    However Dave found that on ch4 and the only other place I can find reporting this is the Journal..


    Oh shut up.


    Of course he wanted to come to England and even Newcastle as he said so himself didn't he.


    We didn't firm up our interest for whatever reason and now bigger and better clubs have come in for him.


    We live with it and we move on. Like someone else already mentioned we are spotting some good young players and hopefully its just a matter of time.

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