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Everything posted by merlin

  1. Had Shearer not been injured, it would have made sense financially - Sir Les was 31 and Spurs were giving us 6m for him, a lot in those days. We had bought Tomasson who had played well alongside Shearer in the pre-season but was NOT a CF so he struggled when Shearer got injured - still went on to become a star at AC Milan.. We were unlucky - nobody touched Shearer at Goodison, he fell backwards on his ankle when stretching for a ball and the injury was catastrophic. Sir Les had already given his word to Spurs that he would go so wouldn't change his mind. The whole thing was a disaster...
  2. Totally different types of striker in my book - Cole was a terrific goal-scorer in 93-94 and a bargain at the price we paid for him in early 1993...he was also young and had a longer career in front of him. Ferdinand was almost 28 when we bought him but he was better at leading the line and being a target man because he was bigger built...better in the air too. I reckon KK sold Cole not only because he wanted Ferdinand, but because he knew we had a good chance of getting Shearer ; I know for a fact that Shearer was asking one of the NE's national journalists if Newcastle were coming for him in 1995 and it took another year before we got him. We'll never know how Cole would have done during the season 95-96 when we missed the title but he had had shin splint problems some time before he went to Man U...at his best, he might have won us the title because Sir Les had a barren spell for goals in the run-in, notably against Man U at SJP that March when he had at least 2 good chances to score. All conjecture, but we missed Ferdinand when he went to Spurs because Shearer had that long term injury. Both really good strikers, Cole lethal at his best and hard to separate...I'll go for Cole simply because we had so much excitement during his time with us and I'll never forget SJP rocking to THAT song during the Leicester 7-1 and the Villa game next season where Cole got his 41st goal..!
  3. merlin

    Remy Cabella

    This sounds about right - the usual NUFC way of bidding for a player. Its great - it alerts all the other clubs who may want the player and they just let us haggle away until they can jump in with a slightly higher bid or an increase in the wage offer, which the player's agent will have told them about.... At least we are enabling players to get a better club...!
  4. You're the perfect customer, you're barking mad. Why becasue i'm not all doom and gloom saying i may as well chuck my season ticket in as the season is now over and nothing to play for anymore? Was only after Palace we were going into the festive with postivie attitudes looking how we are only x amount of points off top 4 or even top. Suddenly a couple of league defeats and out the cup and people are saying our season is now over, it's pathetic. Never mind - Mike loves you and he's grateful for your support !
  5. I'd like to know who these people are.... their team on paper isn't good enough to finish top 8 never has been. 10th is about where they should finish most seasons if they don't have some massive decline and they probably still will. Even if they could finish 8th which is always unlikely in the extreme they are not finishing any higher than that.... anyone that thinks they could finish above any of the top 7 wants their head looked at. Note the word "challenging" and not "finishing in". Without looking, I remember a lot of envious eyes on here in the summer saying how they've got a manager who wouldn't blame Europe for a poor league performance. They should really be challenging us & Southampton for those top 8 places, they're nowhere near as things stand. And "who are these people"? Without searching the forum I remember quite a few up to August/September thinking they'd be "best of the rest", etc. and.... http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/18932/8857360/jamie-redknapp-on-title-race-top-four-contenders-and-a-swansea-surprise Swansea have had a bad injury to Michu to deal with - can you imagine what our placing would be right now if Remy had picked up a long-term injury this season...?
  6. merlin

    Eusebio - RIP

    Great player - saw him in the flesh during the friendly at SJP just after Supermac had signed for us in 1971. Not at his best by then, but still had a powerful shot and great skill. Always remember him overturning the N.Koreans after they were leading Portugal by 3 goals in '66...won the game on his own, they couldn't handle him. A sad day.
  7. He's telling people what to think, as usual, some our educationally challenged will swallow it. There's quite a number in that 'educationally challenged' dept, Mick...
  8. Tells you all you need to know when deciding whether to waste even more money on a ST...
  9. That's the predominant view outside these forums. I guess we deserve to eat s*** as a result. Anderson is hardly in a position to judge - he's on a final pay day at a Radio Station which detests NUFC and he hardly covered himself with glory whilst a player at the club...swap for Debuchy, anyone..? Lets see how 'tremendous' Pardew does over the next 6 matches, shall we..? Odds on another thrashing from City and being turned over for the 3rd time by the mackems...?
  10. Not unless they resurrect the Texaco....a tea bag stays in the cup longer than NUFC.
  11. Ashley has roughly achieved what he wanted for Newcastle United - to be a cheap and prominent vehicle for his advertising of Sports Direct. He has no other use for the club than that and he will do as little as possible by way of spending on the club to achieve the status quo. We are, frankly, a laughing stock of a club - no wonder other clubs fans think NUFC fans are deluded because they turn up in massive numbers just to get their faces rubbed in failure season after season....they swallow the kind of blatant lying and hype that the management come out with and then. after exiting competitions like the FAC in the 3rd round every season, they turn up again the following August expecting better...crazy. There are obviously plenty who can afford to chuck away hundreds of pounds to an owner who laughs in their faces every year, makes it quite clear what his(lack of)ambitions are for the club and keeps a manager who is a blatant stooge because he couldn't get a job elsewhere in the PL and is cheap to keep... As Midds said - for next season , rinse and repeat ...so it will be until the club gets an owner who has more football ambition than Ashley so until fans boycott, there will be NO change. Watch results fall off now..
  12. Carroll had his height and physique in his favour - some managers/teams will always want a big strong CF, even if he isn't the best in the skills dept although Carroll was not too bad in that respect ; Campbell is small and small forwards have to be really good to make an impact. KK himself went in for intensive body-building whilst at Scunthorpe as a teenager and even he is taller than Campbell is now.
  13. I've already said before that the club have become expert at managing expectations and dumbing down...
  14. This - great post that sums it all up perfectly.
  15. Like most UK politicians, the club have become expert at manipulating people's expectations and dumbing people down...get used to it, many fans believe Pardew is the best we could get... Unfortunately, under Ashley he probably is......
  16. Haven't seen the game and don't intend to watch it - we have had so many of this type of result/performances against sides like WBA over the years after a decent run that most of us who have followed the club for many years have come to expect it. I actually thought we would lose the next 2 PL games after Arsenal and it looks almost certain that we will. In addition, the absence of Colo and Debuchy is going to hit us hard over the succeeding weeks and games v Norwich & W.Ham will be far from easy with the set up we will have. Debuchy appears to have been stupid in getting sent off but he has been excellent over several weeks now whereas some players have consistently been average or worse over that period. I will not comment on HBA's part in the pen because I haven't seen it but I have my own views about the player although I would like to see him in a better side/playing for a better manager before I pass final judgement....I suspect that not too many top PL sides would sign him though - we shall see. We all knew it was a matter of time before the good run came to an end because the squad lacks vital quality in important positions and certainly strength in depth - this is not going to change any time soon for the reasons we know all too well so people had better get used to this sort of result coming along and probably, a run of poor results after a run of good ones...that is what happens with NUFC and has done over the years apart from under KK during promotion/PL seasons and SBR after he got the side sorted out. The FA Cup game is not going to be any easier either after Cardiff's determined performance against Arsenal and the likelihood of Solskjaer taking over as manager before then - again, we shall see......Pardew has form in FA Cup ties......
  17. merlin

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Many managers get a percentage of any player sales if there is a certain amount of profit involved. I remember listening to a phone-in on Radio Newcastle the week before KK resigned in 1997 and a caller asked John Anderson and the programme host whether it was true that KK got a percentage of the fee for one of our promising players who had been recently sold ; the 2 programme hosts were VERY reluctant to affirm this and tried to get around the question by saying that it was KK's private business...the caller stated, correctly in my view, that if the sale of players was forming part of a manager's income, then he, as a supporter who was paying towards the club's income, had every right to know whether this was a fact or not. He further stated that he had it in good authority that Brian Clough had a similar agreement written into his contracts at his various clubs. I don't for a minute think that KK would have sold a player unless he thought the player was not going to break into the team, but then he was getting well paid by NUFC at the time ; we don't know if Pardew is being well paid by PL standards but we suspect not, so there may be a temptation to sell players if the sale would add to his income significantly. I guess we'll never really know, so you have to make your own judgement on it all.
  18. merlin

    Tony Green

    My point was that TaylorJ had questioned jacky on 'no one anywhere near' Green when he went down when all accounts, including the player's had indicated it was a bad tackle by Mel Blyth. Then jacky comes along and reiterates his original post. Fair enough..it was jackyj's version that I was really calling into question....when the player himself confirms that Blyth was to blame it seems cut and dried to me..
  19. merlin

    Tony Green

    Hmm... so much for a horrific tackle by Mel Blyth. If you read the cuttings about Green on the earlier pages you will see that he himself blamed the tackle from Mel Blyth on his injury...I remember hearing about it on the day too and that was what the radio reporter said. Green might have tried to play on but if you read what he said were the extent of his injuries it is no wonder he went down in a heap...
  20. merlin

    Tony Green

    Was the director who looked at him called Fenton Braithwaite? His name rings a bell for some reason. Braithwaite WAS a surgeon and he was on the board...it could have been him but the club had a reputation for not getting the best possible treatment for players in those days. However, Green had to acknowledge retirement in 1975 and it would be over 10 years until Cruciate ligament injuries - like those which afflicted Gazza and Shearer - were satisfactorily treated and enabled players to continue their careers. Brian Clough suffered one on Boxing Day when at Sunderland and he had to finish at the age of 29...the same age as Macdonald when he had to pack in.
  21. I guess hope springs eternal.... Happy New Year to all.
  22. merlin

    Tony Green

    I saw Milburn play in a testimonial when he was in his 50s and it is not true to say he was just about pace and shooting ; he was skilful on the ball and even at that age, could turn a defender beautifully. Looked to be more comfortable on the ball than Shearer but Shearer was better at shielding it and giving defenders as good as he got. Supermac was the most exciting CF I have seen wearing the B&W, the only CF we have had for many years who could lift the crowd out of their seats with excitement by his sheer pace when running on to a through ball. What was more, he was all left foot, pace and not much else when he first arrived aged 21, but he developed so much as an all-round player that although he wasn't very tall, defenders feared his heading ability as much as his pace - ask people who saw him score a great header against Bob Wilson/Arsenal back in 72...came back too quickly after a couple of cartilage ops when in his prime and I reckon that was why his career ended early. Could be arrogant and selfish but boy, what a player....would have been worth a huge sum today As for Tony Green, I have made my views about him clear before - fantastic player with electric pace over 1st 5 yards and a huge influence on a side. We were heading for relegation in late 71 until Joe Harvey signed him a few months later and he gave an immediate lift to the side. Tragically taken out by Mel Blyth at Crystal Palace in 73 and although he tried to return from cruciate ligament injury, it wasn't possible in those days. Still believe we would not have lost so easily to Liverpool - if at all - during the 74 Cup Final if Green had been playing. Another who would have been worth a fortune by today's standards and although Nasri isn't as good as Green was he was a similar type of player when at his best. Although TG only played 38 games for us, he had a big crowd for his testimonial which showed how highly he was rated by the fans. He always loved the club too and made that clear in the years after his retirement. We have had some great, great players but those days are long gone and unlikely to return because we wouldn't be in the hunt for these players today.
  23. Keegan allowed Cole to go because he wanted Ferdinand and eventually, Shearer. It is not generally known that we made a bid for Shearer at the same time as Blackburn but they got him because a)they bid a bit more after our bid and b)Shearer wanted PL football which we couldn't offer him at the time because we were on the verge of our promotion season. KK once said that Newcastle were like the Mounties because they always got their man - and in his days, we usually did..... That ended when Fat Fred decided to - for his own reasons - 'keep his power dry' in the close season before we were due to play on qualifiers for the CL and we ended up with Bowyer on a free.
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