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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Was looking on a Spurs forum earlier and found their thread on him. Most of them are upset that he's not been given more of a chance and that he's one of the best they've produced recently.
  2. Weakens the opposition too. Probably a bit much for him but let's not take any chances with this promotion lark.
  3. Few decent players in the Castilla team. Or Rodriguez, straight swap.
  4. One of the most Liverpool signings ever. They love spunking cash away.
  5. Hopefully he can be everything Steven Taylor should have been.
  6. Like the away kit, very Boca Junior's
  7. http://www.marca.com/futbol/premier-league/2016/07/12/5783fb4ae5fdea97468b45e8.html Only Atleti have spent more than the toon
  8. Sissoko PR tonight from the BBC, I fully expect a Pogba-esque fee for him.
  9. Is it two yellows over the entire tournament before a ban? Seem ridiculous
  10. Enjoy your 15th club you twat.
  11. Hopefully a Italian counter soon after all this Spanish pressure
  12. Been saying it all tournament. The French, Russian and Italian are probably the top three for me. (apart from the Brazilian obviously ) The lyrics are along the lines of "brothers of Rome, let us join, we are ready to fight, we are ready to die!' gets you a bit more pumped up than God save the Queen!
  13. Sorry if Giggs http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-3659040/First-contact-key-making-corners-count-isn-t-just-England-quality-overall-Euro-2016-poor.html
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