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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Saving our money for a striker or is that just wishful thinking?
  2. In theory could Neymar just go an sign for Man U now he's paid his release clause?
  3. Less penises but still the same old England
  4. In the Besiktas vid? It's Quaresma > Pepe > Negredo
  5. I know financially he won't give a fuck but I think there is a good chance Neymar will get booed in a lot of games simply due to how obscene this deal is.
  6. Pretty sure they nearly went down last season, didn't they win the relegation play off?
  7. I think more that they didn't play him ahead of the strikers they already had and they sign another for 50m rather than anything to do with a number
  8. Bless Ryder man, he's obviously seen the same article as me about Arsenal wanting 15m Euros for him and he's googled the conversion. He's beyond parody. Does anyone remember years ago (might have been the original Ashley takeover actually) where the Chronicle just came on here an lifted loads of posts verbatim as quotes from Toon fans?
  9. Reading a few of the Arsenal message boards they seem to rate him quite highly and are just puzzled why Wenger signed him if he wasn't going to play him. 13m wouldn't be horrific business in the current market.
  10. Vasquez would fill that Ben Arfa shaped hole in my heart
  11. https://twitter.com/CompleteNUFC/status/890893116412219395
  12. We've been linked with that Cafu geezer a few times this window haven't we?
  13. We'll need to make a Con-Crete offer first
  14. Clucas for 4m in the local Hull paper, also linked with a back up keeper from Leipzig
  15. Agents have took the piss out of them basically.
  16. I would say yes, since they are currently not paying 9.5m for him while we buy him. Aye point I was trying to make was signing players on loan with silly clauses
  17. I know this is probably giggs but I didn't realise that he got dropped from Sunderlands team as they would have had to buy him if he played any more games (for 9.5m) didn't they learn anything from the Alvarez debacle?
  18. https://twitter.com/Andy_Gammon/status/888322880374702080 Wow
  19. Bored of this Lewis Gibson thing already, where's the rumours man?!?
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