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Everything posted by Ronaldo

  1. If you're going to fall down on purpose you're asking the referee to see past the contact and book you.
  2. Owen advocating diving again. When will he just die?
  3. I suspect Lerner's contacts might run a little further than Ashley's book of cronies and people he hasn't f***ed over yet. All Ashley needs to do is hire an investment banker (barclays, jpm, merrill, etc) or a broker and value would get set, they'd go after specific clients etc who had the cash to do it and they could get it out there. It honestly is that simple...its up to the fat man to actually agree to a value or reach out to the right banker/broker to get it done. I think he's waiting around for someone looking to make a hobby out of it to buy it for more than it's worth. Until then he'll just sit on it while it makes a decent profit.
  4. Lee Dixon still has the best OG ever.
  5. Ryder and Shearer. The pair of them make me want to vomit.
  6. Think I'd rather use that space for something a bit more worthwhile, like.
  7. Better off playing roulette, mate.
  8. Staggering how the attendances are no less than in Bobby's era. Some have very valid excuses to do with family and the like but the vast majority are just too stupid or too set in their ways for fucking words.
  9. Ronaldo

    Kevin Keegan

    I only watched that for the first time this morning. Fantastic stuff. Interesting what he says about needing at least 4-5 natural vocal leaders on the pitch to get anywhere. Completely agree and the daft buggers who go on about 'leadership by example' should be made to watch it 10 times.
  10. Replacement for Perch or even Tiote I'd be OK with. Anything more and it's a pisstake.
  11. Nothing we don't know, like.
  12. Ronaldo

    Tito Vilanova - RIP

    Poor bloke. Awful for Barca, too.
  13. Ronaldo

    Shola Ameobi

    Great players? Steady on.
  14. You know they'd just finished 8th in the Championship when he left there, right? I know, but you missed the point. He set the foundation and built for the long-term, do you think it was Rodgers who built that PL side? Who made them who they were? Who took them to 8th in the Championship for nothing? He's a man that doesn't just makes plan for his team, he makes a plan for the long-term for the whole club, insisting in facility and youth improvements throughout the structure. I didn't miss the point, I just wasn't sure if you actually knew the fact. Anyway, I do think that Rodgers made them a PL side with his style of football.
  15. You know they'd just finished 8th in the Championship when he left there, right?
  16. When people completely ignore how s*** Wigan as a club is. And the resources. Won a cup. With Wigan. "s***". Total revisionism Nobody said they were shit considering their resources, like. They were shit in context, though.
  17. Since when does the 'decency' of the football negate the fact a team was losing games home and away from August to April?
  18. They constantly looked like getting relegated, survived on the last day twice and then finally went down. They were shit.
  19. Well said. Proud of you, man.
  20. Jagielka's played 36 times this season, like.
  21. I never said Martinez wasn't attacking, I just think his Wigan side were a pile of shite who consistently failed to show any class throughout each season and survived by the skin of their bollocks by beating lowly teams already on the beach come April/May. The fact they passed it in nice triangles doesn't make their football correct, for me, anyway.
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