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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Good point. I was going to say yesterday, bring on the whining when we're doing well, if only to temper the "We're gonna win the lot" mongs. When we're in the shit though, there's plenty of others to give us shit, don't jump on the opposition band wagon.
  2. does it actually mean much. how many goals has he let in you can honestly say were his fault ?. Anyone can pull off the saves they're expected too. He used to pull off saves when the shot deserved a goal and you couldn't blame him if he didn't reach it, it made him what he was because his Kicking and cross collection certainly didn't. He hasn't even done that for a while though.
  3. Canny little stat.... Shay Given Save to Shots ratio: 2007/08 57% 2006/07 70% 2005/06 73%
  4. In their report on the wolves game under SBR. They spent the remaining part of SBR' managership sniping at him and generally leading the cheerleading to get him out. Nice one lads I hope your happy with the last 5 years but lay off the hypocrisy of other fans expressing their views eh? POT KETTLE BLACK. Shameful. Which match is that from? Reads like it's from the last game....when the season is over...when they still invite people to mull over the bones. Isn't the widely held view that they were spot on too? That Robson should have went at the end of that season, hanging on made things worse....and led us to rush Souness through the door. It's not my view like, I think the couple of odd thousand that stayed to applaud that team were spot on and the majority who fucked off for an early pint should be ashamed of themselves. But there's not many that agree as far as I can tell. Oops, you said, it was the Wolves game.
  5. In their report on the wolves game under SBR. They spent the remaining part of SBR' managership sniping at him and generally leading the cheerleading to get him out. Nice one lads I hope your happy with the last 5 years but lay off the hypocrisy of other fans expressing their views eh? POT KETTLE BLACK. Shameful. Which match is that from? Reads like it's from the last game....when the season is over...when they still invite people to mull over the bones. Isn't the widely held view that they were spot on too? That Robson should have went at the end of that season, hanging on made things worse....and led us to rush Souness through the door. It's not my view like, I think the couple of odd thousand that stayed to applaud that team were spot on and the majority who fucked off for an early pint should be ashamed of themselves. But there's not many that agree as far as I can tell.
  6. The bad times make the club what it is as much as the good. Would you prefer we'd won and followed the Mackem path for the last 20 years? If we never lost that game I doubt we'd have had many of the happy memories that fill this thread.
  7. some ? come on grass..the vast majority. In the earlier days it was a good majority. Makes it even more special. You weren't always there so you had to paint your own picture going off the radio commentary. I'd relish MOTD to see the goals, to see if they were anything like I pictured them to be. Half in half like. MOTD today? What's on the other channel. Again, desensitised to it all now to a degree. I listened to the play-off against the mackems on the radio at a mackems house with his mackem family. hope it was the away one. :-[ *removed link to the home leg highlights on youtoob*
  8. some ? come on grass..the vast majority. In the earlier days it was a good majority. Makes it even more special. You weren't always there so you had to paint your own picture going off the radio commentary. I'd relish MOTD to see the goals, to see if they were anything like I pictured them to be. Half in half like. MOTD today? What's on the other channel. Again, desensitised to it all now to a degree. I listened to the play-off against the mackems on the radio at a mackems house with his mackem family.
  9. Kevin Shilling running around the playground like a loon, scarf in the air singing toon songs. Asked him what was up. He said Keegan was manager. I joined in.
  10. I love the comments about our so called Winnable games always around the corner, We dont have a hope of stopping up this season, No defence No midfield And we could not score in a Brothel, Get Real People we are heading for the big fall and keegan will desert the sinking ship very soon. You've changed your tune... http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=49032.msg1161237#msg1161237
  11. I'm trying to remember the point when I stopped praying for goal. Literally bowing my head closing my eyes tight and doing deals with god like "Just let us score and I'll do my homework". I was convinced he'd listen, being merciful and that.
  12. The auld fella that's lost his teeth in the same area is belter.
  13. http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1193/20070720196vr8.th.jpg
  14. Aye the pub to stadium walk is quality. Pint in your belly, bine in your hand and the certainty of a win in your heart if not your head.
  15. We currently have a shit team. Small but important difference.
  16. 93/94 Season is next up that's for sure as a review compilation, as 92/93 have been done and 95/96. I'll make a Cole one at some point after that and 94/95 seasons have been done. So many class memories from back then. Shame I was only a bairn really as I obviously didn't comprehend it all at the time, but I certainly knew I was part of something special. Does anyone else remember the Cole compilation the BBC did at the end of that season. Started with "Like taking Cole to Newcastle" I watched that fucker over and over. I'd love to see that one again.
  17. Some random good memories... When my mate offered Peter Beardsley a bit of his sausage role when he came back. When another mate electrocuted himself on the old scoreboard. The best surge I was ever in when we scored the first against Wimbledon in the 4-0 home win. Back row to third from front in seconds. God, I miss being able to lift my feet off the ground and stay upright. In the Milburn paddock when Albert lobbed Schmeichel. Leading the singing out of our hotel window as thousands of fans filed into the Millenium Stadium just next door. Curry Hell at Idols. Sat at home on my todd but still running around like a lunatic when Bellamy scored that goal.
  18. Relegated? Ahead of the Mackems? Are you having a fucking laugh?
  19. So this place is to blame for the sodding peoples panel or whatever it's called in the Ronnie We'd already had (and welcomed) a foreign manager way before the Hitzfeld campaign though. I love the sentiment of the rest of your post, sadly I don't agree 100%, especially when I see substitutions being booed at the game. The peoples panel has been around for a few years if I remember rightly so I think maybe that's one of a first for the Ronnie, an exclusive They have added forums, blogs and text messages to their medium in the past 18 months though which I'm inclined to believe is something they've been forced to do as I sure know the maintenance of such systems are loss runners so it's not something that that has been done to make them more money put it this way. Demand is what's responsible, if not internally from their own readership then externally from the growing popularity of platforms such as N.O. Hell, it might even determine their survival in the coming future as the world connects to the web more and more for every day things. I had a good discussion with one of their developers a while back and they were very concerned of the technological demands being placed on them. If I was asked to make a prediction now about their future I don't fancy their chances to be honest. And good, as they stopped supporting this club years ago. We did have a foreign manager in Gullit and Ossie before him but under Shepherd and his cronies at the Chronicle, "why would we want some foreigner in charge"? Apparently. That's who the foreign message from the Hitzfeld thing was aimed at. An attempt to say, "how can you say that when look what this one foreign guy has won", which pissed all over the Geordie boy Steve Bruce, Glenn he knows the area Roeder, Sir Alan Shearer of Newcastle et als of this xenophobic/parochial Shepherd/Oliver wonderland. As for booing any player in Black & White, it's pathetic, but I doubt what gets posted or doesn't on a message board influences that particular behaviour. If anything, Nufc.com would be better advised to direct their disapproval towards those fans. And on that note, if it's anyone who is going to let the side down so to speak, it will be a match day going season ticket holder and not somone "who doesn't even go to the match"... Hopefully not though, eh. I think the death of the Pink probably shows the dwindling support they get from football fans round these parts.
  20. Then stop. Personally, I've never been more eager to get to games and try to lift the spirits of the players and fellow supporters. And I've never been less keen on giving the club shit on radio, SSN or forums, especially when they're so keen for us to do it.
  21. So this place is to blame for the sodding peoples panel or whatever it's called in the Ronnie We'd already had (and welcomed) a foreign manager way before the Hitzfeld campaign though. I love the sentiment of the rest of your post, sadly I don't agree 100%, especially when I see substitutions being booed at the game.
  22. People cannot help how they feel. They've a right to be pissed off the way this season has panned out, and they've a right to come on a message board and say what the fuk they like without the thought police looking down their noses telling them what they can and can't do. For that reason alone i do not agree with .com, its an absolute joke they'll have a pop at the fans, yet not say boo to a goose to and about those who have made the fans react in the negative way they have. The season hasn't panned out yet. That's their point. We can try to have a positive effect on how it pans out or we can continue to not sell out our games, boo them off and castigate the manager on here. I'd rather be a supporter in a literal sense. Can't wait to see you in your Alan Smith mask when you next go to a game. I support the shirt, not the man. When Alan Smith fills one of those shirts every game without fail or form you must support him too. Can't support a part of the club, you must support it as a whole warts and all or the argument fails imo. Absoloutley. That's exactly what I meant. I'm sure when (if?) he notches his first goal you'll sit on your hands and steadfastly refuse to celebrate because he scored it....even if it were an overhead volley to confirm our safety. FYP emphasised, more than fixed.
  23. People cannot help how they feel. They've a right to be pissed off the way this season has panned out, and they've a right to come on a message board and say what the fuk they like without the thought police looking down their noses telling them what they can and can't do. For that reason alone i do not agree with .com, its an absolute joke they'll have a pop at the fans, yet not say boo to a goose to and about those who have made the fans react in the negative way they have. The season hasn't panned out yet. That's their point. We can try to have a positive effect on how it pans out or we can continue to not sell out our games, boo them off and castigate the manager on here. I'd rather be a supporter in a literal sense. Can't wait to see you in your Alan Smith mask when you next go to a game. I support the shirt, not the man. When Alan Smith fills one of those shirts every game without fail or form you must support him too. Can't support a part of the club, you must support it as a whole warts and all or the argument fails imo. Absoloutley. That's exactly what I meant. I'm sure when (if?) he notches his first goal you'll sit on your hands and steadfastly refuse to celebrate because he scored it....even if it were an overhead volley to confirm our safety.
  24. People cannot help how they feel. They've a right to be pissed off the way this season has panned out, and they've a right to come on a message board and say what the fuk they like without the thought police looking down their noses telling them what they can and can't do. For that reason alone i do not agree with .com, its an absolute joke they'll have a pop at the fans, yet not say boo to a goose to and about those who have made the fans react in the negative way they have. The season hasn't panned out yet. That's their point. We can try to have a positive effect on how it pans out or we can continue to not sell out our games, boo them off and castigate the manager on here. I'd rather be a supporter in a literal sense. Can't wait to see you in your Alan Smith mask when you next go to a game. I support the shirt, not the man.
  25. Criticising players and fans performances at games isn't really talking shite though is it. Both have been abysmal.
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