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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Would you take a Villa win if it meant Pardew was sacked? Yes 121 (87.7%)
  2. On the back of one result as well, how unfortunate. Toys out of the pram. eh?
  3. I might be duplicating something but bullshit, tickets are dished out according to loyalty points which are from games already attended, not future games. The discussion wasn't around points though. It was around season ticket holders vs past season ticket holders.
  4. is that happening? "Match-going fans - deserving of blame?" :lol:
  5. Honestly who the fuck goes to a separate forum to say smarmy things about people behind their back? Spineless pricks. If I'm gonna call neesy a cunt, I'm going to call him a cunt to his face/on N-O, I'm not gonna skulk off to mumsnet and bitch about him over there. You and Cajun? http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,91360.msg3928798.html#msg3928798 At what point do I say anything about anyone on toontastic? I was agreeing with the general pet hate. If this is the best you could dig up, then I'm unimpressed to say the least. Spineless little rat. At what point did I say owt about anyone on NO that hasn't been said to them here? Doesn't matter. Keep it in here rather than mocking people where they can't even see it. It's just awful form. Done with this anyway, I wouldn't want to ruin my calm and collected persona by getting into a meaningless internet battle. I've made my opinion known, you obviously disagree and think it's fine to talk about people behind their backs. I've not talked about anyone behind their back man. I've had 2 days of up-front argument on here with people about the rights and wrongs of boycotting and crowing about it. In the flow of a natural conversation about boycotting over on TT Toonpack mentioned NO and I agreed. Very much like you agreed with Cajun after he slagged off Wolfy from TT. you didn't pull him up on his bad form at all, and nor would I expect you to, You're touchy if the very mention of a discussion anywhere else gets you worked up. Glad we agree it's meaningless and should be dropped.
  6. Season ticket holder priority isn't a reward for games attended in the past, it's reward for games you're likely to attend in future.
  7. Honestly who the fuck goes to a separate forum to say smarmy things about people behind their back? Spineless pricks. If I'm gonna call neesy a cunt, I'm going to call him a cunt to his face/on N-O, I'm not gonna skulk off to mumsnet and bitch about him over there. You and Cajun? http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,91360.msg3928798.html#msg3928798 At what point do I say anything about anyone on toontastic? I was agreeing with the general pet hate. If this is the best you could dig up, then I'm unimpressed to say the least. Spineless little rat. At what point did I say owt about anyone on NO that hasn't been said to them here?
  8. Honestly who the f*** goes to a separate forum to say smarmy things about people behind their back? Spineless pricks. If I'm gonna call neesy a c***, I'm going to call him a c*** to his face/on N-O, I'm not gonna skulk off to mumsnet and bitch about him over there. You and Cajun? http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,91360.msg3928798.html#msg3928798 Man, you're such a crapweasel Thanks. I'd hate to be a good weasel like.
  9. Honestly who the fuck goes to a separate forum to say smarmy things about people behind their back? Spineless pricks. If I'm gonna call neesy a cunt, I'm going to call him a cunt to his face/on N-O, I'm not gonna skulk off to mumsnet and bitch about him over there. You and Cajun? http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,91360.msg3928798.html#msg3928798
  10. Why is he gone then? If Kinnear is there to take the blame then why not let him keep taking it? Also how can he be happy with the performance of a man who isn't bringing in cheap players to sell for big profits? At some point your fall guy has to take the fall.
  11. Again, i must have been unclear. I've got no issue with whenever anyone cancels and I'm still considering cancellation myself. It's not the cancellations. It's the one third of people (according to a NO poll) who blame fans that still go.
  12. Respect, my arse. You are the very definition of a charlatan yourself. If you fail to understand how people can be affected by a string of events leading to breaking/ tipping point, and think there are cancellations due solely to a derby defeat, there is no point debating with you no matter how eloquent you are. I do understand the string of events argument perfectly. A cumulative build up can very easily blow up off the back of a derby defeat. Obviously no-one is cancelling JUST off the back of the derby....but if someone who (like me) has taken on the chin all the s*** that's happened over 7 years decides to quit not after any of that, but after a bad result, then I resent them proselytising to me that I've not got NUFC's best interests at heart. I don't even know if anyone here has done that tbf. I've been going for over 40 years, is it OK with you if I decide when to stop attending and why I stop? I would like to have your blessing, with you being such a good supporter. According to HF all the fans giving up only go to 2 games a year. http://i.imgur.com/eEXvzdQ.jpg According to you .
  13. Respect, my arse. You are the very definition of a charlatan yourself. If you fail to understand how people can be affected by a string of events leading to breaking/ tipping point, and think there are cancellations due solely to a derby defeat, there is no point debating with you no matter how eloquent you are. I do understand the string of events argument perfectly. A cumulative build up can very easily blow up off the back of a derby defeat. Obviously no-one is cancelling JUST off the back of the derby....but if someone who (like me) has taken on the chin all the s*** that's happened over 7 years decides to quit not after any of that, but after a bad result, then I resent them proselytising to me that I've not got NUFC's best interests at heart. I don't even know if anyone here has done that tbf. I've been going for over 40 years, is it OK with you if I decide when to stop attending and why I stop? I would like to have your blessing, with you being such a good supporter. er....yeah. That's what I said in the post you quoted
  14. http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/264701/Alan-Pardew-Newcastle-and-Arsenal-have-both-lost-out-in-money-race-Arsene-Wenger
  15. The full quote: So I am ridiculing via an analogy a very specific viewpoint, not everyone who does not boycott. You accused me of So you are lying again. In this post I am also ridiculing the same very specific viewpoint quoted in this post and not people who choose not to boycott like you accuse me of. Fair do's. We're on the same page than. No-one thinks anyone should necessarily boycott. And no-one thinks anyone should necessarily keep going. Everyone agrees people just shouldn't spout off about doing one or the other as if they've got it all figured out and the other lot are lesser.
  16. Respect, my arse. You are the very definition of a charlatan yourself. If you fail to understand how people can be affected by a string of events leading to breaking/ tipping point, and think there are cancellations due solely to a derby defeat, there is no point debating with you no matter how eloquent you are. I do understand the string of events argument perfectly. A cumulative build up can very easily blow up off the back of a derby defeat. Obviously no-one is cancelling JUST off the back of the derby....but if someone who (like me) has taken on the chin all the shit that's happened over 7 years decides to quit not after any of that, but after a bad result, then I resent them proselytising to me that I've not got NUFC's best interests at heart. I don't even know if anyone here has done that tbf.
  17. I see Bret's voted. Don't forget HF the Soopa Fan. I haven't been to an away game in 2 years. I have to say "yes I am a mug for renewing!" or I'm a superfan for defending the decision against criticism? f*** off. Where did I say you are a mug for renewing? As for the superfan part, http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,95067.msg4858782.html#msg4858782 Yes, get off your high horse and f*** off back to toontastic where you can continue making fun of this forum instead. HF has gone full on mental here like, he's the pure definition of a soopafan and is actively trying to ridicule those who take responsibility for their actions. You are responsible for the direct and predictable consequences of you actions. Mike Ashley is much less likely to leave with a full stadium than with an empty one. You are a Mike Ashley enabler. And by trying to convince others with your empty rhetoric to follow suit, you are more than a Mike Ashley enabler - you are now actively helping him. Pretty sure HF said he wasn't renewing? I respect the decision of anyone else that doesn't. But Spudil goes around calling those that don't retarded, backward people.. then he calls me a soopafan when I defend myself for not having ccancelled as yet and he has the audacity to say I'm the one ridiculing people when I don't think I've used a single pejorative term like he has. Perhaps if you pulled back the rhetoric a little Spudil, you wouldn't get such harsh reaction to the stick you direct at season ticket holders. You can barely make a single post without outright lying. I never said what you accuse me of saying and you very clearly went way beyond defending yourself. And in the post quoted post : "In reality you're throwing your toys out the pram and going in a huff. There's no principal to it whatsoever and anyone making out otherwise is a charlatan." Come on, you're a joke at this stage. You cant make a single coherent, reasonable post. Anyone lecturing on the principal of cancelling when they've only cancelled off the back of a derby defeat 7 years into Ashley's tenure is a charlatan. I don't know you from Adam. Don't know if you've been to a game or started your own boycott as soon as Keegan walked. You might be a highly principled man. The likes of Steve Wraith spouting shite in the last couple of days makes him a charlatan IYAM though.
  18. I see Bret's voted. Don't forget HF the Soopa Fan. I haven't been to an away game in 2 years. I have to say "yes I am a mug for renewing!" or I'm a superfan for defending the decision against criticism? f*** off. Where did I say you are a mug for renewing? As for the superfan part, http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,95067.msg4858782.html#msg4858782 Yes, get off your high horse and f*** off back to toontastic where you can continue making fun of this forum instead. HF has gone full on mental here like, he's the pure definition of a soopafan and is actively trying to ridicule those who take responsibility for their actions. You are responsible for the direct and predictable consequences of you actions. Mike Ashley is much less likely to leave with a full stadium than with an empty one. You are a Mike Ashley enabler. And by trying to convince others with your empty rhetoric to follow suit, you are more than a Mike Ashley enabler - you are now actively helping him. Pretty sure HF said he wasn't renewing? Sort of. I said I might not. Might buy 2 tickets though and take my nephew. It'll still cost less. I respect the decision of anyone else that doesn't. But Spudil goes around calling those that don't retarded, backward people.. then he calls me a soopafan when I defend myself for not having ccancelled as yet and he has the audacity to say I'm the one ridiculing people when I don't think I've used a single pejorative term like he has. Perhaps if you pulled back the rhetoric a little Spudil, you wouldn't get such harsh reaction to the stick you direct at season ticket holders.
  19. I don't know how old you are but if you can't remember what happened in 1992 you can't have been following the club for long because before the Magpie Group succeeded in ousting McKeag, crowds were down to below 20,000 and we were heading for the old 3rd Div....after the takeover there was an immediate surge in attendances and by the time we played Grimsby in Nov 92, going for our 12th straight win(which we lost) there were 7000 people locked out. It wasn't until the ground was extended in 93/94 that we were able to satisfy anything LIKE the demand for tickets and as you may know, we had a 20,000 waiting list by 1995.... If you think the fans wouldn't be back under a better more progressive owner, you are way way wrong. My first game was 1967. That surge was KK and results driven absolutely nowt to do with who the owners were. IF we were in the third level, or verging on, do you really really think there'd be the same resurgence, without a corresponding run of results a'la KK's, just because that was the point at which Ashley left. Aye, there was only a limited surge after the takeover, nothing immediate... even after Keegan arrived really. We still got 21k for Tranmere. 23k for Swindon and Millwall. It took the 11 game winning streak the following season to get attendance back up to 30k for anything except the derby.
  20. I think that was the view tbf. Gremier for £8m - £10m would have been sanctioned as a move to keep us in the top half without busting the bank. So some other names could com in the summer. At £12-£15m or whatever was being asked I get the impression it cut into our summer budget too much. If he's staying where he is anyway we may as well go back in the summer when we might get him for less and he'll help galvanise the club for 14/15. Or if he's still not interested an equally headline grabbing buy of another player to inspire confidence.
  21. The Matchday revenue is £24m. The additional TV money could be anywhere between £20m and £40m. He could keep going as he is and give away every ticket in the stadium. He'd have more difficulty keeping up with the other clubs who had increased their spending power. But if you aren't buying any players in 18 months anyway, you're no worse off are you But that can't continue forever and you have to buy someone, sometime, due to Bosman etc. The pot will get smaller by degrees, and the spiral would be downwards, the point still stands, it's not Ashley's pocket that will take the hit. When is the point where the evacuee's declare it's better and do they come back. What if (unlikely I know) the cash not yet spent was splurged in the summer, is that better ?? Would people come back ?? Maybe that's why he's holding back the £60m as long as possible. As annoyed as I am by the lack of January spending....and the sales, I can at least see the logic, and it looks to me like a lesson learned over what annoyed me previously. When we finished 5th, we spent nothing in the summer. I was raging at the lost opportunity for pushing on. Shit season followed and we had to buy in January to avoid relegation. The very best time to buy big and make a statement is in the summer, so you get the best start possiblem rather than putting the club on a downer. then in January you aren't desparate and forced into paying over the odds for survival. What were the options in the 2014 windows? 1. Spend big in January and push to gain one or two league positions. No money left to spend big in Summer and the whole club is on a downer. 2. Spend nothing in January, keep your powder dry safe in the knowledge you're not being relegated, even if you drop a few places. Then spend big in summer, either to make loanees permanent or bring in new blood. Lift the whole club for next season so the money works harder for you in terms of making an ambitious statement at the right time. 3. Spend big in January AND Summer. Mike Ashley?
  22. I see Bret's voted. i expect us to grab a few good names in the summer along the lines of Gomis/Cabella or the like. Do you actually believe what you wrote there? Just for your information, santa claus isn't real. Spent £9m in 2010 £19m in 2011 £18m in 2012 £16m in 2013 There's no reason we wont spend at least similar in 2014. Not sure about the "few", but it'll depend what bargains can be had.
  23. seriously? I have my ideas, but they're very similar to the ones that are rejected when Pardew offers them up. So yes, I'm curious what other folk see. It is interesting and i like you to expand on it because you did call him out at the beginning of the season. I know we differ on his and Pardew's merits. I certainly thing Laudrup coaches better football than Pardew and i know we disagree on that. You have however, correctly stated his 'success' as far as it can be called does seem to fall off after a couple of years (same can be said for Pardew, of course). Fwiw, i think he'd do well with our squad and would appreciate the type of players Graham Carr identifies. I think they would be more in tune with each other. I do wonder if his issues at his clubs are down to him agitating for something better or he has just had a remarkable run of bad luck when it comes to chairmen! There's no doubt to me Laudrup coaches a better style of football and I wouldn't want anyone to think otherwise. I also respect that he didn't make any excuses at all, always had a positive outlook and looked to lift his players rather than tell them they are tired even before games. Given the budgets at each club though, and the quality available, I do worry that his methods are too ... idealistic? He absolutely refuses to do what might be effective rather than what he sees as ...pure? Somewhere like Arsenal, if they spend big, someone as wiley as Wenger can sometimes win the league like that. We would have to have someone prepared to do things ugly on occasion though...and that's what Swansea needed too. The only thing I disagreed with at the time was that people were suggesting just about any other manager would be better for Newcastle United. I didn't see the benefit in the upheaval that would be involved if we were to replace someone like Pardew with someone like Laudrup, who hadn't stayed with any job long term and had seen diminishing returns towards the end of his longer spells.
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