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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. When I read the above I though "Lee why did you not mention this earlier" but like Alan Oliver with his phone calls with Shearer they just cant go whacking everything into print. I notice the Chron & NUSC are working ALtogether now is Lee outside this circle? He's back on board with the NUSC again apparently. Are you off message with NUSC? Looks like THE NUSC have a rogue UniSol in there army. I've never had owt to do with the NUSC.
  2. When I read the above I though "Lee why did you not mention this earlier" but like Alan Oliver with his phone calls with Shearer they just cant go whacking everything into print. I notice the Chron & NUSC are working ALtogether now is Lee outside this circle? He's back on board with the NUSC again apparently.
  3. which we heard even as Sky Sports News had already removed the "unconfirmed" bit of their story about the new manager, and days after Shearer had spent the weekend talking with the owner and Managing Director about taking over. Whether it was just the left hand not talking to the right, or a brag made while fully aware he was being marginalised wasn't important because Kinnear is yesterday's man (hopefully), and dwelling on his utterances no longer tells us anything about the improvements happening at the club. But, the response to our potential relegation we've seen (and encourage) in no way excuses the shambolic efforts that have gone on behind the scenes this season, which left us on the brink in the first place. Lee Ryder of The Chronicle likes to think it does though, his reporting this week has been nothing but a glowing testimony for the people who got us here. One blog marks Ashley as a shrewd man with a long line of clever decisions behind him... Sorry , who got Wise the sack? Mike Ashley has stood steadfastly alongside the poison dwarf for over a year as everyone inside and outside the club told him it wasn’t a workable “system”, and even if it was, an odious individual like Wise wasn’t the man for the role. Even in the article that follows that ridiculous title, Ryder states that Wise going was part of the deal that saw Al arrive. Isn't it Shearer then, that deserves the credit for such a wise move? After all, we can only assume Wise would still be in a job if Shearer had turned down Ashley’s offer unconditionally. Personally, I’ve read more into the circumstances of Wise’s departure. It tells me that although Shearer will work for them, he doesn’t trust those in charge as far as he could throw them. In his press conference Shearer told us he accepted the job on Monday. Sky Sports ran it as a confirmed story on Tuesday, but it wasn’t until Wednesday night that the club confirmed it. Why? I think it’s clear that Shearer would not take their word for it that Wise would be sacked. He wanted a press release that stated Wise was out and that there would no longer be such a role at the club BEFORE he would allow them to confirm his appointment publicly. He eventually got that announcement, and his arrival was then confirmed within an hour. Shearer knows how these people work and isn’t going to fall into the same trap that Keegan did. Ryder didn’t stop there though... How can anyone know that? Is Owen going to stay with us if we’re in the Championship? I’d have thought Keegan being in charge of a team that was now safe would be more attractive? Llambias insists Kinnear will be manager next year, so logically nothing’s changed in terms of Owen's contract decision. I think it’ll just be the people you can convince Lee. Ignoring the fact that you don't spell check your work, there’s only so much Shearer can do with the poor squad he has, built by the system Ashley sanctioned. To claim we’re now saved, and can look forward to Premier league football is the kind of sales pitch that Ashley himself would make. They’re the kind of statements intended to sell season tickets rather than being the informed opinion of a sports reporter worth his salt. Despite acknowledging, that Shearer was the man who ended Wise's time at the club, he's now started printing retrospective articles claiming it's all been part of the plan Lee didn't seem to think it was the case in January though when he wrote this story about Wise negotiating contracts with Butt and Ameobi. And Joe Kinnear thought Wise was running the show during the window when he said This confuses me on so many levels. He's now suggesting Wise has had no involvement for three months, and had no involvement throughout the entire transfer window. If we ignore what's been said before and take the retrospective story as the truth (Ray Ryan at the Express did run the story at the time) then our top local journalist either didn't know, or didn't see fit to tell us? But that's neither here nor there, because if it's true, then whoever messed up the January transfer window so fantastically is still at the club. Which suggests the celebratory tone Ryder adopts in reporting Wise's departure after a "disastrous" time would seem excessive for a man who wielded little power within the club. Most shockingly when he relates an event that occured many moons ago, that he chose not to at the time. Lee wants to lay the blame for all the clubs ills squarely at the feet of Dennis Wise, but whichever way you slice it, Wise was only part of the problem. http://nufc-ashlies.blogspot.com/
  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ted/7975700.stm
  5. Who's going to match what we pay Barton, Duff, Smith, Geremi or Butt? Will they take a pay cut for the benefit of NUFC?
  6. Anyone? There isn't any reason Ashley would want to do this. The story is shite, pure and simple. I know nowt about how it works, so these are genuine questions, for someone who knows more to answer. In his last 2 years at the club, Shepherd spent £65M. Most of it to foreign clubs. Do the above FA rules or similar apply? If it was all spread over (say) 5 years, we might be about half way through on avarage so it could be as much as £30M still to pay (total finger in the air stuff). If there are rules like the above that cover UEFA, it's not a consideration, but if there aren't, writing off that debt would be a huge incentive for administration. Then there's player contracts. Can they be terminated under administration? Gretna made players redundant... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/g/gretna/7312756.stm Barton 2012 Duff 2011 Smith 2012 Geremi 2010 Those four will have cost the best part of £15m in wages by the time their contracts run down. No club would match those wages or pay a significant fee, not to mention Butt, Ameobi or Xisco.
  7. That was Kinnear...."Financially we're very sound. We don't owe a bean as far as the club are concerned" Llambias contradicted him when he said how we still have years of paying off fees agreed before Ashley arrived at the club.....“We won’t clear the debt for those players as it will take us until 2011”.
  8. Wise is being ignored because Kinnear knows better.......after letting Keegan walk in preference of Wise? Mother fucking genius.
  9. Dave Whelan's asking price for dropping his purchase of JJB property that will keep the company afloat and competitive?
  10. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,48889.0.html Hmmm, most links don't work. Those that do seem to be opinion pieces about how deluded we are if we think Keegan/Ashley are the winning ticket. :-[
  11. Where's that thread that highlighted every story in the press that was "bollocks"? I'm interested in double checking how many turned out to be spot on.
  12. I assume you mean he'd be good for Ashley. He earned it, in that he's said anything to cover his bosses arse, even if it makes him look a complete prat. He doesn't cause any trouble by asking for the tools to do his job well, but is happy to underachieve without any help as long as he gets paid and he's got about as much pedigree as the bloke he'd be replacing - Dennis Wise.
  13. They don't need to deny anything as it's plainly ridiculous. We've got massively expensive assets and huge income. Even Leeds who were in a far worse situation than us and every other club in history only went into admin in 2007 because they were going to be relegated to the third division anyway, that was a full 5 years after it went tits up, 3 years after they were relegated from the Premiership and years after they had sold all of their assets. Creditors are a lot more eager to get their money back ASAP in the current economic cimate though aren't they? the main cerditor is the person he'll get burned most by going into administration. remembering that if they go into administration any creditors will be unlikely to get anywhere near what they are owed. The club took out a new mortgage in November 2008, so there's some bank we owe money to who'd probably want what they can get while we have £60M of on field assets rather than in three or four months time when it's £10M. I don't know the case, but Ashley is trying to sink JJB (a company he owns a fifth of) which seemed strange to me...until I realised all the cheap real estate it would leave for Sports Direct to buy. I don't know the truth or motives, but I'm not dismissing the story out of hand. ashley would lose massivly on administration as he is not only by far the major creditor but the ammount he'd lose on his purchase. he'd be much better off selling at a loss than allowing administrators to sell it off at even more of a loss. nowt about NUFC would surprise me though. No-one's buying, so it's difficult for him to sell a club that's losing millions every season. Depending on how big the mortgage is, he could have covered a significant amount of the purchase price with it. He's £8m up in transfers. He's taken 3 years of season ticket cash up front from many fans. Considering the players (that he couldn't offload) and property the club own, there'd be a canny amount that came back from that too. if nobodies buying then all the administrator will do is liquidate the assets and he'll basically take as big a hit as it is possible to take. rmember it'll be a leeds style fire sale. ha hasn't taken as much up front as you think. (set up a poll and see how many have pais the lot up front and how many are paying monthly). 8mill up in transfers but that is company money. i don't think he's allowed to just walk off with it. (any of those accountants around to clarify this ?) as happened with leeds the club would go as a going concern so the value of the property wouldn't really come into it. Perhaps. I was only responding to the fact that it's "plainly ridiculous" which I disagree with. gggg was saying "We've got massively expensive assets and huge income", but the net income of the club has been an annual loss in the tens of millions....and those expensive assets look a lot less valuable in the championship. Either way I reckon Ashley would be left with a loss. I don't know the how it works out, but if he can walk away now with a £100M loss, or put in another 3 years of thankless work and end up walking away with a £75M loss, who's to say he wouldn't want rid of the ball and chain sooner rather than later?
  14. They don't need to deny anything as it's plainly ridiculous. We've got massively expensive assets and huge income. Even Leeds who were in a far worse situation than us and every other club in history only went into admin in 2007 because they were going to be relegated to the third division anyway, that was a full 5 years after it went tits up, 3 years after they were relegated from the Premiership and years after they had sold all of their assets. Creditors are a lot more eager to get their money back ASAP in the current economic cimate though aren't they? the main cerditor is the person he'll get burned most by going into administration. remembering that if they go into administration any creditors will be unlikely to get anywhere near what they are owed. The club took out a new mortgage in November 2008, so there's some bank we owe money to who'd probably want what they can get while we have £60M of on field assets rather than in three or four months time when it's £10M. I don't know the case, but Ashley is trying to sink JJB (a company he owns a fifth of) which seemed strange to me...until I realised all the cheap real estate it would leave for Sports Direct to buy. I don't know the truth or motives, but I'm not dismissing the story out of hand. The club didn't take out a mortgage, I am no financial expert but a debenture (which is what was filed, not a mortgage) is more like a bond. So essentially, it could just be the loan agreement between the club and Ashley?
  15. They don't need to deny anything as it's plainly ridiculous. We've got massively expensive assets and huge income. Even Leeds who were in a far worse situation than us and every other club in history only went into admin in 2007 because they were going to be relegated to the third division anyway, that was a full 5 years after it went tits up, 3 years after they were relegated from the Premiership and years after they had sold all of their assets. Creditors are a lot more eager to get their money back ASAP in the current economic cimate though aren't they? the main cerditor is the person he'll get burned most by going into administration. remembering that if they go into administration any creditors will be unlikely to get anywhere near what they are owed. The club took out a new mortgage in November 2008, so there's some bank we owe money to who'd probably want what they can get while we have £60M of on field assets rather than in three or four months time when it's £10M. I don't know the case, but Ashley is trying to sink JJB (a company he owns a fifth of) which seemed strange to me...until I realised all the cheap real estate it would leave for Sports Direct to buy. I don't know the truth or motives, but I'm not dismissing the story out of hand. ashley would lose massivly on administration as he is not only by far the major creditor but the ammount he'd lose on his purchase. he'd be much better off selling at a loss than allowing administrators to sell it off at even more of a loss. nowt about NUFC would surprise me though. No-one's buying, so it's difficult for him to sell a club that's losing millions every season. Depending on how big the mortgage is, he could have covered a significant amount of the purchase price with it. He's £8m up in transfers. He's taken 3 years of season ticket cash up front from many fans. Considering the players (that he couldn't offload) and property the club own, there'd be a canny amount that came back from that too.
  16. They don't need to deny anything as it's plainly ridiculous. We've got massively expensive assets and huge income. Even Leeds who were in a far worse situation than us and every other club in history only went into admin in 2007 because they were going to be relegated to the third division anyway, that was a full 5 years after it went tits up, 3 years after they were relegated from the Premiership and years after they had sold all of their assets. Creditors are a lot more eager to get their money back ASAP in the current economic cimate though aren't they? the main cerditor is the person he'll get burned most by going into administration. remembering that if they go into administration any creditors will be unlikely to get anywhere near what they are owed. The club took out a new mortgage in November 2008, so there's some bank we owe money to who'd probably want what they can get while we have £60M of on field assets rather than in three or four months time when it's £10M. I don't know the case, but Ashley is trying to sink JJB (a company he owns a fifth of) which seemed strange to me...until I realised all the cheap real estate it would leave for Sports Direct to buy. I don't know the truth or motives, but I'm not dismissing the story out of hand.
  17. They don't need to deny anything as it's plainly ridiculous. We've got massively expensive assets and huge income. Even Leeds who were in a far worse situation than us and every other club in history only went into admin in 2007 because they were going to be relegated to the third division anyway, that was a full 5 years after it went tits up, 3 years after they were relegated from the Premiership and years after they had sold all of their assets. Creditors are a lot more eager to get their money back ASAP in the current economic cimate though aren't they?
  18. I do blame alot of the fans including myself to some extent, we don't create the atmosphere of old that made St James' a fortress and people are constantly protesting and were even booing the team. We need sod all this crap and back the team. It's 2 way thing though - if fans see the players can't be bothered why should they put the effort in. Why are the fans held responsible whenever anything goes wrong at Newcastle. As far as I am concerned, it all comes down to bad decision making by Ashley & co. We've got decent players - better than our relegation rivals. A decent manager would have them in the top half of the table. Yes this is fair enough, with a decent manager we would be half way up the table, we don't have one, the players don't decide this. Adding pressure to them will only make things worse, people can say whatever the like about Ashley but just support the team, we give ourselves a rep as fairweather support, i.e. we only have a good atmosphere when we are doing well. We outsang Liverpool when we were 5-1 down. we didn't at 0-1,1-2 and 1-3 though perhaps when the players needed it most. I'd say we did, but I think it's bollocks either way. Suggests what the players need is not the ball played on the ground to their feet, with team mates making intelligent runs off the ball, making options, but a nice sing song which will miraculously make the ball hoofed up to the opposition keeper an incisive through ball. It's always strange to hear fans complain about the atmosphere too. Try starting a song off. If no-one joins in, annoy people around you by persisting for minutes on end. Someone always helps out, even if it's just to shut you up. I reckon most people in the Leazes corner come out with a sore throat every game.
  19. I do blame alot of the fans including myself to some extent, we don't create the atmosphere of old that made St James' a fortress and people are constantly protesting and were even booing the team. We need sod all this crap and back the team. One game had a protest. There's hardly been any booing this season either. There was far more booing of Allardyce, Roeder and Even Robson's teams. Expectations are far lower now. People only boo when they know we can do better. So you think our support has been good this season, half the time we get outsung by away fans. Not really. Man U fans were good. Can't really remember any others giving us that hard a time.
  20. I do blame alot of the fans including myself to some extent, we don't create the atmosphere of old that made St James' a fortress and people are constantly protesting and were even booing the team. We need sod all this crap and back the team. It's 2 way thing though - if fans see the players can't be bothered why should they put the effort in. Why are the fans held responsible whenever anything goes wrong at Newcastle. As far as I am concerned, it all comes down to bad decision making by Ashley & co. We've got decent players - better than our relegation rivals. A decent manager would have them in the top half of the table. Yes this is fair enough, with a decent manager we would be half way up the table, we don't have one, the players don't decide this. Adding pressure to them will only make things worse, people can say whatever the like about Ashley but just support the team, we give ourselves a rep as fairweather support, i.e. we only have a good atmosphere when we are doing well. We outsang Liverpool when we were 5-1 down.
  21. I do blame alot of the fans including myself to some extent, we don't create the atmosphere of old that made St James' a fortress and people are constantly protesting and were even booing the team. We need sod all this crap and back the team. One game had a protest. There's hardly been any booing this season either. There was far more booing of Allardyce, Roeder and Even Robson's teams. Expectations are far lower now. People only boo when they know we can do better.
  22. Happy Face


    Why would there be a problem with them making any money off a site thousands of people use for free?
  23. I'll still be watching in the stadium. I wonder which tier I'll be in though, because I imagine L7 will be canny sparse...and I ain't paying to move.
  24. There's so much wrong with that post it's hard to know where to start but the bolded bit...I disagree that JK is a worse manager than Allardyce, and if you are saying that it was wrong to pay out so much money to get rid of the fat faker, then obviously that negates your point about paying Keegan off as he would never have been here, we'd still have Allardyce, heading to Hull with a ten man defence and hoofing the ball 50 yards for Owen to scrap for. We wouldn't even be in the Premiership now had we kept Allardyce on. Oh and HappyFace, ask yourself what do the three players you mention all have in common? Answer is they all asked to leave. You have to sell contracted players now? That'll be news to Gareth Barry, Christiano Ronaldo, Stewart Downing etc.
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