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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Chris_R


    All sounds horribly familiar and short-sighted.
  2. I struggle to get worked up anymore. If the people who own the club can't be bothered with it, I'm not sure why I should.
  3. It's even harder to sign them if you don't put any bids in. Not that anyone here needs convincing.
  4. Chris_R


    Oh, they need certified alright.
  5. Chris_R


    Seems like they're back to claiming to be more "classy" than us, as it's an unmeasurable metric that can't be argued against, because by all measurable ones they're worse than us.
  6. Chris_R


    At least he's acknowledging he's a racist. First step in overcoming a problem is to admit it exists!
  7. Chris_R


    Well to be fair he did what Sunderland aspire to and turned Villa into a Championship club.
  8. Chris_R

    New TV Deal

    If Prime goes up, I'm out. Just about clinging on at £79 but as said, prices aren't as good, delivery is getting slower. If they ramp the price up at all I'll pull the plug. I only got it for fast delivery of cheap goods because it's not like the TV content - live or otherwise - isn't available through "other methods".
  9. Chris_R

    New TV Deal

    I've got Prime, but Prime Video gets annoyed by my VPN and won't work unless I turn it off. I can genuinely see that I'll end up just illegally streaming those matches as well because it'll be easier. Honestly the whole situation is ridiculous. The idea that you have to pay lots of different companies to watch the same product is nonsense. Imagine the uproar if Game Of Thrones had episodes 1, 4 and 7 on Sky, but 2 and 5 on Netflix and 3, 6 and 8 on Prime. Nobody would stand for it. Most consumers just want to watch their own team. They should sell the rights per team. I get that Man U etc would get a higher bid than Watford irrespective of league positions, but I'm thinking of what's fair to the consumers and maybe there's other solutions for how to divide the money based on performance, like currently? I also fully understand why the above will never be allowed to happen!
  10. Problem with selling him, even for £50m or whatever, is we know how it'll work out with Ashley's maths. It's happened a hundred times already: The payment will be spread over 5 years, so they'll say that we get £10m to spend now but then they'll conveniently forget to add the other four !0 millions on in the next 4 summers. That money will be listed on the accounts as "Sundries: Other" and put in someone's pocket. Jamaal's wages, which had previously eaten into our transfer budget when he signed a contract, won't be returned now he's sold but yet his replacement will have his wages taken out of our budget. We'll then be told we've got no money and have overspent, and should be grateful to Mike.
  11. I'll be disgusted if this one happens. Not remotely surprised, but still disgusted.
  12. Chris_R


    Mackematics rule #2739, iirc.
  13. Chris_R


    Relegated to the third division but they've won the NE Debt Free trophy. Absolute melts.
  14. Didn't Beardsley already have 49 England caps when we signed him? Unless you're talking about when we picked him up from Vancouver Whitecaps...
  15. IIRC Steve Staunton used to try it all the time. With a couple of successes.
  16. Chris_R


    Fucking state of that tweet. Random capital letters where they're not needed, but not used when they are needed. Repeated misuse of apostrophes and multiple exclamation marks all over the place. The man's borderline illiterate.
  17. Chris_R


    Pahaha, that's amazing if they've not even gone through the correct channels to contact him. That said, his record is about as good as they could hope to attract in a manager, so they have reason to be optimistic about his appointment.
  18. No, he's taken no money directly from NUFC. But he does get free advertising for his tatty chav clothes shops from us via the entirely unpaid advertising around the ground, worth millions in lost revenue annually, and IIRC (please correct me if I'm wrong) the club shop profits don't go back to the club anymore. He might not have his hand directly in the till, but there's more than one way to skin a proverbial cat.
  19. Are we still remembering to factor in all the revenue streams he's stolen from the club when being shocked at the "losses" announced? Free advertising for his tatty Chav clothes shops for starters, and isn't he creaming off all the profits from the club shop now through his own company? Or am I mistaken? He seems to keep doing this with different revenue streams so his other businesses make a profit and NUFC makes a loss, then he lends money back to NUFC, thus doubling down on what's owed back to him. He's a fucking parasite, he really is.
  20. Chris_R


    Surely the mackems aren't, in all seriousness and with a straight face, now using attendances to quantify relative club size? Though the laws of mackematics will doubtless somehow decree that this doesn't similarly apply to comparisons between them and us. Or are they just basing what they say on London being, in their eyes, a more affluent and attractive place to live than Newcastle? Again, rather shaky ground for them on that score too.
  21. Chris_R


    Sunderland winning that playoff game was the ultimate Pyrrhic victory.
  22. Chris_R


    Yeah, about 50p per place down there. Don't spend it all at once.
  23. There's going to be a few stats like that because Man C have hoovered up so many of the available points this season.
  24. Chris_R


    Yeah, they're going to make billions. Because it's that easy. Short could have just paid off the debt and kept the club instead of paying off the debt and giving the club away, that way he could have made the billions himself. Any single one of them want to ask themselves why he chose not to do that?
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