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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. I've just remembered something today. In November 2016 I ordered some trainers from the SD website (I know). The idiots delivered them to a house 400 meters away presumably because they couldn't find my house (the postcode sometimes doesn't come up on new sat navs) and then told me to "phone the police" when I went round and the person in the house denied having them. After a few more emails, they said they were going to stop replying to me having already told me what to do, and then just went silent. I was furious as to me it's their job to deliver them correctly, not up to me to be phoning the cops on people when they don't (Citizens' advice agreed with me on this), and swore I'd never touch them with a barge pole ever again, but wrote the money off as lost because it was only about £40 and I couldn't be arsed. Now I'm bored and angry, so I think I'll take the cunts to the small claims court. Anyone ever done anything like that before? Any advice?
  2. Have you been in a coma for a decade? He bites at everything. He's a man-child obsessed with SD and unable to resist reacting when people have a pop. He's like a shit Donald Trump ffs.
  3. Protests won't get him out of the club. Untill some one pays him his asking price he'll stick around unfortunately True, but isn't that the same for anyone? Nobody sells anything until their asking price is met. So we make his life so fucking miserable that he lowers his asking price. Simple.
  4. KBA fashion been on twitter since 2017 weirdly I actually meant accounts to make comments on the chronicle website etc. Should have been clearer, sorry.
  5. Yeah KBA probably setting up a few fake accounts to try to make some positive comments, or at least to direct the abuse in a way they find preferable. Problem is, there'll be a couple of them and tens of thousands of us. Good luck, shitbreak.
  6. Still up. Still getting absolute pelters. I love how they're trying to slyly advertise in public, as if they fail to understand the concept of either social media, or even the internet in general. It's a beautiful sight to see.
  7. What's he saying? Spoke really well actually. Laid all the facts out in layman’s terms over a few minutes and made it virtually impossible for anyone to argue otherwise. Highlighted the lack of investment, the recurring bonus issues and the poor training facilities. Basically an eloquent version of on here If their whole paper took that stance and had a decent pop at Ashley on a consistent basis, I might even visit their website without an adblocker on.
  8. Already been deleted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6AtG4pmX_Y
  9. Only if you crowd around it whacking it with shoes.
  10. Sky wouldn't show it anyway. Not that this is a reason not to do it, but don't expect the TV cameras to be all over it except maybe to point out how irresponsible we all are and how we're trying to recreate the Bradford stadium fire. Though it could be done outside SD instead of inside the ground? Not that either was explicitly suggested, I just assumed we were talking inside the ground.
  11. Yep, with you there. Mong not a good word.
  12. Bit rough. That's exactly what it does though. I agree that "lying" is a far better word. For one, it's actually something to be upset at him about, secondly, it's accurate whereas cockney isn't, and thirdly it doesn't make us look like idiots.
  13. He's rattled. Let's keep it up. And he's bleating on about the relegation season again... Yeah, the relegation you fucking caused by years of neglect, you fucking tossbag. Then goes on about the world class manager we retained, well you're not trying very hard to retain him now, are you? "Every penny the club generates", you said. Lying piece of shit.
  14. I don't think it does. The £20m was always at best a 10-1 chance, probably a lot higher. However illegal it is, he'd have stuck some money on somewhere/somehow at those kind of odds to mitigate his outlay. Not a chance on Earth would he ever have to pay out £20m of his own money and even if he did, it was only a possible outlay once in a blue moon. Giving Rafa the £20m for transfers happens 100% of the time in that second scenario. You can't compare the 2.
  15. How dare the players want a share of the prize money for a high league finish. Fucking cheek of it. Cunt.
  16. Yup - he will have been slipped some cash by Bishop. https://talksport.com/football/407012/newcastle-united-news-rafa-benitez-transfers-sam-allardyce/ Are you suggesting Allardyce has taken an envelope full of money for doing something a bit disingenuous? I find that hard to believe....! Surely they'd have more success with these kind of actions if they decided to get someone remotely un-cunty onboard? Though the "Allardyce as next manager" stuff makes perfect and horrific sense, he's Ashley's wet dream. Will keep us up, won't require much to work with, and who cares that the football is horrific because Ashley doesn't even go to the games, he just wants the results.
  17. It’s not baffling at all. He clearly can’t stand Rafa and wants him to walk, and is trying to make his position completely untenable to force the issue. He’s acting rationally and efficiently in pursuit of that preference. It's baffling as he's accidentally appointed someone enormously competent to run one of his major businesses and seems determined to fuck up that person's chances of succeeding, which would make him richer and his business grow. Aside from my partisan feelings towards Newcastle, on a purely business front it's just incredulous.
  18. Ashley just seems determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It's just so baffling on so many levels.
  19. "Journalists" like that are why I won't go on most newspaper websites without an adblocker running. Fuck them, they can have no money from me if that's the line they're going to take. We should adblock all the ones like that, and only whitelist any that seem capable of decent investigative journalism and aren't so clearly in Ashley's pocket.
  20. Because he'll owe them a significant amount of money if he breaks the contract. Only reason. Yeah I don't get why people keep saying "why hasn't he left?" Because he'll have to pay them £6m, that's why. Aside from him always honouring contracts, of course, but SIX MILLION QUID. There's six million reasons why he'll stick out this season. It's not difficult to understand. He’d win a constructive dismissal case easily. Especially with Ashley having previous I've read a few people say this, but seriously, what would he get constructive dismissal for exactly? All they've done is deprive him of transfer funds, and unless there's something in his contract promising him £xm each season, there's no constructive dismissal case to be had here. They've treat him like shit by not backing him. It's disgusting. It's fucking suicidal from a business perspective. But I can't see where the constructive dismissal case is coming from. Here's some things you CAN claim constructive dismissal for: A unilateral significant reduction of your salary, or the threat of a reduction Being demoted without good reason Allegations of poor performance which are unfounded Disciplinary proceedings which are manifestly unreasonable A complete change in the nature of your job Harassing or bullying Stress at work, that has not been properly addressed Failing to make reasonable adjustments where you have a disability Being forced to work in breach of health and safety laws Sure, there's possibly more, but they're the common ones. Now you can immediately strike out all of them except "Harassing or bullying" and "Stress at work". But given that Rafa is being kept entirely in the dark, it's hard to say he's being harassed or bullied or put under stress. They're just ignoring him or refusing to give him money, as is sadly their right to do. Now I hate the cunt who owns our club as much as anyone and what he's doing to it is disgusting, but I really can't see how Rafa can walk and legitimately expect (he might get lucky, sure) that a court would back his constructive dismissal case. To walk he's got to be 90%+ sure that he'd win such a case because otherwise he's £6m down, and I can't see that certainty from my side.
  21. Because he'll owe them a significant amount of money if he breaks the contract. Only reason. Yeah I don't get why people keep saying "why hasn't he left?" Because he'll have to pay them £6m, that's why. Aside from him always honouring contracts, of course, but SIX MILLION QUID. There's six million reasons why he'll stick out this season. It's not difficult to understand.
  22. "We don't shop at Sports Direct" fits Yellow Submarine. It's three syllables short. I was thinking that. Why not keep it simple: To the tune of "Who the fucking hell are you?" "Sports Direct are fucking shit" You can just repeat it all day, almost on a loop.
  23. I like this idea. Even if only a few hundred sent a letter it'd make a statement. Feel a bit bad for his postman though. Be better if a few hundred people sent him a shit parcel in the post Be better still if it were Novichok
  24. Only things that get cleaned are the SD signs. Bet they're all fucking gleaming.
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