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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Chris_R


    Debt free is irrelevant, most of the clubs in that division are probably debt free. Whoop-de-fucking-do. Of far more importance is how much they'll invest to get out of the mess they're in. Doubtless they can fund a promotion push from Division 3 as they're larger than most clubs in there, but it'll be a little different when they find themselves in the Championship and needing to replace a Division 3 squad with a Premier League quality one, on an income based mostly on free tickets whilst in a division where half the clubs are bigger than them and their chairman has non-league funds to play with.
  2. Chris_R


    Wouldn't be the first thing one of their employees had fiddled...
  3. Chris_R


    Well we were speculating how many free tickets were dished out, I suggest we're pretty close to an answer now.
  4. Chris_R


    That will be going down well. Bit like Sunderland then.
  5. Chris_R


    Complete guesswork. Could as easily have just been bought by a consortium who’s major investor owns Eastleigh. It's not complete guesswork. Clubs in League One can only spend a maximum of 60% of their overall annual turnover on wages. Sunderland's turnover is 5 or 6 times most clubs down there, and 10 times in terms of some of the smaller teams, and they have the added bonus of being able to spend 75% of their income on wages as a relegated club from the Championship. Realistically based on the current contract situations it's only Cattermole and Rodwell who will be sitting around eating into the wage bill, leaving them a huge amount relatively to spend on building a team. League One clubs don't spend on transfer fees, which means they can outbid all the other sides down there for players in terms of wages. Unless Birmingham go down as well, they have no realistic rivals of a similar size. The only hope there was for them struggling down there was if they got stuck being unable to sell the club and were saddled with the debt. That's gone now and they have a whole summer to prepare. They will absolutely piss it. So you think they will do well by throwing large wages at players who only want to go to Sunderland for the money? Isn't that what's gotten them into this hole in the first place? I'm being slightly tongue-in-cheek mind, obviously having some financial clout is a benefit. I'm just cautioning that it's hardly a guaranteed route to success.
  6. Chris_R


    This is all excellent news for them, sadly. They could come out of this alright now, get back to the championship debt-free and things aren't looking too bad long-term. Saving Coleman also a good move, he's shit. Did well with Wales because Bale, but his club career is pretty dire and a far better indication of his abilities.
  7. Chris_R


    Not like that happens often, they shouldn't hold out too much hope. They couldn't even lose points for their players fingering kids.
  8. Chris_R


    Well it can't be their fault, can it? Greatest fans in the world, so it must be insider mags to blame. Obvious really.
  9. Chris_R


    Yeah, that really. Hard to be too pissed at losing the derbies when most weeks I was wanting the opposition to score anyway. Obviously it was bad and I'd rather it hadn't happened, but I can't say it hurt for more than a day each time and it wasn't made any worse by being a sequence of 6. To me, they were just individual matches. And it's such a non-event now that I find it hilarious that this is what they're clinging to.
  10. Chris_R


    Cattermole has 3 years left, my god that's amazing Rodwell without a relegation clause I knew about, but still: I just can't stop laughing about it all. The way it happened on Saturday was just perfect as well. - Calling it a pub league when we went down then dying on their arse in the same league we won - Saying "Enjoy Burton" to us but then playing them in a relegation 6-pointer themselves - Going 1-0 up giving them hope - The equaliser by the man who's mother they racially abused - The stoppage-time winner - The disallowed goal - Not realising they were down for about 20 minutes afterwards It was just utterly superb, if I'd written a script for it I couldn't have done half as good a job as reality did.
  11. Chris_R


    Then when you get to the end of the street, you see that everything beyond it has just collapsed and fallen apart.
  12. Chris_R


    Their attendance figures are completely made up anyway, so there's no way we'll ever know.
  13. Chris_R


    They'll win this today, no doubt about that.
  14. But that's where Ashely would be being short-sighted. Rafa can keep us in the Prem with almost no money, and we'll finish 10th-15th. Ashley will make a small profit and get a modicum of exposure for SD. Or he can give Rafa some money, we'll finish higher and so get more prize money, and the players he buys will be able to be sold for a profit as the whole squad appreciates in value under his coaching and SD get even more exposure from us doing well. Oh, and the fans will be happier and off his back. If only this could be seen by the one person who actually matters in all of this.
  15. Chris_R


    This thing about us buying Wolves tickets - When literally no Newcastle fans turn up, because none were even going to anyway, they're going to herald this as a glorious success of their intelligence work and mag-detecting. All posts on Groom will from then on have to be signed off with "9-1, FTM, 6 in a row, Magblockers". Utter fucking melts.
  16. Chris_R


    Is this true? This can't be true. Can it?
  17. Nothing Pardew could have done to save this team. Those 8 losses in a row would have happened under any manager.
  18. I'll be delighted if West Brom win a few before the end of the season, shows Pardew up for being the useless shitstain that he is and rams another nail into the "nothing he could have done" coffin.
  19. Wrong thread, but it can stay because fuck Pardew.
  20. I'll be delighted if West Brom win a few before the end of the season, shows Pardew up for being the useless shitstain that he is and rams another nail into the "nothing he could have done" coffin.
  21. Chris_R


    That's pretty much perfect.
  22. This man is a fucking colossus. 100 times the man that Pardew will ever be, 100 times the manager, yet about a billionth of the ego. I know one didn't immediately follow the other, but the gulf between them is just beyond belief. He makes supporting Newcastle a source of pride, a privilege, I actually look forward to match days now, which like many I for years didn't, and it's entirely down to this man. I think I love him.
  23. So he didn't play Mitrovic for months and persisted with Joselu stinking up our attack, losing us vital points week after week just so he could free up wages by loaning him out in January. Yeah, that's exactly what happened.
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