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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Chris_R

    Stephen Carr

    You must have been quite eagle-eyed to spot him. I expected that he'd be looking quite rough as it must take a lot of drive to stay in shape when you're not putting on a football top every week. I'll get my coat.
  2. The guy who played the right footed Ginola LW for Newcastle. Ginola doesn't really count, he was genuinely 2-footed. I've seen him take corner kicks with both feet before, not many players are good enough with their weaker foot to do that.
  3. I would prefer Valencia over Malouda. 5 years younger, can play on the right which is where we're weaker IMO. Maybe Saviola is being looked at as a replacement for Owen? After all, I don't think Mickey is going to sign a new contract (Would love to be proven wrong though) so we're going to lose him sooner or later.
  4. Got to go down the other end and get one now, capitalise on this.
  5. Keegan will hopefully get them firing at half-time. Bolton offer little or nothing going forward (Primarily because they're not going forward) so I'm sure Keegan will tell the lads to just fun at them. Hate teams playing so negatively, so hope Bolton get the stuffing that their 'tactics' so richly deserve.
  6. FFS, finally managed to find a radio here but can't get any reception on MW where I'm sat. So I've got the radio propped up on it's corner and I can just about make out what the commentators are saying, but it's frankly awful and verging on unintelligible. Still, better than nothing. 'MON!
  7. Only works if you are in Newcastle i think, it definately doesnt work outside of Newcastle. NUFC TV is the best place for it. I'm in Newcastle, so should be OK. Only problem is it's a work PC so it may be through all kinds of proxies etc so may not flag as being where it's supposed to be. NUFC TV is chargeable, is it not? Just type in BBC radio newcastle and click listen live at the side programme starts at 2 Can't get it to work. Found the right link and everything but when I click "Listen live" I get errors. Same with if I launch the stand alone player. Never mind, just have to do without I guess. That, or go and sit in my car for 2 hours. I reckon I could get away with that, take my mobile with me and if anyone needs me I'll pop back in!
  8. Only works if you are in Newcastle i think, it definately doesnt work outside of Newcastle. NUFC TV is the best place for it. I'm in Newcastle, so should be OK. Only problem is it's a work PC so it may be through all kinds of proxies etc so may not flag as being where it's supposed to be. NUFC TV is chargeable, is it not?
  9. Haven't read all 11 pages so sorry if this is already mentioned, but is there anywhere with a (legal) radio stream for UK users? I'm stuck at work and have brought the wrong headphones for my radio. Gutted.
  10. Apparently if they can't get the permit the deal's off. Can't see it not going through like, but weird how he has to reapply after 3 years in the prem. Does this mean that say if Martins was to give up playing for Nigeria we'd not be able to sell him to anyone else in England, or even Europe? No because he's got an Italian passport since he lived there for 7 years or so. As for Faye, you have to re apply for every move, its normal practise. You even have to reapply if you sign a new contract with your existing club. Anyway, Abdoulaye will be fine I'm sure as you need to play something like 75% of your national team's matches in the previous 2 years, which I'm sure he has, in order to get a work permit without an appeal. Even if he didn't meet that, it then goes to an appeals panel who would look at his individual case and I'm sure that he'd be fine on that score as well, having played a consistently high number of matches (when available) in the Premier League over the last few years.
  11. Sunderland have made some good signings and I predict it will be difficult for us to beat them this year. That's a shame, as they deserve to be thrashed roundly every time they take the field.
  12. I read that as Ashton, when he is injured, can play Viduka's role (ie to be injured) Take your point though, Ashton is a quality player and I'd love to see him here with Owen and Martins, I think he'd be terrific. If we could keep him fit.
  13. I'd probably mess my pants if we signed Saviola, but I still just can't see it happening. But then it's hard to be a natural optimist when you've spent most of your life watching Newcastle. I think if we played him as a deep lying player just behind the front 2 then he could wreak havoc. Owen, Viduka and Saviola with Martins to come in as well would be awesome. It could rival Shearer, Ferdinand, Beardsley and Asprilla for me.
  14. IF the move goes through (Let's not get the flags out yet lads!) then I wish him all the best. Never had any dislike of him, he's always tried his best but it's been painfully obvious for the past 3-4 years that he's simply not good enough. He's got some talent, of that there's no doubt, but on a consistent basis he's failed to produce for a long time now. I do think he'll do well in the Championship though and could well bang a few goals in and cause some problems for defenders.
  15. Yeah, he's got a lot of strength in him. As to who found him, I don't think it's relevant beyond being a point of mild interest. It's hardly a secret that Wise and Jiminez are there to help identify players so if they've identified Gutierrez then well done to them. The key point is that Keegan has the final say.
  16. Yeah, looked class yesterday. I don't think he's the most skillful with the ball at his feet like Ginola was, but he's so fast and direct that this more than compensates. His willingness to run at people and his endless energy mean that he'll hopefully be a great success here.
  17. He can probably be forgiven though, he'd be tired after the long drive up from London and he's probably not very familiar with their players.
  18. THANK FUCK FOR THAT. Well done lads, fucking great result. Made me so happy. Doubtless the press will be full of how Man U were rubbish rather than us being good but they're already getting their just deserts from us this season with the media blanket so fuck them.
  19. Rooney finally getting booked. Fuck off you cunt. Only 3 minutes of stoppage time, so doubtless they'll play 5.
  20. This being Old Trafford, I'd like to predict that if we're still level at 90 then we'll have about 8 minutes of injury time to endure conjured up from somewhere.
  21. The longer we hold out for, the more terriifed I'm getting. I'm just not used to this, I'd feel more comfortable if we were 5-0 down!
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