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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Chris_R

    Official Statement

    That. Word for word. It's also a desperate message to whoever they approach next that they AREN'T second choice, that indeed they planned to speak to them all along - they were just speaking to Harry first. All bollox really, but after handling it the way they have then what choice did they have? Should have handled it better in the first place, of course. I think this'll be quite a learning experience for Mort and Ashley. there is no time for a learning period we are in a mess and with their targets we will not get out of it Whether you think there's time for a learning period or not, they're in one so you'd better get used to it. This is a new business for both of them and it will take time for them to adapt. Personally, I'm quite prepared to cut them some slack, especially given all that they've done for the club since they took over. Everything they've done up until sacking Sam has been handled excellently and they've saved the club from god-knows-what that would have happened with the debt mountain that Fat Fred had mounted up. Everyone needs to calm down a little and give them some time to see what they can do. This season's already a write-off so there's no hurry to even get an appointment before the end of the transfer window. If we end up with MacLaren, I'll be the first to get annoyed. But at the moment we haven't so there's no need to worry yet.
  2. He's posting that so often I'm starting to think Keith Armstrong is his dad.
  3. Chris_R

    Official Statement

    That. Word for word. It's also a desperate message to whoever they approach next that they AREN'T second choice, that indeed they planned to speak to them all along - they were just speaking to Harry first. All bollox really, but after handling it the way they have then what choice did they have? Should have handled it better in the first place, of course. I think this'll be quite a learning experience for Mort and Ashley.
  4. That's a big worry. Can't see any of the A-list lot like Lippi or Mourinho etc taking us on now. (Not that I'm claiming Mourinho would have come anyway mind... I just think it's even more unlikely now.) Hughes or Jol probably the best of the available, realistic candidates. Though Hughes has ruled himself out, so that leaves Jol. Anyone else would be a total shambles.
  5. At least on a positive note it looks like it means anal was talking rubbish about someone calling him for mort's number!
  6. Problem is, who on earth can we get now? Anyone we approach will know they are at best second choice so i certainly think you can rule any of the big names out. It shows getting rid of sam was done without sounding out a replacement too.
  7. Half? 9/10 more like. Especially Souness and Roeder.
  8. Such a let down. With a billionaire chairman, this was our chance to get someone really first-rate. Seems we've blown it.
  9. Exactly. Canny bloke as well, not an utter c*** like Arry. Yep, I'd take Jol over Redknapp any day. As far as I understand it the bad transfer decisions were not Jol's fault.
  10. If it's Redknapp, then the best word I can think of to sum up my feelings would be "Underwhelmed". No better than Allardyce, but at least the football will be better to watch.
  11. Chris_R

    Jose Mourinho

    A bloke I work with looks scarily similar to Jose Mourinho. I might see if he fancies going on a walkabout round Newcastle and up the steps of St James' Park at the Milburn stand - See if he can spark some mass hysteria from any gathered mongs. The cunning ploy will be blown though if he opens his mouth and his heavy Geordie accent comes flowing out.
  12. Chris_R

    Jose Mourinho

    On why Jose won't come here: Are you saying making Newcastle into a top side isn't a big job? That said, I can't imagine for one moment that he'll end up as our manager.
  13. Perhaps Hughes or Redknapp will play a more entertaining style of football, but otherwise I'd agree 100%. Especially with the "Completely underwhelmed" bit. I went from thinking "Hmm, this could be interesting. I wonder if they've got someone fantastic lined up?" to thinking "Ah, FFS, not again."
  14. Let's hope they get knocked back then.
  15. Can't see it being McCLaren. Surely nobody's stupid enough to appoint him any time soon?
  16. Looking quite one-sided at the moment!
  17. I must admit, after we heard that it would not be a foreigner my first thought was "Redknapp". My second thought was "Why the f#ck aren't we going for a foreigner?"
  18. FFS, that would be ridiculous. But NOT foreign? There's nobody UK-based who we could realistically expect to attract who would be a better proposition than Sam. Redknapp perhaps?
  19. (Not pickng on you, but it's the straw that breaks the camel's back.) FFS, for the LAST time: We'd all love it to be true, but Mourinho is not allowed to manage in the Premiership until next season. Part of the terms of him leaving Chelsea, IIRC. So can we all please stop with jerking off over pictures of the special one just because he's out of work and we need a manager?
  20. Mort and Ashley say they're behind Sam. Sam say's he wants to stay. Short while later he's out of a job. Someone's telling porkies. I'm not pointing fingers (Unlike those saying how disgusted they are and that the new board have lost a lot of respect) as I've no idea which party hasn't been telling the truth. But I do feel we're owed an explanation as to why he's been sacked when even after the last match he seemed to have the board's full support and wanted to stay. What's changed? That's the question to me. Has something controversial come to light? Has someone been lying to us about how much they want to be here or want Sam to be here? Time will tell, I guess.
  21. Really shocked by this. Thought he'd get longer, even though the team have been playing absolutely awfully. I really don't know what to make of it. My opinion will very much depend on who is announced as his successor. At the moment I'm just in shock with no opinion either way.
  22. the closest thing to Emre, i can think of.. still, somewhat more consistent and i'd love him here, but Sam Allardyce doesn't buy such players.. i'm not sure if we are even looking for an attacking midfielder Well we should be. We've got nothing in the centre of the park at the moment, our attacks (The tiny few that we do manage to mount, that is) are far too predictable.
  23. I voted for 11 of them. Given, Harper, Beye, Taylor, Faye, Enrique, Milner, N'Zogbia, Duff, Owen, Martins Genuinely think none of them would look out of place in a side finishing 6th. Many of them already have. Get a good DMC in there, play N'Zogbia centrally (Not saying it's his best position, just saying it to make a team out of my selections) and you've got a decent first 11 with a reserve goalie. Makes it even more disheartening that we're not up there.
  24. Butt was the only one of our 2 midfielders to get forward and have a shot yesterday. Pity the shots he had were absolutely shocking and flew over the bar from just on the edge of the area. We desperately need an attacking midfielder who will get forward and lend a hand to the TWO strikers.
  25. Problem with having a shit player as a captain is it makes it almost impossible to drop them. We need our captain to be someone who will start every game on merit, not because he's the team captain. That leaves us with a choice of (IMO): Beye Faye N'Zogbia Milner Given I'd rule out N'Zogbia and Milner on the grounds that they're too young and would struggle to command the respect of their team mates. That leaves Shay, Beye or Faye (Hmmm, rhymes as well!). After that, it comes down to their respective personalities. Never met any of them so that side of it is hard for me to judge, but IMO Given isn't enough of a communicator to have the captaincy. So choice of 2 then. I'll go for Beye as Faye seems to pick up injuries.
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