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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. and I was there,heard it all day next day on the radio,sure it was "kelly in on goal,david kelly...can he stay on his feet...? DAVID KEELLLLY!" Nope. Definitely just "KELLY!" Got it on tape still.
  2. I can still remember the commentary from Mick Lowes word for word from when we beat Grimsby to secure the title and promotion to the Premiership: "Robert Lee's through ball looking to find Andrew Cole... COLE'S GOAL!! - IT'S THERE!!! They're off the bench, they're off the bech. With just 21 seconds of the second half played, Andrew Cole was released, and Cole like a bullet, and like a knife through the heart of the defence, raced on to beat Rhys Wilmott from what 15 yards. Magnificent goal, Lee Clark celebrates, so too ten thousand geordies on Humberside, it's Grimsby 0, Newcastle 1." And the second still makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck: "Kelly in on goal, David Kelly... Can he stay on his feet...? KEEEELLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhh, what a goal! He STAYED on his feet, and David Kelly has sparked unbelievable scenes here, they are on the pitch from every quarter, they'll have to get off."
  3. Leeds charging more than many Prem clubs is just laughable. Hope they get about 5,000 people per match, serve the greedy ***** right.
  4. Exactly what I thought when the stretcher came on.
  5. Chris_R


    If I was N'Zogbia and I found out that Pattison was playing ahead of me, I'd be tempted to storm out as well.
  6. That's the thing though - Roeder never was a candidate for the job. He consistently ruled himself out of it and said he didn't want it. Then all of a sudden, when we realised we could attract nobody decent, we gave it to him by default because he'd won a few matches.
  7. From one game? He's never had any talent with the ball at his feet. He can't pass, can't dribble and can't cross. That's not from one game, that's from this season as a whole. That's not to say he offers nothing to the team, as of course he does. His height, strength and determination mean he can pose a threat in the box - as we've seen from his goals. But anywhere else on the pitch he contributes nothing. He is also dreadfully lacking in pace and is incapable of taking his man on (Without losing the ball).
  8. Having watched the whole game myself, I've got to say that Pattison was a waste of time. We had 10 men from the start with him playing. O'Brien was fast but his crossing was diabolical. Milner and Solano were excellent, Taylor solid but otherwise we were decidedly average. Dyer and Martins were lively for 60-70 mins but then faded out. Sibierski also showed that he has no talent for using the ball when it's at his feet.
  9. Are you sure? We are playing Tottenham on 14th and West Ham on the 20th If we play Birmingam on the 17th thats 3 games in 6 days :confused: :confused: lol First off, it's 3 games in 7 days. But what's so odd about that? Happens all the time. Matches at the weekend and one in midweek.
  10. Chris_R

    Aaron Hughes

    I think too many people are allowing sentimentality to cloud their judgement. Hughes was a decent player, but but he was never one of our best players (Even if people will keep harping on about the time he kept Totti quiet). We have decent players now, there's no point signing another one. We need to go forward and get really good players in.
  11. Les Ferdinand, when he came up here with QPR one season. Can't remember the score, perhaps we even won, but he absolutely destroyed our defence with his aerial presence, power and pace. It mainly his ability in the air that impressed me though, he was awesome with any balls played towards his head.
  12. I was just wondering today how Bobby was doing, and then I read this. Great news that he's out and about, hope his health continues to hold up.
  13. For me, it would be: ------------Martins------ Owen------------ --------------------Dyer---------------------- --N'Zogbia-------------------------Milner-- --------------------Parker-------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---Duff-----Taylor----Ramage----Solano- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------Given-----------------------
  14. Slurring, left arm in sling and limping. Most lesser mortals would be desperate to go on the sick but the man's a legend. Best of luck Bobby, glad you're feeling a bit better.
  15. Far, far more likely than Luque getting a game.
  16. To appreciate the highs, you must first experience the lows. Or so they say. Unfortunately, I've already experienced the lows before Keegan came so I have no real wish to see them again, but if it happens and we do go down then I'll go to matches as often as I can just like I do now. Can't have a season ticket as I often have to work weekends but I still make about 10 home games a year.
  17. Luque needs to play. If he plays and he's shit then fine, at least we know he can't cut it in this league. But at the moment we have a virtually untested £10m striker sitting on the bench when we're in the middle of an injury crisis. It's a joke and if Roeder can't give the guy a runout then he should resign. Ameobi has had 218 games (!!!!) to try and prove he can cut it at the top but has scored a pathetic 45 goals, whilst Luque has had just 11 starts. Yet still some people are suggesting Ameobi needs time to prove his worth but they've already made their minds up that Luque is a waste of time. Such people frankly need their heads read - If he starts 10 games in a row then we can judge him, but until then he's an unknown quantity. People say "Perhaps Roeder has seen a bad attitude in training from him". Well I have 2 answers to that: 1) Asprilla, Cole and Ginola were all lazy in training (Our uni side used to train at Maiden Castle back in the mid 90s so I saw them extensively first hand) but given the chance they could produce the goods on the pitch and would walk into today's side. 2) I wouldn't trust Glenn Roeder to open a tin of beans.
  18. Suggesting FFS would reduce the ticket prices following relegation is one MASSIVE assumption!
  19. Although not overweight, I'm pretty unfit. At 29 I haven't kicked a football for a year and a half. I drink, I eat rubbish, and the most exercise I get is climbing the stairs to go to bed on a night time. But STILL - Give me 2 and a half months and I could get myself in shape enough to run round a football field for 90 minutes - Especially if I was getting paid several thousand pounds per week! So there must be another reason Bernard's not playing - ie he's not up to it (Well, in Glenn's eyes anyway, whatever that counts for these days...). It's a shame, as when he was first hear I really rated him.
  20. Always lived in the North East, but have moved round a bit. Born in Chester-Le-Street, moved to Whitley Bay from 7 to 18, lived in Durham for 3 years, then North Shields, currently in Tynemouth and moving to South Shields in the next few weeks.
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