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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Why would any Newcastle fan want the League Cup to be scrapped? It's one of only two trophies we could ever realistically have a chance of winning Because it's shit. It's not as good as the FA Cup, sure, but it's 50% of the trophies we're able to win. Probably more than 50% in that big teams tend to play weakened teams in it so we've got an even better chance. "Better" being relative, obviously.
  2. But it's not permanent, it's based on consecutive years in the league. So we just need Man U or Liverpool to be relegated in order for this status quo to change. Of course in the million to one chance that did happen, doubtless the remainder would just vote to immediately reinstate them when they came back up again anyway, citing "historical value and contributions to the league" or some shit. Or they'd just vote against their relegation in the first place. Whole thing is just utterly rank on every level.
  3. Probably because the clubs with smaller gates wanted to vote against it, and Man U, Liverpool etc kicked off and launched this. If this goes through they can then get their £15 PPV deal back without even needing agreement.
  4. They'll get voted back in. What I’m getting at is will they still be apart of the “big6”. Or does someone else come in and take their place? There isn't officially a "Big 6". There's just going to be 9 longest-consecutively serving clubs who get to decide how things are run, and they only need 6 of those 9 votes to pass anything. So if 4 of the big 6 agree but 2 don't, they need the agreement of 2 of the other 3. But effectively provided that big 6 agree with each other and just keep looking after each others' interests, they've got all the rules and voting sewn up between them. It's utterly rancid.
  5. As you know, it has never been 'off', but I don't think this bread photo has any meaning whatsoever. I work with barristers fairly often in my job, to become a barrister (let alone a QC) you have to be ridiculously sharp and observant, they instantly spot details other people just wouldn't notice. I can't believe that a barrister, a QC, reputedly the top QC in his field, would not realise the significance that people would read into him posting a picture with bottles of Newcastle Brown Ale and blanc de noirs champagne in it. I don't even think you have to be a QC to realise this, just not an absolute potato of a human being.
  6. Chris_R


    When he's 35 and we've been relegated twice.
  7. The "Chronicle Headline" says that, but the article just repeats what we are saying on here - that there hasn't been any announcement/confirmation yet !! Well, apart from the announcements from PIF, Stavely, and the Ruebens. You're right, apart from those announcements, there's been no announcements. Oh and no confirmation except when Masters said to NUST that there was nothing to consider because there was no deal on the table anymore. So no confirmation apart from that. You're right, we're entirely in the dark over what's happening here, we haven't got a clue. No announcements apart from those by everyone involved in the deal, and no confirmation except for the head of the PL confirming it.
  8. More completely "made up" rubbish. The situation remains as i outlined it a few posts back, and will remain that way until we actually hear (are told) the final result. Nothing to (pretend to) report until then. You are literally pretending there is still talks going on. Nothing whatsoever points to that being the case Can't you see?? I am not "pretending" anything at all, I'm not 'understating' anything, I'm not 'overstating' anything . . at all! Until Ashley and / or Staveley say it is dead, it is (obviously) still ALIVE. It can't be anything else!! Dude, what are you on about? You are beyond denial I hope you are trolling... What are you saying all that for, did you not read my post. There is NO (amongst other things) "denial" Just waiting to hear some one (a real person involved in this, Staveley or Ashley) actually say it is dead or it has happened. It has to be one or the other. Nothing has been said yet, by anyone who knows / matters. Just wait! Why does there have to be an official denial? Why the word "denial"? Denial of what ?? Neither one of the parties involved (buyers or sellers) have yet said anything about the final result. That has been very apparent by its absence. They will do so when a final conclusion is reached. It is obvious that we do not know anything - one way of the other - until that happens. I'm not sure how many different ways I can state that simple and obvious fact! You ignoring PIF pulling out? You know, actual people? That was a long time ago, and a lot could have happened since. Also, they never pulled out officially, in their bid with Staveley and the Reubens to the Premier League. As the PL have said, it is still 'on the table'. They only made a public statement, and that (and the lack of an official withdrawal to the PL) could have been for a variety of reasons. We still await the outcome. What are you on about with "That was a long time ago"? - Do they have to pull out every week? They pulled out. They announced they'd pulled out. Richard Masters, when speaking to NUST, confirmed they'd pulled out. Staveley has said it's over. The Ruebens have said it's over. PIF have said it's over. Ashley is now saying he's resigned to staying in charge. Literally EVERY SINGLE PERSON OR GROUP involved in this deal has said it's over, but yet here you are going "I'm still hopeful". Give your head a shake. It's fucking done.
  9. I'm not aware of all the intricacies, but how does the Saudi bid for ownership differ from Man City's takeover which was heralded by the football world, and given a red carpet welcome by the PL? Man City's takeover had no links to piracy Ours did, via MBS and then the Saudi state.
  10. It's fucking done alright. Just like the potato I put in the oven and forgot about for 4 hours because I was on the PlayStation.
  11. I can only assume that screenshot is doctored, because there's not a bookmaker in the world wouldn't just close his account long before he got to £13m.
  12. #wait Guessing the minutes are not going be out imminently Probably another 17 weeks.
  13. Still in the information-gathering stage. I have not heard of them even a week ago but they are in the top three mainstream media - ST, CNA in the past 2 days and Zaobao, the top local Chinese language newspaper two years ago. The latter mentions they wanted to maintain low profiles so that could be why we don't read much about them. Avid sports fans, contributes to charities. But then Peter Lim is also that, and I hate for us to be another Valencia. Currently at the "be careful what you wish for" stage. Even if I want Ashley out. That's fine for knowing little about them as individuals, but it doesn't explain why nobody can find out anything about their business. It's pretty hard to run a business without a public profile for it. The same was said about Mauriss - "Oh, maybe he just stays out the limelight" - Fine, but tell me about ClearTV then? Like Howard Hughes was the biggest recluse of all, but everyone knew what Hughes Aircraft Company did, what their product was and had a good idea of their revenues.
  14. Their entire online persona was created in the last 2 months and almost all of it was just written by themselves. They claim to have 10,000 private jets. I work in aviation all around the world - they don't, I've never heard of them. The tweet claiming all these jets used shutterstock imagery rather than one of their supposed 10,000 private planes, seems they like I couldn't even find 1 of them. The woman looks like she did at some point meet Obama at some function or other, but they've taken legitimate photos of her and him and photoshopped others in and into different locations. It just screams "dodgy as fuck" and "publicity stunt". Clearly just a bunch of penniless chancers and by the looks of what they've done so far, borderline fraudsters. Or at the very least, fantacists.
  15. I really don't have the energy for this again. Especially not on a mobile phone. But all of us, deep down, would probably accept that is likely the Saudi state, of which MBS is the de facto ruler, were behind BeOUTQ. We all fucking know it, the PL know it, BeIN know it. Shouting "prove it" is irrelevant when nobody has to, by the rules of the test, and the deal has collapsed precisely because the PL painted then into a corner to name MBS just so they could reject it on those grounds - a move which PIF saw coming a mile off so pulled out to save face. It's clear as day, but like I say I really can't be bothered to get dragged into it all again. Think what you want.
  16. Well they'll not do that because we all know how that ends - PIF say "Fine, MBS is a shadow director" and the PL say "OK, he's disqualified for piracy". The Saudis would rather walk away than let that happen, which they've demonstrated already by walking away. No one has been found guilty of piracy. So how can he be disqualified for something he hasn't been found guilty of? Same goes for beheading people or whatever else. So what are they afraid of putting him forward because I can't work that out. I've said repeatedly, and since day 1, that there doesn't have to be any conviction of anything. Just reasonable belief it happened, and we all reasonably believe it! And here we are. Thats bullshit though. Complete bollocks mate. Well maybe you're right and I missed the deal going through. But from what I can tell it's collapsed, and for exactly the reasons I said it would, except PIF have pulled out rather than allow it to actually fail. If you want to keep saying I'm wrong then it's completely at odds with literally everything that's known about why the takeover is no longer happening. This could never pass because of MBS's involvement in piracy, and the inability to separate MBS from PIF because he basically owns it.
  17. Well they'll not do that because we all know how that ends - PIF say "Fine, MBS is a shadow director" and the PL say "OK, he's disqualified for piracy". The Saudis would rather walk away than let that happen, which they've demonstrated already by walking away. No one has been found guilty of piracy. So how can he be disqualified for something he hasn't been found guilty of? Same goes for beheading people or whatever else. So what are they afraid of putting him forward because I can't work that out. I've said repeatedly, and since day 1, that there doesn't have to be any conviction of anything. Just reasonable belief it happened, and we all reasonably believe it! And here we are.
  18. Well they'll not do that because we all know how that ends - PIF say "Fine, MBS is a shadow director" and the PL say "OK, he's disqualified for piracy". The Saudis would rather walk away than let that happen, which they've demonstrated already by walking away.
  19. When you say shareholders, I presume you mean members? Because as a member, they're "entitled" to nothing. They can ask, but they can be (and seeminly have been) told to jog on. I'm no expert on the makeup of the PL's ownership, but I seriously doubt people get allocated shares of the company based on being in the PL, then have to hand them across to promoted clubs if they're relegated!
  20. Struggling to trust anyone who doesn't know the difference between 'there' and 'their', ffs.
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