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Everything posted by huss9

  1. bruce was loudly booed by the gallowgate end on the lap of honour. yes i went. my kids really missed going to games and i wasnt going to say no when they pleaded to go.
  2. it was worth going tonight just to hear this cunt get booed by the gallowgate on the lap of honour after the game. hope he got the message.
  3. think it may be u have to be logged in as a season ticket holder, otherwise i thinks its over the phone.
  4. struggling to get rid of 10k tickets - loads still available online
  5. moyes has been on recently saying they've been going all out for a champions league place and that it has been their aim for months.
  6. thats not real?!!! surely!
  7. howay, have a heart guys. people getting a chance to go to a home game after more than a year. get to see wilson and willock in action for the first time. ASM in action. you really cant have a go at those wanting to attend. i would have gone as i qualify for the ballot but will return my ticket if i get one as it doesnt feel the same going without my kids.
  8. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    "two up top" man. thats the bruce way.
  9. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    big big part of the turnaround in fortunes recently.
  10. and similarly brighton would get a champions league slot.
  11. couldnt bring myself to watch. the ending is just too traumatic still.
  12. cost them less than £2m. fantastic buy. did he initially come as a centre mid?
  13. VAR needs ammending. Loan deals stopped. no involvement in more than one club for owners. whatever country or league.
  14. huss9


    best thing may be for us to get bummed every game for the rest of the season but pick up a flukey draw against sheff utd. would give the "bruce turns it round" mob a 2 finger salute.
  15. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/man-punched-police-during-man-20516832 A man allegedly punched by police during protests over Manchester United's owners has been left with a broken jaw and cracked ribs, his partner says. Greater Manchester Police later said the footage shows a 28-year-old man being arrested in suspicion of theft from a motor vehicle and a public order offence.
  16. we are gonna get so bummed. we'll be bleeding for weeks.
  17. why does everybody play at a higher tempo than us?
  18. i've joined countless protests. i've boycotted, i've walked in late, i've walked out early, i've help hand out leaflets inside the ground and outside. each time i've been abused and mocked by fellow fans. as someone said earlier - ticket pricing, scheduling, facilities... none of these have been addressed by the club despite NUST's efforts. the priority above all else is to get ashley out. doesnt matter if the club's on the verge of being sold or not (we never get told the truth anyway).
  19. who knows how long arbitration will take and if it goes our way there's no guarantee PIF will step in and buy but it'll get dragged out. there'll be the usual ashley plants trying to imply there's something going on behind the scenes so we mustnt protest. if we lose the case, there'll be rumours of other buyers being interested so again we'll be all telling each other we shouldnt protest just yet.
  20. if ashley doesnt gets his £350m from PIF - he aint selling.
  21. and we dont want to upset the team either.
  22. thats been the problem all these years though. support the team not the regime.
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