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Everything posted by huss9

  1. his "stats" for this game anywhere? especially the heat map?
  2. he's lucked out on having a super-sub in willock too.
  3. he knows he's the first name on the teem sheet under that fat fraud.
  4. huss9


    i can see the fucking fraud trying to set us up to play sheff utd to avoid defeat rather than trying to go for the win.
  5. may old-fashioned is not what i really meant. but the cunt isnt suited to the modern game. thinks he's some kind of snide hoddle, standing in his own half spraying the ball to the opposition with his hollywood passes and not actually moving, or tracking back or pressing.
  6. hopefully the premier league are now shitting it and there's more similar protests at other clubs. of course nowt will happen up here.
  7. nah - he's an old fashioned midfielder who's not suited to the modern game.
  8. can just see the fraud trying to stand on a chair in the changing rooms chanting " get in to them - fuck 'em up". pleb
  9. unfortunately the ESL affects everybody, but Ashley's antics will only destroy our club.
  10. huss9


    just 3 if they're against fulham on the last day.
  11. never really got over the way shearer celebrated scoring at the gallowgate end for blackburn.
  12. just couldnt understand the subs he made today.
  13. huss9


    can they beat southampton? can they beat burnley? if they do and if we get nowt from sheff utd, they'll be favourites to stay up on the last day.
  14. his cocksucking of shelvey is fucking ridiculous. and his "bring on all the strikers" bollocks....
  15. taking miggy off but bringing schar joelinton and gayle on instead of another attacking midfielder like anderson.
  16. what the fuck is up with his right hand. first the wolves goal - and again today. shite attempts both of them.
  17. starting shelvey with a back 5 is absolutely pigshit-thick. we;ve had absolutely no threat from midfield other than ASM.
  18. could definitely happen, but i dont see sheff utd beating us.
  19. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    not sure where i read it today but he's on 35k bonus per appearance including substitute.
  20. i dont know, but its come out that he was having private meetings with the top 6 especially before the usual full premier league meetings. top 6 were applying pressure to masters prior to meetings involving other clubs.
  21. yeah, i'm still bloody raging about that. was a great game with a great atmosphere till then.
  22. huss9

    Jacob Murphy

    our MOM with Dubs i reckon. has greatly improved his defensive side of the game. was starting to severely piss off Jota.
  23. so out of all the journalists out there, it was Edwards that got this leak? nee way.
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