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Everything posted by huss9

  1. little things like Gordon with Serena and her camera pre match. just lush
  2. if we cant win a trophy, i dont want anyone else winning one other than citeh who are so far ahead of everyone else. petty, i know.
  3. he was massively underrated. shite pundit though.
  4. i think he'd had a bollocking from schar minutes earlier for not coming out for one. then when the chance arose again he overdid it and came out too soon and too far.
  5. i was taking 5 years to be from the takeover.
  6. i see where you're coming from with regards to feeling entitled. i'd have been delighted to be where we are after 2 and a half years. but them coming with statements saying where they want to be within 5 years has raised peoples expectations somewhat unrealistically. dont make statements like that and we wont expect.
  7. hopefully Big Jow will have asked his mate if he's staying this summer before signing his contract.
  8. no training video this week? hmm, is Eddie up to his old tricks?
  9. unfortunately the big 6 are going to slowly grow their revenue too. we'll need to grow just to stand still (if you get what i mean).
  10. you would think the government and local council would be desperate to help bring any investment into the city. and we're talking PIF here. just thought if things needed getting done and the will was there, we would be further on.
  11. what do you consider a decent amount of time though?
  12. which is almost impossible.
  13. i might just be having a bad week in general but its affecting my views on the owners. i even think the fact we're 2 years in and no further forward in terms of stadium plans is ridiculous. its clearly a yes or a no on expansion... and if its a no its just a case of finding suitable land for a new stadium. if its a priority, that is. just getting inceasingly suspicious about that the overall ambition for the club doesnt match the initial public statements. otherwise i would have been happy with where we are.
  14. i just see what PIF did to the golfing world, yet not a peep against the status quo thats holding NUFC back. doesnt make sense unless we're really not a priority.
  15. huss9

    St James' Park

    just crack on and build a new stadium. SJP cant really be expanded massively including adding loads of corporate boxes, and there's no where to go for a year or two whilst its being renovated. we're just wasting time and money.
  16. just inceasing the 3 year allowable losses in line with inflation would help us for now.
  17. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    agree. may or may not be good enough for us moving forwards, but the venom directed at him from some is insane.
  18. i think you misunderstood me. you said city and pep have the right idea to limit preseason friendlies. i was being sarcastic... of course they have the right idea - its because they not desperate for money in the way we are. we wou;dnt be going to australia if we weren't desperate to incease income. fuck knows why spurs are going.
  19. course they fucking do. FFP doesnt apply to them. no reaching down the back of the sofa looking for spare change at their house.
  20. huss9


    J7 junior... "can we we here forever, dad?"
  21. huss9

    Garang Kuol

    cant always just blame the clubs, someimes you have to look at the player too. whats he done to try and get himself gametime etc.
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