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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9


    £40m should be buying the finished article, not potential.
  2. huss9


    Mitrovic is better. Joelinton would have been a good partner for Rondon. He has a good touch, moves well. Leading the line is not his game right now. mitro had scored plenty of goals before we signed him, even if they were in lesser leagues.
  3. even if we get relegated, bruce will be here next season.
  4. finally seems to have started to turn.
  5. we need to set up a graph. see those lines get closer and closer, and then cross and just keep on diverging.
  6. Stiffy, you can be a bit daft at times but always felt your heat was in the right place but that is unquestionably absolute f***ing horse s****. I said from my perspective. Maybe saying as much as me is harsh, and saying in a similar manner is better? You have people on here that have spend thousands of hours of their free time fighting for the better of the club. People that have had season tickets for over 20 years. People that have been to over 200 or 300 away games, followed the club all over Europe and beyond. People that have been boycotting for years already. But none of it matters really, we all love our club. That's why we are here. And you come out with this? Sorry mate, it's self congratulatory bullshit. We're all hurting these days with the state of the club, there's just no need for super fan nonsense like that. We all (well the vast majority) on this board love the club and it is killing us how things are and to have to walk away.
  7. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    needs some steel and experience around him. at this stage he needs to be part of a three in midfield.
  8. how much did he spend trying to get villa up?
  9. and another thing....the fucking injury list this season.
  10. should be rechristened fucking Groundhog Steve.
  11. huss9


    I think his hold up play is quite good. It's the fact we can't get him anywhere near the box which is frustrating. Can barely remember him having a shot this season except for his goal and those 2 headers that he had under no pressure, 6 yards out, in front of goal. neither even came close to the target.
  12. it's like the second half of last season never even happened. why the fuck the go back to results of 12 months ago.
  13. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    bruce's bad habit of chucking players straight back into the first team as soon as they're back in full training.
  14. i know. i though Rafa's organisation and methods would have at least had them going till xams.
  15. really starting to make mistakes.
  16. fuck me, Ryder - bigging up longstaff with a 6/10 then slagging Ki and blaming him for the second half.
  17. huss9


    he shoudnt take much criticism, thats true. but still havent seen enough of him to say he has something about him.
  18. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    he isnt and never has been a right winger.
  19. huss9


    where is the evidence he is any good. cant win a header, cant hold up the ball, cant pass, cant score with the easiest of headers. i know he's playing amongst shit and has no service but why do people keep saying he's obviously got something about him?
  20. if Bruce goes, someone is going to have to answer as to why he was chosen. some kind of case could have been made for Mclaren but there was nothing to support this dick's appointment.
  21. huss9


    £40m - ashely's gonna want answers from whoever suggested it. maybe Rafa did know after all.
  22. oh yeah. and what has krafth done to be ahead of yedlin or manquilo?
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