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Everything posted by huss9

  1. 2 games in and shelvey's already confirmed the aim for the season is just to stay up.
  2. huss9


    its alright if he's injured, bruce said we had a great pool of strikers.
  3. macktracking yet again. talking about joelinton's injury - "we're a bit light in that area".
  4. niggling soft tissue injuries already.
  5. because the fat cunt bought no midfielders.
  6. the effects of bruce and his conditioning team. 1 game in and an injuries already despite maximin playing barely half an hour.
  7. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    So our pot of money needs to be focused on squad building. How much fucking money is it then? We've only spent £20m or so net. The fucking state of local journalism, man.
  8. Exactly the kind of player that needs strict instruction from a competent coach.
  9. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    So fuck if Rafa went just for the money. Penfold may well be spot on. But on what planet is Bruce the best we could have done as a replacement. Fucking thumbheed.
  10. Honestly think he'll already be regretting taking this job. The honeymoon period barely lasted an hour.
  11. Glad Alex Bruce is wading in. The more his dad's mistakes are highlighted, the better.
  12. Gonna be glorious listening to Penfold when he eventually has to sack him.
  13. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    Dummet is s***, but not to blame for the goal. It was the new bloke's fault all day. Both were to blame the pass was shocking and Willems wasn’t switched on to stop the s*** pass being intercepted. You can pause the pass half way on its journey and it still looks comfortable. I've no idea what Willems was doing. And again, I say this as someone who thinks Paul Dummet is a pervert. Jetro came an and didn't have clue where he should be. Rafa (yes I know) would have been boring the shit out of him on the touchline for a full five minutes before he came ontelling him what he expected if him. He would then probably called one or two others over that were playing to make sure his orders were carried out.
  14. huss9


    He's young, has potential. Needs someone to teach him where he should be making runs when we have the ball out wide. Who the fuck that is going to be, I don't know.
  15. Just like with mclaren, they'll be too embarrassed to do it until it's too fucking late.
  16. Leicester and wolves have a real chance this season to both get top 6.
  17. Even that cunt pardew would have made sure we had a CM on the bench. Carver I'm not so sure about.
  18. Any idea what the atmosphere was like in the ground today? Any pro-bruce, or anti-ashley chants. Boos, cheers or just nowt at full time?
  19. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    This lad can't be faulted for his effort and commitment. Bit of a twat for the pro-ashley stuff, but not his fault we didn't buy a decent LB this summer, and not his fault he ended up in centre mid second half.
  20. No discipline or shape at all. Rafa was at them from the first minute to the last to ensure they all knew what they should be doing. This cunt took our two centre mids off and replaced them with two wide men. Fucked up so badly he didn't even risk making a third sub.
  21. Never mind the actual team, the fat cunt couldn't even sort out a basic subs bench. Admitted he left a fully fit Ki out of the squad to name an extra centre half.
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