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Everything posted by huss9

  1. i know i should be over it, but nice goal by ayoze tonight.
  2. he must be off now, surely. dont blame him like. darlow is shit, elliot is crap, and woodman has never really convinced in the few minutes he's had. fucked up again.
  3. Utter guff. Nobody has to shop at SD. Nobody has no other choices. Anybody can avoid shopping there if they so wish. yes they can, but if they're not interested in nufc, why should they?
  4. A new low like. you'd think a meaningless friendly would offer the chance of protest. it wouldnt have mattered if it put the players off. the likes of joelinton wouldnt have known what the fuck the chants were about, and most of the other players know whats going on anyway. it would have kept bruce on his toes and made sure he kept pushing ashley for signings to appease the fans. now that he's had a few "give us a wave" chants - he'll go back to brown-nosing his boss.
  5. kids from poor families wanting sports gear - with a label. SD is where they'll go. again, not something u can criticise them for. i can choose not to shop at SD. not everyone has to boycott SD just because we hate ashley.
  6. huss9

    Stanley Nsoki

    rumours we've sent dubravaka across to paris to pick this kid up.
  7. its the working classes, people with little money and kids to clothe etc. not everyone can afford to shop at JD. they're hardly going to boycott SD because Ashley's fucked our club. and I dont think we should criticise them because of it.
  8. Ashely is so fucking stupid. the more you read that mail article. the more you actually realise the fat cunt is actually thick as fuck. let's just move on from the Rafa saga for the moment. if he really was now as ambitious as he says why didnt he go for a top, or even up and coming coach? why Bruce? it seems genuinely to be because Bruce is a geordie and he thought the fans would be grateful to have "one of their own" in the hot seat. he says he's more shocked at the response to Bruce's appointment than he is to Rafa's leaving. unfuckingbelievable.
  9. "i hope joelinton won't be the last"..... so he actually might be then? wtf? should have said "he definitley wont be the last".
  10. these things are never a fucking true interview. they are a monologue. martin samuel, and skysports before him, need to hang their heads in shame.
  11. loads are gonna fall for that. if the chronicle had any balls, they would be pulling that interview apart line by line.
  12. what the fuck is it with journalists, man? we dont expect to compete with the top six. what about bournemouth, watford etc? he offered to put £20 into the training ground? - well go on then, lets see you do it. he's saying he wont sell now for at least £500m - well thats how i read it. "what's £10m here or there to an arab billionaire?" - so he admits to fucking them around and moving the goalposts? what made steve bruce a top 3 candidate?
  13. they can all build the biggest, most up to date stadiums for hundreds of millions of pounds. they'll never be able to buy what we have - location.
  14. huss9


    albert luque says hi. thats the only other bizarre high price signing i can think of. his was even more bizarre as he was a lot older and i dont even think Depor were asking anything near £10m at the time. still FFS >>>>>> FCB anyday of the week.
  15. huss9


    nee way is it anywhere near that.
  16. huss9


    usually we get a signing and the kids are bugging me for a new kit (dhgate, of course) with the players name on. not a peep this year. the wife asked them and just got a "no thanks". no new toon kits for the first time in years. opted for paraguay almiron and venezuale rondon shirts. little buggers. if only they'd agreed to boycott too.
  17. wait till the end of the transfer window - net spend? what net spend? could see longstaff and schar/fernandez leaving for a combined £60m at least. chuck in Gayle and it will be reaching £80m. i bet the joelinton fee is closer to £25m with add-ons, but that would leave us with more to spend hence "undisclosed" with rumours of £40m.
  18. norwich city. first away game of the season. relatively small ground. already down to zero loyalty points.
  19. huss9


    just doesnt make sense. no sound of any interest from any other club. why? and how have they rated him at nearly £40m? based on what exactly? i'm sure Rafa could have spotted a more talented striker under the age of 25 that would have cost less than £40m. would they have to reveal his true price in the 2019/2010 accounts when they are finally released in 5 years time?
  20. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    wherever mike's ringpiece happens to be.
  21. 2 signings? 2 strikers, 2 full backs. 1 defensive midfielder, 1 winger. - and they're just the essentials. he really needs to get cracking.
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