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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Graham Carr

    aye people have to remember that the players he often brought in werent even first or second choice. saying that though - whats the point if there's not a decent coach to utikise/develop them?
  2. ashley's basically bought a club to make profit. no intention to compete at a sporting level. no intention to reinvest. no intention to try and win a trophy. basic aim is stay in the premier league at minimal cost - just to make money. thats got to go against the whole point of having a sports competition. if there is no desire to compete then nufc should be thrown out of the premier league. KK took ashley to court and won and i'm sure Rafa, hughton and certain players would have plenty to say. there should be a fucking investigation. ashley should be told to get out or just shut the club down. surerly there's some kind of code with regards to sporting competition. has there ever been a similar situation in say the NBA or NFL or any sorting competion in the world when there's a clear lack of intemtion to compete, and the existance of the sportung club is for making money only. am pissed so its hard getting my point across but do u get what i mean? or possibly talking bollocks.
  3. there would still be the "give him a chance, its not his fault" brigade. nope - has to be pardew, wise, or kinnear. in an ideal world getting all 3 would be fucking perfect. enjoy the game lads.
  4. That won’t take into account people who have just cancelled their direct debits they won’t see that until they find loads of DD failing next time a payment is due. I really hope it’s huge numbers that have cancelled. ?? I think NUFC give options for DD payments to be taken out on either the 1st or 15th every month. That means that come Monday, they should know how many DD’s have been cancelled. yeah know a few who have set up DD's for the 15th and will cancel them the day before.
  5. would honestly love Pardew back. couldnt hate any prick as much as him. we need someone we can absolutely hate from the start.
  6. nah! fat bastard will just be clearing out his desk.
  7. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    Why? Like shouting at the monkey when the organ grinder won’t listen. the more people that find it uncomfortable being yes men for ashley the better. be brilliant if he resigned because he felt he was getting too much abuse. the more pressure on ashley the better.
  8. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    need to go public against him and not just ashley.
  9. the fat cunts - "what do you mean you don't want Rafa when you take over? who do you want?" BZG - "ooh see if fat sam would come back, if not him try the really popular geordie fella that used to play for manure and manage the mackems. he's got a great record as premeir league manager."
  10. serious question the journos should be asking - which other premier league team would even consider Bruce as manager?
  11. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    that could take a while.
  12. i want us to go into the new season without a manager. i hope every cunt turns them down... hopefully stipulating they cant work under the fat bastard's constraints. steve bruce would really become a hero if he turns us down saying he couldnt do his job with his hands tied, the gross northumbrian fuck.
  13. and not just any rat - one with syphilis and diarrhoea.
  14. Yeah, I don't struggle to believe that 1/3 have cancelled, instead I struggle to believe that 2/3 are still thinking of going. Just baffles me that tens of thousands still think it's sensible to spend £600 and rock up every week to watch this shitshow. I would say a fair percentage of those that have signed up have done it in the hope that a takeover goes through and they don't lose their seats. know of several. They're either idiots or liars, then. Or both. I don't doubt that people of that mindset exist, but for it to be 2/3s of our fanbase seems disappointing. a couple are idiots, ones a liar but the rest are definitely neither.
  15. Yeah, I don't struggle to believe that 1/3 have cancelled, instead I struggle to believe that 2/3 are still thinking of going. Just baffles me that tens of thousands still think it's sensible to spend £600 and rock up every week to watch this shitshow. I would say a fair percentage of those that have signed up have done it in the hope that a takeover goes through and they don't lose their seats. know of several.
  16. that last line in the statement was completely unneccessary if things were going to plan and they were confident of completing the deal soon.
  17. first bit confirmed in the Mail today.
  18. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    shelvey/colback powerhouse a midfield next season then.
  19. if its noble and we get relegated, he's got no excuse. especially as he says the squad is fine.
  20. no manager and the chronicle are running stories about possible signings. honestly wtf planet are they on?
  21. So why doesn’t FCB put out a statement saying so? and why isnt that a chronicle front page headline fron Ryder?
  22. no way was a release clause of £30m in his contract when he signed it. on recent form if he signed a new contract today it would be believable. the fat cunt will just put it out as a release clause being activated as if to say we had no choice over the sale.
  23. In where ? sjp box office for the last minute season ticket rush.
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