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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9


    hopefully its only a loan deal because rafa wants the £50 million kitty for a couple of strikers, and the money from players sales for fullback and/or midfielder. fucking doubt it though.
  2. huss9


    some great saves, but again with one of them he pushed the ball straight back out to one of their players, needing Hendo to block.
  3. huss9


    what a fucking evening. thrilled. but... ashley young is a detestable dirty cheating cunt. just saying.
  4. huss9

    Jose Enrique

    get well soon. best LB i've ever seen for us. also gets bonus legend points for when he figured out what this club really was becoming under ashley and p**dew.
  5. might have settled. any more of a liability than shelvey? worth a second chance unless we get silly money for him.
  6. Yes, but he's never had a problem with Carnley, the blockers are above Charnley. Exactly, Justin Barnes is appointed in December (just in time for the Jan transfer window, in the Champo season) and Rafa has been fighting against the immovable object ever since. Douglas reported that Barnes blocked a loan deal for Loftus-Cheek (with permanent option attached) during hos first window of blocking duties. was the loftus-cheek deal actually set up by rafa then rejected? or was rafa just interested?
  7. see, this is the thing. he didnt need to come out and say he wanted rafa to stay or "hoped" he would stay. he should have simply said there is no way rafa is going to leave and that he is personally going to ensure it. thats why i'm convinced ashley's not really that bothered. he gets £6m for rafa then swiftly moves on and shifts lascelles out too. still be loads of managers interested in coming to the toon especially with this new £36m kitty. crowds may drop but we'll still get over 40k turning up. not a great drop in income in the grand scheme of things. Imagine what would happen if he came out and said he was personally going to ensure that Rafa stays and then Rafa turns down the contract though. I think Ashley just wants to keep himself at arms length from the whole thing to cover his arse. Even Ashley surely realises that keeping Rafa is the best way to ensure we don't drop down a division again, and end up costing him more money. What's the other option, letting Rafa go and then appointing a less successful coach, who he still has to back in the market to some degree, and potentially ending up with another McClaren scenario? Mike is a moron, but even he must understand how lucky we are to have Rafa here. not if his target is just to stay in the premier league at minimal spend. rafa is gonna be after him asking him for money every transfer window and then trying to expand the squad to deal with trying to win domestic cups or compete in the europa league. ashley doesnt need the earache.
  8. see, this is the thing. he didnt need to come out and say he wanted rafa to stay or "hoped" he would stay. he should have simply said there is no way rafa is going to leave and that he is personally going to ensure it. thats why i'm convinced ashley's not really that bothered. he gets £6m for rafa then swiftly moves on and shifts lascelles out too. still be loads of managers interested in coming to the toon especially with this new £36m kitty. crowds may drop but we'll still get over 40k turning up. not a great drop in income in the grand scheme of things.
  9. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    Fucking hell man. ...Was he South African? :lol:ha ha. excellent, and much funnier than the original joke.
  10. national press lapping his shite up, but shearer nails it.
  11. his save from giroud was just so important. 1-1 and they build up a head of steam and we shit our pants. instead we go up the other end and finish them off.
  12. eh?? its like he has no access to rafa. why make a public statement hoping rafa will stay.... why dont u just fucking speak to him in person and get it sorted!!!! worrying.
  13. looks like the best footballing team in the championship is going to bottle it for the second year running.
  14. major investment in the summer of 16/17, ffs - what about the sales that funded it and the net profit!!!!
  15. huss9


    are owners allowed to simply cancel debt, and pay off debt to other creditors with their own money? #rattled.
  16. in the gallowgate plenty boos ringing out at full time. disgraceful, especially in light of the comments from kenedy about the fans here. the positivity from the crowd in recent weeks has made an immense impact on the players. also the lack of rotation in recent months (rightly so, imo) is causing a little fatigue to set in physically and mentally so we were always going to have a blip.
  17. created 4 easy chances and missed the lot. their keeper has a worldy. they score with their 1 decent effort. on another day... ho hum. shit but not worth the boos.
  18. Fucked. Oh, and Adrian Durham is a cunt. he can be, but he had pardew figured out early on tbf.
  19. huss9


    thats actually in the stadium of light
  20. should make sponser a darker blue.
  21. hard to get too angry about the game. players playing every game running out of steam. probably get some rotation now. merino had a nice little cameo and would be nice to see murphy get a start this weekend. nothing's gonna be bad enough to spoil this season.
  22. the goalkeeping in that game, ffs.
  23. huss9


    VXi said: ↑ They were singing 'six in row, six in a row, now the smb are two leagues below' at Leicester. Maybe they are over it. is that the case? i was at leicester and didnt hear that.
  24. loic remy getting a couple away to valencia
  25. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    been doing well but was far too casual in the build up to arsenal's goal.
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